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RCR red sash

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Steel Badger said:
As far as battlefield evac , I think it stems from a reference to the fact that British officers who became casualties were often evaced to the rear using their own sash (given its volume) as an aid. Certainly this would have only been possible during the period when Officers wore shoulder sashes similar to those worn by Officers of Highland Units today. When the waist sashes (of different material and construction) were introduced, such a feat would not have been possible.....

I would also suspect that the use of the sash as an evac aid was incidental, not by design, much as we would use a combat jacket for an improvised stretcher today. Voliminous sashes are more likely related to the puffy slashed sleeves of the 15th-16thC (a means of a man to exhibit his wealth through multiple silk shirts).

Exactly Acorn....

And then of course the occasional use was taken has "regular fact" by those souls in the military who simply MUST have an esoteric tale / reason to tag onto everything...

Private-Recruit Bloggins: Why are the aluminium garbage cans we use ridged like that Sergeant?

Sergeant:"Stuck -for -an -answer Dirt":  Well Young Bloggins, You see it were like this.....they made the waves in the side to represent the rise and fall of the politician's opinion fer us the military see?; and of course...and of course because all they  the ever give us is trash!

Steel Badger said:
Exactly Acorn....

And then of course the occasional use was taken has "regular fact" by those souls in the military who simply MUST have an esoteric tale / reason to tag onto everything...

Private-Recruit Bloggins: Why are the aluminium garbage cans we use ridged like that Sergeant?

Sergeant:"Stuck -for -an -answer Dirt":  Well Young Bloggins, You see it were like this.....they made the waves in the side to represent the rise and fall of the politician's opinion fer us the military see?; and of course...and of course because all they  the ever give us is trash!

You mean it isn't true?  ;)
The Red Sash of the Infantry. When I was promoted into the WO and Sgts Mess and presented with my sash, this is the story that I was told my my then RSM. It is the same one that was told to everyone else that was promoted after me and the same one I continued to tell when I was RSM. The red sash was originally white and was worn to denote the Duty Sgt. For some reason it evolved to all the WO & Sgts wearing them. The sash became red from being worn in battle and it was used to assit in carrying wounded. The sash comes in dark colours of red and the higher the rank the darker the colour signifying more battles. Only the Infantry WO & Sgts are permitted to wear the Red Sash save those from Rifle Regiments who wear a black leather Cross belt.