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Rucksack Suggestions/Help.


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So I'm a CIC officer - Army. My goal is to be able to do the BFT (because everyone else has to do it, and it will also set a good example for the cadets). I've been training so far, however I don't have a ruck. My problem is that I'm somewhat shorter, in the past I have used the 82 pattern ruck which with full valise and "stuff" it becomes uncomfortable in the sense that it hits be on the upper leg area and makes it harder to walk (the back 'pad' is below/on my butt"). I've been told that isn't supposed to happen, but does beacuse I'm short. So anways....

1) Is there any way to somehow fix this problem? I was thinking of taking a ruck and getting one of my friends to shorten the frame (take a chunk otu and weld it back together, if thats possible)

2) I've never used the 64 pattern, would this be better?

3) Is there another ruck that anyone suggests? (Obviously, my BFT isn't official since there's no means for CIC officers to do it)

4) does ayone know of a supplier who makes the 82 pattern bags in cadpat?

Of course, a ruck iosn't on my scale of issue, so I'd be buying surplus stuff.

Any thouhts would be most appreciated :)


OCdt Wilson

1) no I belive this would weaken the fame and cause you many a back issue
2) yes the 64 pattern is better and if you are willing to buy check out http://www.cpgear.com/default.asp?mn=1.19.56&f=pd&pid=218
3) If you wish to do a BFT then get a 64 pattern frame and some aftermarket straps.This is a better system and you back will thank you
4) no but cp gear makes a 64 pat bag in cadpad


Just out of curiosity, how would having a cadpat bag versus the standard bag help you do a BFT?

But, whatever you like, if you search rucksack in the equipment forum you should find links to people who make, and sell different bags.
Sig_Des said:
Just out of curiosity, how would having a cadpat bag versus the standard bag help you do a BFT?

But, whatever you like, if you search rucksack in the equipment forum you should find links to people who make, and sell different bags.

I don't belive having cadpad was going to help him with the march, I think that was a personal pref.

My problem is that I'm somewhat shorter, in the past I have used the 82 pattern ruck which with full valise and "stuff" it becomes uncomfortable in the sense that it hits be on the upper leg area and makes it harder to walk (the back 'pad' is below/on my butt").

How tall are you?

I'm 5'6" and my 82 pattern ruck never really fit right untill I dropped it off the back of an ML. Sounds crazy? I know of at least one other short guy who did the same and now his ruck fits perfect. The idea is to bend the frame just a bit under the ruck's own weight.

Short of this "unauthorized modification" of your 82 pattern frame, my advice is to ensure that you have every part of your ruck rigged up properly. If you have all the straps going through all the proper loops then you should be able to be able to pick your ruck and shake it without ANY movement between the valise and the main compartment. The 82 pattern ruck sucks, but its alot worse if you don't know what you're doing. And if you have the thing set up properly, then shorter guys then myself have got by just fine.
The 82 pattern ruck is a blight on mankind.  Get a better ruck.

82 pattern ruck is a pain in the a$$ and a pain to the back.  If you can lay your hands on a 64 pattern ruck frame, it with new shoulder straps and waist belt would be great.

I should point out that as a CIC, you are not protected in any way shape or form if you strap on 50 Lbs onto your back and try to run 13 Km.  If you are injured - be it temporarily or permanently, you are on your own & the CF will have nothing to do with you...... don't forget that point.... you are the only one to blame for your injury.

WRT giving the example to the cadets.... not sure you would be giving the right example to suggest to cadets that they should be training up for this kind of thing without proper supervision & lots and lots of training.  If they are injured - be it temporarily or permanently, they are on their own & the CF will have nothing to do with them ... and, don't forget this poing... you will have to carry the blame if any one of them gets injured.

Note that you are expected to do the 13 Km in 2hrs and 26min 20 sec.  This is a walking cadence of 5.33km per hr - you do not need to run to achieve this objective - you do not get any brownie points by
I shot you a PM catalyst listing several things that could go wrong.

If you're still gung-ho about it and want to try it, shoot me a PM and we can set up a time for you to take a stroll with me through the scenic Stanley Park.

