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Well BIQ is not super diffucult, but deffinetly harder then any training you have upto now. If you enjoy the infantry tasks then BIQ can be alot of fun. There is of course the moments that you dont want to be there, but for me they were few and far between. If you go to wainwright with the outlook towards BIQ as a challenge, adventure and experience then you will honestly enjoy doing it, and more so enjoy completing it.

I just sent in my paper work to re-enlist in the reserves after a five year absence. If i want back in then BIQ obviously isnt the end of the world. Bottom line enjoy your self, its a great experience.

I Broke me leg at the beggining of Febuary and am supposed to go on BIQ this summer. I was wondering if it would be to intense for me if my leg is still weak and alot more vulnerable?
Any imput would be great!
Your doctor should be able to advise you better, but a leg break normally takes 6 weeks to heal. You will want to spend some time conditioning afterwards, as the muscles in the broken limb won‘t have been used as much.

I‘d say a bone break is easier to overcome than soft tissue injuries. I was all messed up last summer thanks to a runner‘s injury I got doing a charity 18km run before my SQ/BIQ started. By mid-way through SQ, on the rough, uneven and hard terrain at Meaford, I had reinjured the offending tendon in my knee. Every step I took was agony, no matter how much Vitamin "I" I took. And of course, dry course, so no beer to drown the pain either.

It eventually got better by BIQ, though it was never 100%, and man, those section attacks were certainly pretty hard with a bum knee.

Have fun, stay healthy. Pass the courses. Don‘t tear anything like a fellow highlander friend of mine did, which forced him to be RTU‘d before BIQ started.
I fly out to Wainwright for my reserve BIQ on Monday.  I've survived both BMQ and SQ with no problems, but those were both weekend courses.  Can anyone offer up some advice for my first full time course?  Especially anything specific to BIQ (other than to be in shape -I'm already working on that one!  :))?
Thanks for any advice?

Mods: feel free to move this if it is better suited to the "Training" section.

better yet, talk to any buddies in your unit about BIQ 
pack your kit, meet your timings, and run everywhere thats the best advice anyone ever gave me and its worked through my career also listen to everything they tell you and dont just flush it when the course is over TRUST ME it WILL save your life some day
he was leaving for his course on monday August 6th.
Well, I survived.  I actually had a very good set of instructors, all of whom were apparently the most laid back of any instructors the course officer had seen.  Maybe had something to do with the fact that three of the staff and the course WO were all recently back from tour and, according to the course officer, half deaf.

Completely different experience from the course that ran a week earlier, but I learned quite a bit and it certainly was an experience I won't forget.  26 days with no time off.
Were there any older guys on course? I am 34 and considering Infantry but wonder if this will be a huge mistake given my age. I just wonder what issues the older guys face on course?

rage said:
Were there any older guys on course? I am 34 and considering Infantry but wonder if this will be a huge mistake given my age. I just wonder what issues the older guys face on course?

The kids.

34 ain't that old -- people older than you will be doing the same job alongside you, just at a different rank.
I was the oldest on my course at 25.  But I did BMQ and SQ with some who was 40+ - in fact, he got top candidate on my SQ; he just didn't have the time to do BIQ this past summer.
CanadianTire said:
Completely different experience from the course that ran a week earlier, but I learned quite a bit and it certainly was an experience I won't forget.  26 days with no time off.

Yea, that was MY Course. Damn you...DAMN YOU! :P

Atleast i get the right to complain a little about my course, though ;D
rage said:
Were there any older guys on course? I am 34 and considering Infantry but wonder if this will be a huge mistake given my age. I just wonder what issues the older guys face on course?

In my two courses so far, BMQ the old guy was early late twenties early thirties I believe, Top Candidate, SQ old guy was 45+ and easily one of the worst on the course, not for lack of effort however, in the words of my fireteam partner "[he]'s old and gets hurt every other day, but he will make it to the finish, even if he has to drag himself there."
IMHO being 'older' might make it harder physically, but you *should* have more experience and a better understanding of your limits.
Good luck either way.
Hmm I know this topic was cold for years, lol, but eh, here goes..

Are there any airmobile (i.e. helicopters) training in Reserve BIQ? Are there any airmobile (i.e. helicopters) training after BIQ, as in during your career in the CF as a reserve infantryman? Just wondering..
DarkFireTaker said:
Are there any airmobile (i.e. helicopters) training in Reserve BIQ?
No, Reg Force only
DarkFireTaker said:
Are there any airmobile (i.e. helicopters) training after BIQ, as in during your career in the CF as a reserve infantryman? Just wondering..
Yes, you may have the opportunity sometime later in your career to do heli ops.
DarkFireTaker said:
Hmm I know this topic was cold for years, lol, but eh, here goes..

Are there any airmobile (i.e. helicopters) training in Reserve BIQ? Are there any airmobile (i.e. helicopters) training after BIQ, as in during your career in the CF as a reserve infantryman? Just wondering..

If you want some rotary wing time as a reservist, make sure that you book time to attend your annual Bde/ Area level concentration. Even if choppers aren't advertised beforehand, they may be able to secure them for the ex itself.

The hardest part about being older is trying to fit into the group.
pict said:
The hardest part about being older is trying to fit into the group.

Nah - make em want to be a member of YOUR group
  Well ya thats usually the case but I was much older than everyone else.  Even the warrant said what the hell are you doing running around with these kids lol...  Its good to make the warrant laugh with you...