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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Bob said:
If you do your B.Sc. at RMC, is it possible to go into a medical school at a civi university right away if you plan to become a MO? or would you have to either do your 4 years? and then apply or go through civi university to get your B.Sc. and then try and go MOTP?


We don't hire people who want to be MO and are not in medical school.  You can apply to go MO under the Medical Officer Training Plan (MOTP) after you have finished your current occupation training and have been operational.  It is up to you to get unconditional acceptance into a civilian medical school at that time.
I heard that RMC was really hard to get into. I am going to go down to my recruting office after Ifinish my grade 11 exams next week. I have over 80% in all my classes and hope to have the same after the exams. I am also currently being recruted into the 30 military police coy. as a reserve. I was in sea cadets for three years and I also have a part-time job (going to quit if I get in the reserves). I dont really have any volunteer time, but hope to get some once I get in the reserves (I will have more free time). given these things what would your opinions be that I might be accepted to RMC?
2332Piper said:
Well, the recruiting centre made a terrible mistake and told me yesterday that I have been accepted for ROTP.   ;)

Seems they have been doing that a lot lately, uh? ;)

Good job on getting in! I'll see ya in St. Jean, and kick your Anglo butt! :P (Just kidding)
I have read that the army Ocdt's have a course in their second summer for general army training. Do Navy Ocdt's do similar training? for the navy of course.
andpro said:
I have read that the army Ocdt's have a course in their second summer for general army training. Do Navy Ocdt's do similar training? for the navy of course.

My understanding is that everyone (all elements) goes through the same structure. IE, first summer is IAP/BOTC, (duh) second summer is some more training, (specific to your element) etc

As for BOTP start date... Mine's the 27th... Two weeks to go, I'm getting nervous right about now.
congratulations on getting accepted to RMC. Do youplan on staying in the CF after you finish your required service? Does anybody know how many people stay in after their required service? Hopefully I'll see you at RMC next year Frederik G. Good luck.
andpro said:
congratulations on getting accepted to RMC. Do youplan on staying in the CF after you finish your required service? Does anybody know how many people stay in after their required service? Hopefully I'll see you at RMC next year Frederik G. Good luck.


I personally plan on staying and making a career out of it, but of course, that could change. Right now, I don't see anywhere in the civvy world where I would wanna work, in any area, so why consider leaving?

As for how many people stay in, I have no clue. A few hundred people get accepted into RMC per year, but I'm not privy to the exact number. I recall the Lt(N) who did my interview mentionning 400, but I think that included civvy U.
Frederik G said:
My understanding is that everyone (all elements) goes through the same structure. IE, first summer is IAP/BOTC, (duh) second summer is some more training, (specific to your element) etc

As for BOTP start date... Mine's the 27th... Two weeks to go, I'm getting nervous right about now.

Close, but not quite.

Your first summer you do IAP. That's it, that's all you have time for. Next summer you do BOTP(IAP and BOTP together make of BOTC), and then probably Second language training or an OJT. For your third summer, all army people do CAP (Common Army Phase) and the rest of us move on to other trade/elemental training, etc.
Also remember that the system is contantly changing. It used to be that RMC cadets would do an IAP/BOTP combined course in one summer. Right now it's split up into two summers for everyone, whether your civi U or RMC. Now I've heard stories from our DS just this summer that they're changing IAP and BOTP around completely.

Anyhow, just remember, RELAX. Inspections *will* go badly. You *will* get in trouble because one person didn't tie his shoe properly. The worst thing you can do in these situations is get stressed out and start screaming at people. It doesn't matter how much you may dislike someone, you work your behind off to get everyone through the course.
Work hard, keep your wits about you, and everything should be fine.

Good luck!
How useful are swiffers?  I know some places, Swiffers are just pointless, but would Swiffers make any difference at RMC or St. Jean?
pi-r-squared said:
How useful are swiffers?  I know some places, Swiffers are just pointless, but would Swiffers make any difference at RMC or St. Jean?

Swiffers are good for a quick dusting. Those mr. clean magic erasers are great for getting marks off the floor.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the stone frigate? I know it is a residence but, is it only for navy like the name would imply? I have never been in it because it was under construction when I was at RMC for Cadet camp.
andpro said:
I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the stone frigate? I know it is a residence but, is it only for navy like the name would imply? I have never been in it because it was under construction when I was at RMC for Cadet camp.

No, it's not only for cadets in the Navy. All the squadrons at RMC (there are ten, plus the UTPNCM squadron) are composed of cadets of all three elements. The frigate houses #1 (Hudson, but you'll never hear them refer to themselves as that!) Squadron, and let me tell you it's a pretty sweet place to live now that the renovations are done.
I just found out that it was called the stone frigate because of it once being part of the naval detachment.

How are the squadrons decided? Is it something like your program or is it a sort of random thing?

edit: I meant to say detachment.
A stone frigate also refers to naval reserve formations not just naval bases. I think you will find there was never  a naval base in Ottawa and other inland cities.
andpro said:
How are the squadrons decided? Is it something like your program or is it a sort of random thing?

Each squadron contains a broad mix of elements, academic programs, and first languages.
I'm gonna guess it will be sorta like Hogwarts? (in terms of determining squadron placement)
Basic Person said:
I'm gonna guess it will be sorta like Hogwarts? (in terms of determining squadron placement)


im thinking that theres have a big sorting berret that talks and calls out your name and where you are going...and then everyone cheers...even the forth years who love first year cadets  :blotto:
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