You must understand this is a forum and inherently you'll read various opinions
ranging from the knowledgeable to the uninformed so take it all with a grain of
salt. Generally an opinion is usually what somebody has when they don't
have all the fact. If we had all the facts, then no one would need an opinion.
Having said that, physical training and maintaining a good level of fitnes is
important for you.
When it comes to a BMQ, SQ, and a military career, you will always do the best
you can because that is what you're going to do. You won't need to question
that if you maintain a positive attitude. Thats where YOU end and the
military begins (idealistically in my opinion).
When you enroll in BMQ, you'll learn the important characteristics like teamwork,
perseverence, helping out buddy, drive and purpose, maintaining a sense of humour,
and teamwork. It the building blocks of a unit and a career, usuable anywhere. My
staff in BMQ were people and role models I look up to today.
When you incorporate your attitude, the building blocks you've been taught, the
tactics/technology you've been shown, and the experiences gained, definitely
the perspective you'll have on yourself will be much different.
I'd suggest at this stage not questioning your ability as a soldier. If the lifestyle and
opportunities interest you, then give it a try. Others have with similar doubts,
fears, and succeeded. After BMQ, you'll understand what I mean.