I give up....i'm going back to my airplane. Let me know how it all works out.

I give up....i'm going back to my airplane. Let me know how it all works out.
SupersonicMax said:CDN Aviator doesn't want to loose his job (or refuses to believe he will one day)
Ex-Dragoon said:Matthew you can't just ignore one aspect of the Arctic for another. It has to be all or nothing. Yeah its great we can keep ships from violating our borders but to ignore the sub surface and air threat is just ludicrous.
As for your comment on hyperbole, once gets tired of people hinting that we do not know our jobs or that something that you may have a better idea of whats going on even though you might never hunted a sub in your life. Hence the frustration of Cdn Aviators post. One of his primary jobs is hunting subs....full stop! If he went in and started to tell the boys in the infantry forum that section battle drills are out to lunch because he knows a better approach, what do you think they are going to tell him?
Bandit1 said:In 99% of non-troll cases (and 100% of cases involving me) insulting or demeaning you is never the intention. In this respect I honestly don't know what to say as I've seen it so many times on this forum from very many very smart people and each time I see it, it baffles me. I bluntly do not know if this is a military culture issue or not (this is not a criticism!). I can tell you from my private sector standpoint, there exists a constant state of objective criticism and group problem solving moving ever closer to wikinomics model than based on any type of hierarchy. In meetings, I run with CEO's, COO's, CFO's, etc., there is very little attachment to one's concept or model. Instead, everything is extremely fluid and blunt analysis is done without the emotional vesting that appears to exist in this environment.
Bandit1 said:I agree with you that attachment to one's ideas and theories and the attacking of anyone who disputes them is very rampant not only in business, but also, as you pointed out, in places such as the academic world. What used to be termed debate and entertained arguments from both sides is now becoming more and more an attack on the individual - something that I recently was confronted with when someone in one of my classes stood up and said that anyone who supports the Afghan mission is simply out to kill all Muslims from the world. Then he turned to me and stated "That includes you."
Greymatters said:Ouch! That would make it quite personal, and I wouldnt blame you for responding in kind.
Ref the example, just wanted to clarify that its pretty much the same everywhere... its hard not to defend something youre passionate about and belief to be true.
Oh, no need to call me 'sir'.... I work for a living, etc....
that is dependant on how much ice is gone and how far a Halifax class(if they are still in commissionbut their presence on a Halifax Class ship could be used in some way shape or form given that multiple assets are going to be covering multiple layers of the area.
On top of all that...is it time for a new Arctic air base? One that is fully functional and can house several units tasked for the sole purpose of protecting our North? Something that is different from the arctic warfare training base that is being proposed?
Canada's military is pushing ahead with its plan to buy aerial drones outfitted with weapons even as the Harper government is promising to pull out troops from Afghanistan in 2011.