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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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So I didn't get accepted after I sent in my application, and now I have either two choices: to either upgrade my old marks and not go to college
(and possibly improve my extracurriculars)or to go to college for a year and transfer those courses over to ROTP. Which choice would the Forces look at more, the 1st or 2nd?
I am wholly interested in the Airforce and especially being a pilot if that helps. Thanks
I would suggest upgrading your old marks. I was in a similar situation, albeit I applied when I was in second year, and was rejected because some of my highscool marks were too low. It was a Gr.11 mark which actually made me unsuitable, I had and 85% average in Grade 12 and had I applied then I would have been accepted.. But once I applied to transfer in my second year they didn't really look at my university grades, only my high school ones.

So I would suggest you take the time to upgrade your math marks and your English marks as those are the two they seem to weight heavily. But work to have an 85% average and get some extracurriculars.
I think it's always better to keep moving forward with your education in case you don't get accepted into the CF. I'd say going to college for a year and excelling (while adding volunteer work, etc.) looks better on an ROTP application. It shows that you are suitable for the program because you have already seen and done well at the post-secondary level. I know this from experience because I dropped out of high school with generally bad grades, yet was still accepted into ROTP based on the strength of my performance at college.
When I applied to Transfer from university I was told my marks were not even looked at. I had an mid 80's average in grade 12, and decent enough GPA in my first two years of University. But was disqualified because of a grade 11 mark. So..
KerryBlue said:
When I applied to Transfer from university I was told my marks were not even looked at. I had an mid 80's average in grade 12, and decent enough GPA in my first two years of University. But was disqualified because of a grade 11 mark. So..

Well, I can't help you with the reasoning for that, I'm just relaying my experience. But it might be possible that there is a disconnect here because the OP is interested in ROTP, whereas you applied through the NCM route. Thus, the recruiting processes might not be similar (true even within the same recruiting streams among different individuals).
Gimpy said:
Well, I can't help you with the reasoning for that, I'm just relaying my experience. But it might be possible that there is a disconnect here because the OP is interested in ROTP, whereas you applied through the NCM route. Thus, the recruiting processes might not be similar (true even within the same recruiting streams among different individuals).

I went the ROTP route first, and was declined because of my academic suitability based on the above. After I was declined I switched to the NCM route. Should have been clearer in my first and subsequent post's. 
Disappointed after my medical and interview today, was advised during the interview that I don't qualify for ROTP for MPO because I need to have my "G" driver's license.  Since I just turned 17, that would be impossible under the graduated licensing system here in Ontario.  It was suggested I try reapplying after year 1 of my course. Oh well....back to the drawing board.
A word of advice to all MPO ROTP applicants- first off, follow your dreams, work hard, shoot for the stars, yadda yadda yadda.

Also, bear in mind the reality that there are so few MPO spots available every year so as to almost be prohibitive.  It might not be a bad idea to see if any other MOSIDs suit your interests and ensure that you include #2 and #3 choices, or be prepared for the high likelihood that you will not be accepted.


sheppardvines said:
Disappointed after my medical and interview today, was advised during the interview that I don't qualify for ROTP for MPO because I need to have my "G" driver's license.  Since I just turned 17, that would be impossible under the graduated licensing system here in Ontario.  It was suggested I try reapplying after year 1 of my course. Oh well....back to the drawing board.

What level of licence do you currently have and how soon would you be able to obtain your "G" licence?

I submitted my ROTP questionnaire on November 26th 2014. Should I expect a response before January? As well, would they notify those applicants who are unsuccessful in proceeding further?

Zjackal said:
I submitted my ROTP questionnaire on November 26th 2014. Should I expect a response before January? As well, would they notify those applicants who are unsuccessful in proceeding further?

If you haven't heard back by the middle of next week, I would suggest you respond back to the email that you received that included your Applicant ID # and instructed you on how to upload your documents to the RMC Portal, let them know that you uploaded the questionnaire, required transcripts and ask for an update.
DAA said:
If you haven't heard back by the middle of next week, I would suggest you respond back to the email that you received that included your Applicant ID # and instructed you on how to upload your documents to the RMC Portal, let them know that you uploaded the questionnaire, required transcripts and ask for an update.

Thank you for the response. I will follow up next week if nothing else changes.
tessa.vanz said:
Has anyone else completed CFAT, and med/int already?

Yes, These were just recently completed. It's nice to have it all done before the year end. There have been many encouraging people in the process. I am now waiting on feedback from the medical exam as a supplementary form had to be completed by my physician.  The wait begins!  :christmas happy:
durhamcadet1 said:
Yes, These were just recently completed. It's nice to have it all done before the year end. There have been many encouraging people in the process. I am now waiting on feedback from the medical exam as a supplementary form had to be completed by my physician.  The wait begins!  :christmas happy:

Seems I'm in a very similar situation! I'm hoping to have my forms completed and submitted when the CFRC reopens after holidays! What trade(s) are you applying for?
Hello, Ive been in the reserves for 2 years now and am wanting to switch my trade, as well as possibly switch over to an officer. Now this is very difficult for me to explain on text but basically I want to know if I can still remuster and go through ROTP if I can, because Id like to stay as an NCM as long as possible in the reserves and still go on EXs with my newly remustered unit before I or if I go to ROTP. Can i stay or do I specifically have to be engrossed in ROTP. I hope that this is a good enough explanation to my predicament and any help is very much appreciated! I am here to answer any responses regarding this ridiculous post! Thank you and Happy Holidays!  :cdn:
If you are on ROTP you are an Officer Cadet in the CAF which would preclude you from also being an NCM in the Reserves. Also, on ROTP you would be expected to undertake your BMIQ and other Occupational Training during the summer break periods which would mean no Reserve EXs.
Unless things have changed (my experience is almost 30 years old), ROTP members can go on exercise with Reserve units. When I was an ROTP officer cadet attending a civilian university, I used to go out with my old Reserve unit for weekend activities.  All I had to do was request permission from my chain of command and from my old Reserve unit.  As long as all parties were agreed, I was allowed to participate.  However, I did so as an officer cadet (not my former NCM occupation), which essentially meant I was an untrained dogsbody and I received no pay (other than my Regular Force salary).  A key point is that I was attending a civilian university.  I don't think you would have time to do anything like this if you were at RMC. 
You can begin the application process for ROTP and remain a Reserve NCM.  However once you are accepted and are enrolled in the regular force, (to begin whichever studies you have been approved for) you would no longer be a Reserve or NCM.
Pusser said:
I don't think you would have time to do anything like this if you were at RMC.

This is probably true most of the time; however, every now and then, the PWORs invite RMC OCdts to participate in their exercises.

If something were happening with a reserve unit on an RMC non-duty weekend, it might even be possible to participate in something with an old reserve unit, and, honestly, depending on the MOSID, you may or may not have multiple summers of OJT/OJE and employment at a reserve unit might be a possibility.

I think, though, that the OP's question is basically about whether he can continue in the reserves as an NCM while also training to be an officer.  Short answer is no- ROTP is for OCdts.
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