A few notes here:
1. Most larger employers don't have problems with reservists taking a year to a year and a half to do a tour. They already have procedures in place for maternity leave, which they are legally bound to honour, and they will typically honour them. The key is that the soldier has to give about the same notice as maternity leave- 6 months.
2. In a lot of cases, the problem lies more with the reservist- not doing things with enough time. Sometimes this can't be helped, goodness knows I've seen enough speedballs over the years where an augmentee is required for 6 months starting next week. But, in most cases, the 3-6 month lead time is feasible these days.
3. In a lot of cases, soldiers make their case at the wrong level. A low level manager is much more likely to say no than someone higher in the food chain. This is one of the areas that CFLC can help. Again, timing is the key thing.
4. Any program, whether it's carrot or stick is going to have problems with adoption with small employers. Kinda stinks, but it's reality. While the $500 per week tax write off is a no brainer for a large company, it's likely not rich enough to overcome the barriers that exist for a shop with less than 10 people, and each person has that much less replaceable.
5. Short leaves of 2 weeks are also usually not a big issue- it's really like normal vacation. One thing that I've encountered is that employers are often comfortable with leave without pay for courses, if you're concerned about all of your vacation days being used to attend courses.
6. the biggest difficulty is getting the 6-8 weeks that seems to be standard course length these days. To my mind, one of the most important hurdles that we face these days is reducing that time away from the unit while still maintaining the key content. Not so much an issue at the QL3 level, big issue when you're trying to get those 22 weeks of training over 5 courses to get someone from MCpl to WO.
7. The worst civ employer is multitudes better than the average non-res unit class B employer. Yes, I get that you're being paid out of one budget to do one job, and not to parade with the home unit. Yes, I understand that the focus needs to remain there. But jeez! It's like pulling teeth to get anything- half day CTO after an ex weekend, courses, sometimes even simple permission to parade during periods where there was no conflict. I've even had permanent class B members volunteer for Op Tours and get denied. There are some very good class B employers, but they are usually the exception.
and last of all...
8. Dave: get back to work you lazy bugger! Posting on this site in mid afternoon! There's some good standing around that you're missing out on at the puzzle palace...