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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Conditional Offer of Enrollment from CFRC Vancouver.

MARS Officer. RMC Kingston.

Good luck to rest of you out there.

Conz said:
From my understanding of how it was described to me last year, not all positions were filled in the first selection. There were 400 openings at the time of the second selection. Also, there is a third selection considered a "top up" where those who declined offers of employment left spots vacant. Keep in mind this isn't an exact methodology. People were accepted for civi-u combat trades last year in the first selection.

Fingers crossed. Good luck.

Okay, thanks for the info! Either way, if I don't make it this year I'll just start my degree and reapply from Ottawa. My file will only be more competitive that way, especially since I'm doing my first aid course within the next 2 weeks.
Chelomo said:
Does anyone have any experience with second selections? I didn't expect to make the first since I'm going to Civvy U and they're processing RMC applicants first (Especially since I want to go Combat Arms), but do they fill all their positions by first selection, and more open for second, or do they stagger the whole thing?
The only people who can provide good info on this are people with firsthand knowledge.  You'll likely find 0 in this thread, and the best place to ask is your recruiting center.

If you trust what you hear (either here on the forum, through friends, or sometimes even from recruiters), you'll be very confused because you'll have about 347 different explanations for how selections work.

Also, for what it's worth, applying/attending Civ U doesn't mean that you're not being considered for RMC.  We have people who wanted Civ U but were pulled out of their universities that they were ALREADY ATTENDING to attend RMC as first years; others applied only for Civ U and got offers for only RMC.
Not called yet from CRFC Quebec City. Last year I received my offer on April 23 couple of day after some guys. First round selection can take a couple of day guy so if you don't get an offer today do not panic.
jwtg said:
The only people who can provide good info on this are people with firsthand knowledge.  You'll likely find 0 in this thread, and the best place to ask is your recruiting center.

If you trust what you hear (either here on the forum, through friends, or sometimes even from recruiters), you'll be very confused because you'll have about 347 different explanations for how selections work.

Also, for what it's worth, applying/attending Civ U doesn't mean that you're not being considered for RMC.  We have people who wanted Civ U but were pulled out of their universities that they were ALREADY ATTENDING to attend RMC as first years; others applied only for Civ U and got offers for only RMC.

Yeah I know, but I was found unsuitable for RMC, so unless there's a divine intervention I doubt I'll get an offer from there. And I am aware that this is an unofficial forum, but I do know some people who went through the process or are working in recruiting stalk those threads and sometime provide a few nuggets of knowledge. I am also aware that it doesn't replace hard knowledge from my CFRC, but thanks for the clarification :)
Chelomo said:
Yeah I know, but I was found unsuitable for RMC, so unless there's a divine intervention I doubt I'll get an offer from there. And I am aware that this is an unofficial forum, but I do know some people who went through the process or are working in recruiting stalk those threads and sometime provide a few nuggets of knowledge. I am also aware that it doesn't replace hard knowledge from my CFRC, but thanks for the clarification :)

I am not entirely certain but I would think that RMC get's first dibs in the applicant pool.
DAA said:
I am not entirely certain but I would think that RMC get's first dibs in the applicant pool.

The recruiter I spoke with also seems to think this...
Coming from CFRC Halifax. Just got accepted for MARS Officer. Will be heading out to RMC St. Jean for my first year and following that off to RMC Kingston for the remaining. Good luck to all and hopefully will see some of you in the fall.
I just got my offer of admission to go to RMC-St. Jean
Occupation is MARS
I'm coming out of CFRC Toronto
Feel free to chime in but you guys are saying RMC St Jean.  I thought CMR (RMC) St Jean was only for "Prep-Year" people who applied with a Sec V Quebec education?  Now I'm confused.
people from quebec are doing 2 years in ST-Jean .... 1st will be the 6th high school grade ( basicaly ) the 2nd one would be prep year .... someone from outside would only do 1 year wich is prep year
Just for a general shout-out to people.

(Know that this is my personal exprience and opinion, and should not be taken as official fact)

If you do not get picked up for first selection (Generally around Apr. 15-30), you should pull out that back up plan and start thinking different option than ROTP.

Yes, there is that chance of getting picked up in second, third or top-ups, but chances are extremely slim. Don't play a lottery in this important phase of your life.

The offers just started to roll out, so don't automatically expect you failed or get overly anxious about it, but at the same time, be prepared just in case you failed. Since alot of people applying for ROTP are generally passionate about it, it is often hard to swallow when you don't get picked up.

I know how it feels. I didn't get picked up for 2 years.

If you don't get picked up, best I can say is know yourself and keep walking on with life. Learn more about yourself, learn more about the system, learn more about the Canadian Forces, learn more about the job and other jobs you didn't apply for. Capitalize on that knowledge and improve, so you may have better chance next time should you re-apply. Keep walking on with life. Go to that civilian university that you got accepted into and apply for ROTP again. Study hard, live a fulfilling school year and regret nothing.

Even if you re-apply after not getting picked up once, it guarentes you nothing. Still, it doesn't mean you should just give up. Essentially, you will be stuck in limbo of uncertainty, but don't let that limbo effect you or your life too much. I let that limbo get to me after not getting picked up first time and it wasn't exactly positive moments of my life.

Remember, at the end of the day, CF owes you nothing and it's something you have to compete for with thousands of people wanting the same couple hundred spots that opens yearly. You're not only competing with fellow high-school graduates, but people who are already in university, people who were working but now wants to get into ROTP and such. You are not guarented the job until you sign that dotted line.

Now some of you may be saying this is way too early, since offer are just starting to roll out or that I am over-steppping my boundary and is being either douchey or arrogant. Perhaps you are right. But whether it is right or not, this kind of advice was one thing I sorely wished for when I was in the process of selection for my first try and after I was not picked up. I'm just trying to give people the benefeit of hindsight.

Because, frankly, you most likely won't get this kind of advice from the CFRC personnel or the family.

Good luck to everyone out there.

(Also, if you don't get picked up this year, don't get too discouraged. I got in on my third time applying, and if it's possible for me, it's possible for you.)

As per discussion about St. Jean and Kingston... I'm not sure. I'm going straight to Kingston for my first year, however I was at Civ U. for 2 years. So maybe that played something into it. But my friend, who is also MARS, got sent to St. Jean for his first year. One can only guess.
jegjelsv said:
Has anyone here out of CFRC Hamilton received any offers yet?
Yes, I got my call from CFRC Hamilton today but that's all I can tell you. I missed my call because I was at rugby practice. I applied for Engineer Officer and Infantry Officer as my choices.
I had to sign some paper work at CFRC Ottawa, I asked about ROTP while there and they said they haven't sent out any offers but should have them ready in the next few days
Good advice Rockgollem, always have a plan B, and also strive to make your application more competitive.

As for the St-Jean thing, how I understand it (Based on the RMC website and forces.ca) is thus:

As Quebec students only have up to Grade 11 in high school, St-Jean is meant to take the place of CEGEP by giving them the necessary preparatory year for university (In effect becoming Grade 12). It's important to note that here we have 11 years of elementary and secondary education, and then go to CEGEP for 2 years before going to university, which is usually 3 years for an undergraduate degree (But not always).

When a Quebec student applies for ROTP without post secondary education, he's a junior applicant and is thus shipped off to St-Jean for a year. After that year he may elect (Or the forces may elect to allow him) to continue his studies into 2nd year at St-Jean and obtain his DEC (Diplôme d'études collégiales). Some equivalencies will be recognized by Kingston, though I am unaware if they will credit a full year.

For students outside of Quebec, they mention that if you do not have certain prerequisites for your program at RMC Kingston, they may enrol you as a junior applicant in St-Jean and then credit you some equivalencies, while allowing you to complete the necessary prereqs, though as far as I know, if you complete everything you need in grade 11 and 12, you should be good to go directly to RMC Kingston.

Hope that helped a bit to understand our Byzantine school system :P

jegjelsv said:
Has anyone here out of CFRC Hamilton received any offers yet?

I called today, the LS at the desk said CFRC Hamilton hasn't received their list yet.
They send some students to CMR for their first year purely because of numbers.

The CMR first years will be joining us in May for a "welcome weekend" kind of thing where they meet their counterparts here in their squadrons from next year.

There appeared to be no difference between CMR cadets and RMC cadets so I wouldn't worry about it!

I got to say, I'm getting pretty worried. Anyone from CFRC Montreal got an update on the situation they wouldn't mind sharing? The wait is really unsettling...
Noctis said:
I got to say, I'm getting pretty worried. Anyone from CFRC Montreal got an update on the situation they wouldn't mind sharing? The wait is really unsettling...

No update here from CFRC Quebec. Should be tomorrow or Friday... Last year some guys got it on April 18 and I got mine on the 23 so I expect that it seems to be the same...
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