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Recent Canadian deserters

my72jeep said:
Wasn't there a sig op who crossed the wall in Germany back in the 70's?then asked to come home in the 90's when his dad pased away.

Another returned to Canada in the early '80s.   Serving with the original Cdn. brigade that had been raised for NATO service in the early '50s,  he deserted to marry an East German & live n the socialist people's democratic paradise until, terminally ill,  he decided to come home to croak.   They sentenced him to either 3 or 6 months and a dishonourable discharge.  I don't know how much of his sentence he served but I suspect they let him out early for compassionate reasons.   Anybody else remember this case?
Did we ever find out what happened to the JTF deserter/AWL dude?

Charged probably - but then what - or is that a secret too?!
Quote from Johnny Canuck 71,
His mother despises the Military, she blames the system for driving him insane and not providing him with the adequate resources to deal with his issues....but then again the "old army" was like that....which is why I never refer to those times as "the good old days"...they were "the old days, period". Looking back as an older guy, there wasn't much good about them, the army was band of pirates and nobody had the courage to bring that house into order......until very recently.

Listen lad,
Our mutual friend says you got cut a raw deal and I trust and respect him but I need to know one question.....Why, if you hated it so bad, did you stay around so long?  Especially when it seems from your few posts [some not surviving] that everyone was a jerk-off irresponsible fat wog?

I look back on my time as the good old days even though I was more than done when I pulled pole.......

"Anybody else remember this case?"

- Righto Jeff, he was a cook if I recall, and not a very bright one at that.  He got sent to Club Ed, did his brief time and was gone.

So, where is Sgt Paisley?

And where is that Cpl who SMG'd those poor women in the Quebec National Assembly in 1984?


TCBF said:
So, where is Sgt Paisley?

Last I heard his CM was scheduled for sometime in Apr 05.  Nothing relevant on the JAG website.  It only covers CM's in the preceding two months.

TCBF said:
And where is that Cpl who SMG'd those poor women in the Quebec National Assembly in 1984?

His name is Denis Lortie.  He was found gulity of three counts of second degree murder in 1987.  He was paroled in 1996.

Quite fittingly, the National Assembly's Sergeant-at-Arms, René Jalbert, was awarded the Cross of Valour for persuading Lortie to surreneder.
I can't find anything published about this after Apr 05. That's suspicious......
Nothing on the DND PAffO site after the CM news release, nothing on the CM page, although as Haggis mentioned it only goes back 2 months, so if it hasn't happened it's not on the upcoming calendar either. There is no mention of it on the CM appeals page either,neither pending nor completed. Weird.
Edit to add: I'm talking about Paisley
Cpl Lortie did time in the Fed Pen
Has been released on parole and lives near Montreal nowdays.
Very private individual that is somewhat of a recluse.
The local press ran an article about "where are they now" on the 15th or 20th anniversary of the event
"Cpl Lortie did time in the Fed Pen
Has been released on parole and lives near Montreal nowdays.
Very private individual that is somewhat of a recluse.
The local press ran an article about "where are they now" on the 15th or 20th anniversary of the event"

- Only a matter of time before one of those ladies' grandkids pays him a short visit....

somehow doubt it
he's been shown to be a really "little man"
of no consequence - an embarassment to mankind
Another feather in the cap of those social engineers in Ottawa who believe in the "Myth Of The Canadian Volunteer", and refuse to allow psych testing for ALL recruits.

..... or the testing of all individuals who are in the process of being "former members"
Johnny Canuck71 said:
dissapointed in our prime minister's decison to not deploy front line troops in a real war (where we would have stolen the show

He was known to watch clock work orange in the barracks over and over and over

Some equipment went missing from a brigade ex in or around spring 1991, allegations were made, his name came up.

(Eric had a fantasy about becoming a professional merc).

the troops allegedly broke into their rooms and looted their contents.

He was also known to like to pick fights (but only ones which he knew he could win.)

sounds like a psycho how the heck did he make it into a halfway house?

Who says he ever made it into a halfway house?

Schumacher should be certifiable IMHO
Jonny Canucks said, that he was in a half way house. Did not read your entire post about his actual situation until now. Sorry about that geo.
GO!!! said:
Did we ever find out what happened to the JTF deserter/AWL dude?

Charged probably - but then what - or is that a secret too?!

GO!!! I found a partial answer to your question (Bruce posted this in another thread on Sgt Paisley as well.)

Missing Soldier To Face Desertion Charge

"in Gatineau" means his trial will be likely held at the Asticou Centre, a common venue for CMs in Ottawa.  Once I'm back at work I'll try to find more details (timings etc...).