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Royal Marines Hazing Video

Infanteer said:
Give "Green-Eyed Boys" a read if you can get your hands on it.   It's about 3 Para and their battles in the Falklands.   If you wanted makeup for drag, you asked Mortar Platoon because they were a pack of cross-dressers.   Lots of naked men, shack rats, crap and all that jazz - it makes this stuff look gentle.

I want to beleive that youre pulling my chain...

Not that I agree with or condone hazing, im simply acknowledging the fact that it exists... but stuff like this, to me, just goes past the extreme end of my bizzarro scale...
Come on guys, the navy has been cross dressing for hundreds of years.

It's bizarre sure but some things guys just do, once you cross the line where you're embarrassed of other mens nudity and feel comfortable enough in your own right (like I don't know after 32 weeks of side by side training) you don't really care or find things as bizarre as they once were.
Anyone who's played competitive minor hockey will attest to that.
In fact once you get in the right mindset, I'm sure fighting naked in a field of mud wearing padding on your arms is pretty tame.

I mean, what's the guy who's been everywhere and done everything supposed to do with their spare time?
Answer; Whatever is bizarre and disturbing enough to seem interesting.

Never fight naked unless your in jail.

  Seriously - some strange sounding stuff - but is it really that bad?
Nobody found it wierd when 300 near naked Spartans shitkicked a quarter million well dressed Persians, did they?  >:D
Found a pic of more dastardly royal marines in their gladiator death pit

Uhhh, Looks like somewhere in england to me. Nope Defiantly not Canadian  ;D
Connaught has concrete tent pads, these floors appear wooden...  ;)
onewingwonder said:
When an instructor puts the boots to a guys head, I'd say they've crossed the line. Way over the line.

Not only is it over the line, he's so far past it, its not even visible from where he's standing.

But I gotta say, every now-and-then I hear something that makes me disrespect the Marines even more. The other night I was playing with an ex-Marine on Xbox Live, and he was "high". This is a guy in his mid-20's, and about time to grow up. The things I heard from people who saw/read Jarhead also hasn't helped. Now I know most of those things aren't true, but they must be some iteration of the crazy things going on that we never hear about.
But I gotta say, every now-and-then I hear something that makes me disrespect the Marines even more. The other night I was playing with an ex-Marine on Xbox Live, and he was "high".

Might get chewed up a bit for this one mate.
Lots of people claim to be marines, navyseals, JTF etc..  Don't trust everything you hear on xbox live eh.
AoD71 said:
Not only is it over the line, he's so far past it, its not even visible from where he's standing.

But I gotta say, every now-and-then I hear something that makes me disrespect the Marines even more. The other night I was playing with an ex-Marine on Xbox Live, and he was "high". This is a guy in his mid-20's, and about time to grow up. The things I heard from people who saw/read Jarhead also hasn't helped. Now I know most of those things aren't true, but they must be some iteration of the crazy things going on that we never hear about.

Attention to detail. You are talking about United States Marines (USMC). This thread is talking about Royal Marines (UK).

And as mentioned, claims on the net should be taken with a grain of salt...
Oh sorry guys, I didn't know you were talking about those marines  :-\ . Yea I know what you mean, I'm not new to this thing. I had a conversation with him about the marines, and he's told me about how it was in the marines and the places he's been, so it seems credible. I hardly think that is a reason for me to get "chewed up". I'm just mentioning what I heard.
Theres every day posers who you can see a mile a way and theirs guys who do their homework.  I find the uber-posers often know more about weapon vehicle and army statistics than your common soldier because they eat breathe and shit the stuff. They have to sound legit after all.

As for the evil hazing video- it's a bit of a stretch but I still think you need to actually be on the ground to take something into context.
If they go too far in this example then they went too far. It happens. I'm sure its not widespread across the royal marines or we'd hear more about it.
