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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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I have a question, first of all I can get reccomendations from a Captain in the Army and a retired MP with alot of credabillity. Anyways, will it make any difference if I get reccommendations from them to RMC if I even can use reccommendations?

When I applied for the reserves I had to have two references. I am guessing that you would have to have references for RMC (Someone could correct me if I'm wrong). Those people would be good references as long as one of them has known you for 5 years or more.
andpro said:
When I applied for the reserves I had to have two references. I am guessing that you would have to have references for RMC (Someone could correct me if I'm wrong). Those people would be good references as long as one of them has known you for 5 years or more.

Yep, two references (a form they have to fill out, with a part where they can write "anything else of interest"), though I'm not sure about how long they have to have known you.
They have both known me for about 5 years now and I see them both regularly.
I have another question, how much of a difference would reccomendations make to RMC?
Erik said:
They have both known me for about 5 years now and I see them both regularly.
I have another question, how much of a difference would reccomendations make to RMC?

They can have an impact on what military potential (MP) score you are going to get and your MP + your academics is what is going to get you into RMC.  To be effective these recommendations have to be from someone who can accurately assess your leadership ability, how you interact in a group situations and how well you do in stressful situations.  As far as I am concerned, and I have done a couple of hundred ROTP interviews, when I need some sound examples of the aforementioned qualities I don't read letters of references from Capts or retired MPs, I read them if they are from teachers.  Good luck.
What happens if the Captain was your Platoon Commander?
Cancel my last - I see you made a specific reference to ROTP interviews (which, I'm assuming, is mostly HS students).

I was using my own example where I had a Reg Force Platoon Commander and didn't bother with University professors as they saw me (along with hundreds of other students) a 2-3 days a week for about an hour.  In this scenario, I figured the platoon commander would be the better judge of "leadership ability, how you interact in a group situations and how well you do in stressful situations".

Infanteer said:
Doesn't a Platoon Commander?

Perhaps if you are in the Regular Force but you don't apply to RMC through the recruiting centre when you are in the Reg F.
Sorry if this has been covered but...

Im a little confused on how the RMC operates...do you just study there full time, the way a civvie university works? Or do you train to be a soldier in the field at the same time while taking classes at the RMC?

And...what does IAC/BOTC, BOTP, ROTP stand for?
SeanPaul_031 said:
Sorry if this has been covered but...

Im a little confused on how the RMC operates...do you just study there full time, the way a civvie university works? Or do you train to be a soldier in the field at the same time while taking classes at the RMC?

And...what does IAC/BOTC, BOTP, ROTP stand for?

Yes, this has all been covered. But for your benefit...

IAC is not an acronym. I'm sure you meant IAP.
The Initial Assesment Period (IAP) and Basic Officer Training Period(BOTP) make up the Basic Officer Training Course (BOTC), which is held at Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School in St. Jean-sur-Richelieu at the Megaplex.
The Regular Officer Training Program(ROTP) is an entrance program for the regular forces, in which you receive subsidized education at RMC or a civi U in return for a 5 year service commitment at the end of your schooling.

The majority of your military training is done during the summer at various training centres around Canada, depending on your trade. There is a bit of military training done at RMC, but the large majority of your time is spent doing normal university stuff(class, labs, homework, etc).

Hope that helped!

Read through this thread and do a search before asking any more questions though.
Well I imagine these questions get obnoxious and I aplogize for not reading all 18 pages BUT...I've always been an aspiring member of the CF and am currently in the application process for the reserves...it turns out i'll really only have enough time to do basic training in the event i'm accepted to RMC which is where i wish to study...Is there any point in joining the reserves before hand? Moreover along with my hopes to serve overseas someday i also enjoy writing and am considering pursuing a career in public affairs...is this sort of thing frowned upon say in the chance i get an interview and i mention that...well anyways i have about an 85 average and am hoping that 41 highschool credits in 4 years will make up for any shortcummings RMC uncovers...as well i'm trying to volounteer as much as i can...i know they say there is no quota but as mentioned earlier...i'm not apart of any sort of visual minority and live in a toronto suburd...

What do you think...Yea...or Nay?

Again sorry for asking quesitons that have probably been answered a thousand times already...
matteo_z said:
Well I imagine these questions get obnoxious and I aplogize for not reading all 18 pages BUT...I've always been an aspiring member of the CF and am currently in the application process for the reserves...it turns out i'll really only have enough time to do basic training in the event i'm accepted to RMC which is where i wish to study...Is there any point in joining the reserves before hand? Moreover along with my hopes to serve overseas someday i also enjoy writing and am considering pursuing a career in public affairs...is this sort of thing frowned upon say in the chance i get an interview and i mention that...well anyways i have about an 85 average and am hoping that 41 highschool credits in 4 years will make up for any shortcummings RMC uncovers...as well i'm trying to volounteer as much as i can...i know they say there is no quota but as mentioned earlier...i'm not apart of any sort of visual minority and live in a toronto suburd...

What do you think...Yea...or Nay?

Again sorry for asking quesitons that have probably been answered a thousand times already...

If you apply for RMC this fall and you are accepted, you can expect to be enrolled in Jun 06 and attend IAP in Jul 06.  So don't confuse the situation or waste your time by applying for the reserves now.  It really won't make much difference for your chances in being accepted for RMC because of the short time available.  I would give you more points for volunteering then a couple of months in the reserves.  With an 85% average you stand a good chance but I hope you also have some leadership experience, team sports experience or other extra-curricular experience to improve your chances as academic performance only gets one foot in the door especially with your spelling mistakes in your post. ;D

Hey guys,
        After high school I plan to go to Royal military college for 4 years then do my 5 years in the army. Its my goal to try out for JTF 2, I know you need 2 years experience in the reg force or 3 years in the reserve to be eligible to try out. Would going to RMC for 4 years count as being in the reserves? Or would I have to do my 4 years in school then two years in the army before I can try?
        Okay I know what you are all thinking, that I'm a fat little high school kid who watches to much TV and thinks JTF 2 would be cool. In fact I do my best to prepare myself now for upcoming challenges and regularly do 11.5 km runs,the first half steeply uphill, with weights strapped to my ankles and wrists. I always try to push myself to the very limit to build extreme self discipline. I also work out every day to prepare for the coopers test, I bench 100lbs 16 times (I don't have anymore weight), do 14 straight arm chin ups, 58 push ups, and 58 sit ups. Now I'm not the kind of person to brag about stuff like that but I feel its necessary to let you guys know that I'm very serious about getting into JTF 2. If I were in combat I would want to be with the very best and strive to build my physical and mental stamina to be worthy of their presence.

Ben McLoughlin 
Do not expect your time at RMC to count towards the required service before you can apply for the JTF-2 selection process. You will have to complete your officer training and be posted to a field unit before that "clock" starts ticking.

You can find a number of JTF-2 related threads linked from the Infantry FAQ here:

Infantry FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

You may also want to go through the Officer threads linked from the Recruiting FAQ:

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html
Long story short - 99% sure no.  While you're at RMC, you're still a student.  If you read on about JTF2, you'll probably find  that you need to be fully trained in your classification and have some line experience before applying.  Most students aren't fully MOC trained until at least 3rd year, and depending on the MOC, sometimes well after they grad.  Not saying don't try - but more than likely your application won't get by the personnel selection officer for at least a year after you graduate.

Hope that helps.

Thanks guys,

      What if I joined the reserves now? I still have two years of high school then perhaps I could continue an extra year while in Kingston. I really appreciate your input as now is the time to make the decision of whether to join the reserves or not, I would have been screwed if I'd just waited banking on the 4 years at RMC to count. Also, is it possible to be an officer after having come out of RMC but join JTF 2 as an assaulter? Or would I have to join as an officer.

Ben mcLoughlin
Here's the way it (probably) works - keep in mind it has been quite some time since I attended CMR, but I suspect the rough outline of the process has not changed.

You attend RMC from the Aug-May timeframe each year. While you are there, you are getting your formal education and a good deal of professional development intended to make you a better officer, but little in the way of actual "trade training" - pilots are treated the same as infanteers.

Your summers are spent doing phase training. The first summer is probably going to be your SLC (second language training) course, then each subsequent summer will be a phase course.

Assuming you make it all the way through - and that is NOT a trivial assumption - what you are looking at is something like this:

- 1st Year RMC
- Second Year RMC
- Phase 2 (whatever)
- Third Year RMC
- Phase 3 (whatever)
- Fourth Year RMC (graduation) - promotion to 2Lt
- Phase 4 (whatever) - promotion to Lt
- Posting to an operational unit, "time in" clock for JTF2 starts.

Keep in mind that the standards for acceptance for RMC are VERY high, and JTF2 higher yet. You cannot just assume acceptance into either.

The requirement for a certain amount of service prior to being able to apply for JTF2 is (probably) a way to screen out the numpties from the real potential candidates. You will need to build up a service history that indicates that you *might* have what it takes to make it into JTF2. It's not about hitting some arbitrary time in checkbox; it's about providing some clue (via your performance at your unit) as to your suitability to JTF2.

This is not a system that you want to "game".

As far as weither being a ringknocker helps or hinders the possibility of being accepted into JTF2 - that I cannot answer.

I suggest, however, that you not bite off more that you can chew. Make it through Phase 2 Infantry at the top of your course before you even seriously consider JTF2.

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