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Selection Dates 2013-2018

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Hello Buck (or anyone else who wants to chime in),

I was merit/competition listed for DEO pilot in the end of August 2017. Any clue how many pilots they selected on January 18th? They told me in November that they had a huge backlog and weren't selecting anyone until February, but I think the recruiter might have just been wanting me to stop calling, although I only called about once a month to check on my file.

In fact, as I skim through here I see you said this on another post (January 8th 2018): "Yes, for the most part the only selections occurring prior to mid/late February for 2018/2019 are for subsidized education (ROTP, MOTP, DOTP, SEELM & NCM-STEP).  2018/2019 selections for all other entry plans normally don't start occurring until early March at the earliest.  There are exceptions to this, but for the most part leaning forwarding doesn't occur."

When I talked to the recruiting centre, they never really made any mention that I wouldn't be eligible for the Jan 18th selection, although as far as it goes I feel like the recruiters are very limited in what they can tell you and/or what information they have access to.

If this is the case, do you or anyone know of any DEO pilot selections? It kind of made my heart sink to read that as ever since the 18th I can't stop looking at my phone.

In the meantime I'll keep studying so I can get into law schools that I don't want to go to half as much as I want to be an RCAF Pilot.

Anyone out there been made an offer? Fingers crossed for you all!
FA22raptero said:
Any clue how many pilots they selected on January 18th?
Merit-listed pilot hopeful here. Are you sure a selection occurred on Jan 18 for pilot? Did your recruiter tell you this?
Roger123 said:
Merit-listed pilot hopeful here. Are you sure a selection occurred on Jan 18 for pilot? Did your recruiter tell you this?

I had a couple of recruiters say selections were being made, but they never really elaborated. I was sort of going on what I saw a couple of merit listed pilots above me say. See my updated post above^. When were you merit listed?
Roger123 said:
Merit-listed pilot hopeful here. Are you sure a selection occurred on Jan 18 for pilot? Did your recruiter tell you this?

I called in on the date of my previous post and was notified a selection was occuring, for my trade, by my recruiting office. As for the number being selected, that I have no further information on.
Yeah it is very difficult sitting on the merit list having no idea where you stand and when, if ever, they will call you up. I hope they take a lot. Let us know if you get called!
Received my offer of enrolment today! DEO construction engineering officer, beginning BMOQ March 12. Anyone else got their offers from this past selection?!

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PR1991 said:
Received my offer of enrolment today! DEO construction engineering officer, beginning BMOQ March 12. Anyone else got their offers from this past selection?!

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congrats! what recruiting center?
PR1991 said:
Received my offer of enrolment today! DEO construction engineering officer, beginning BMOQ March 12. Anyone else got their offers from this past selection?!

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Congratulations PR1991!!!
I missed a call from my recruitment office yesterday and when I called back today, one of the recruiters told me my file manager was away so I am :waiting: and hopefully tomorrow, I will get my offer.  :nod:
FA22raptero said:
When were you merit listed?
I believe in early September. I had to email my file manager to find out that I was placed on the competition list.

PR1991 said:
Received my offer of enrolment today! DEO construction engineering officer, beginning BMOQ March 12.

Congratulations man. Prep well for the physical components of BMOQ and kick ass!
PR1991 said:
Received my offer of enrolment today! DEO construction engineering officer, beginning BMOQ March 12. Anyone else got their offers from this past selection?!

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Congrats PR1991!

I've been on the competition list for DEO EME since the summer but still haven't heard anything yet :(. Has anyone heard anything from cfrc Toronto?
I'm out of Vancouver. I'm tempted to call and ask but I'm not sure there's a point, and I might just be annoying them. Plus, I imagine they will just tell me the same as always... "you're on the competition list, I'm not sure when/if you'll get called"....
FA22raptero said:
I'm out of Vancouver. I'm tempted to call and ask but I'm not sure there's a point, and I might just be annoying them. Plus, I imagine they will just tell me the same as always... "you're on the competition list, I'm not sure when/if you'll get called"....

Hey I'm out in vancity too! Merit listed for DEO infantry as of October. Haven't heard anything either! Will keep you posted.
FA22raptero said:
Roger did you get selected? Where is your recruiting centre?

No offer yet. My recruiting centre is Toronto. Did your recruiter give you an idea of your level of competitiveness?
Hi Buck,

When you get a chance, could you please check on the available positions left for the trade of Construction Engineering Officer under the DEO entry plan?

Kindest regards,
To ease the tension for pilot hopefuls out there, I toke this from BUCK_HRA post.

"Time Frame: After a selection it can take 3-5 business days for a CFRC to be informed of who was selected, from there it can take another 5-7 business for an applicant to be informed (depending on the workload of a CFRC, and when the applicant is set to do BMQ/BMOQ).  This translates to a total of 8-12 business days from when a selection occurs to when the applicant is informed of the offer.

As always the most accurate and up to date information on Selection Dates is your respective CFRC."
So if we assume a selection for PLT occurred Jan 18, the earliest we should expect 'The Call' would be Wed of this coming week.
Hi Buck
I'm applying for DEO Nursing Officer. I'm wondering if you know when the next selection for this position will be? thanks!
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