Given that draft distribution plan, there are some questions I assume that the Army knows the answers to…
The ARCG sub units becoming mechanized with between 7-15 vehicles, how will deployed maintenance work? Will the reserves now field a 1 and 2 line Maintenance capability with the ARCG? What is the actual ARCG vehicle ORBAT and personnel ORBAT now ?
IRU vehicles, since there is no actual IRU, it’s a rotating task of about 1-2 months between units, how will driver training work, is this an A vehicle or a B vehicle? Does it need a crew commander? More importantly how will vehicle maintenance work? Both in terms of tech proficiency on the vehicle as well as overall ownership of maintenance and VOR? How will the vehicles be transferred from unit to unit?
Given these are Domestic and not envisioned for combat purposes will the Army support the 3rd Battalions trying to own them all and deploy them on war fighting exercise in Alaska?
What is the CP variant? Is it like the Bison CP or the LAV CP? We need both. Is there more radios on order to outfit all 170?
What is the forward maintenance and recovery plan since there are no MRT, wrecker etc. types envisioned?