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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Noctis said:
I got to say, I'm getting pretty worried. Anyone from CFRC Montreal got an update on the situation they wouldn't mind sharing? The wait is really unsettling...

Just calm down. First round of offers will be coming out for a while yet.
Still no news of CFRC in Rimouski! Starting to get worried but still optimistic! Anyway, congradulation to everyone who received an offer!

Hey guys, let me a place for MARS officer ;)
Just received my offer today of admission to go to CMR-St. Jean
Occupation is SIGS Officer
I'm coming out of CFRC Vancouver
I got an offer for RMC Kingston earlier today. I'm out of CFRC Hamilton. My occupation will be an AERE officer. (:
Looks like calls have come out of Hamilton, Vancouver and Toronto. Does anyone know of anywhere else?
I received my offer this afternoon out of CFRC Halifax for Nursing Officer!

Congrats to all accepted so far and Good Luck to everyone else!
For those who have yet to hear, keep your chins up!

I was given a conditional acceptance during first round for AEC last year, but unfortunately was dropped due to my lack of success at Aircrew Selection, therefore am currently reapplying.

First round, from what I've heard, will continue until the 30th, then there is always 2nd and 3rd round!
ROTPApplicantWLU said:
For those who have yet to hear, keep your chins up!

I was given a conditional acceptance during first round for AEC last year, but unfortunately was dropped due to my lack of success at Aircrew Selection, therefore am currently reapplying.

First round, from what I've heard, will continue until the 30th, then there is always 2nd and 3rd round!

Surprised they would drop you after all that and not just offer you a different occupation.
I wouldn't get too worked up if you haven't heard anything within the first 24 hours of offers. Offers will continue to trickle out over the next few weeks.

Think of how many phone calls they have to make to people to inform them, and then think of how many of you are calling them to find out if your offer is there. That's a lot of phone calls in a single work day to deal with.

And this waiting game will not change. Many friends are still waiting to find out where they are being posted (moved) to after finishing our 4 years of ROTP, and that's only a week away. Some people have known for weeks, others haven't heard a peep yet. If there's one thing I've learned so far, it's you'll know when they do, and not a minute sooner.

Best of luck to you all, and enjoy the rollercoaster.

Just got the phone call, and I've been accepted for Pilot. Probably going to RMC in the fall.

Best of luck to everyone.
Hey folks,

Just thought I'd let you know that I talked to my file manager at CFRC Ottawa this afternoon and they have yet to receive any offers for ROTP applicants and they do not have any idea when they will receive the offers.

Good luck to all!

DAA said:
Surprised they would drop you after all that and not just offer you a different occupation.

Unfortunately there were no spots left in my other occupation choices.

C'est la vie! Hopefully this round works out!
FirstYear said:
Is there anyone here from CFRC Kingston? (Det. of CFRC Ottawa)

I'm from CFRC Hamilton, but will hopefully be sworn in at CFRC Kingston if I am picked up (Currently studying at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, so my CFRC is Hamilton. I will be returning to Kingston however in just over a week, so have asked to be sworn in there if I am picked up)
First off, congrats to everyone who has been offered a position for ROTP!

Today I was contacted by the RC and was told that I will be doing first year in St-Jean, and the remainder of ROTP will be in Kingston. My question is how does the board decide who goes to CMR? I put down CMR as my second choice of institution (Kingston was first), but I know a number of people who were offered it without even putting it on their list.

Just to note, I have all my prerequisites for my program (engineering) and my marks were mid 80s in the International Baccalaureate program, so I'm assuming that academics are not the reason (correct me if I'm wrong though).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

*I did do a search for similar topics first, but I was unable to find anything. Sorry if this creates a double thread.*
Are you from English Canada or Quebec?

I'm going to self quote here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/106179/post-1224320.html#msg1224320

Otherwise I really can't say!
Congrats to the people who have been accepted so far!
Has anybody dealing with CFRC Fredericton heard anything yet? I know applications only just started rolling out, but I haven't heard anything from these parts.  :cdn:
Well congratulations either way! Hopefully you get some equivalencies that they'll apply towards your program in Kingston. Your best bet would probably be to call your file manager and ask him.
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