Well as others will say about glocks, just improve your training. DA/SA doesn’t mean you always have to have the DA on, if you know your going to shoot you can cock the hammer.
What if you have no advance warning and need to fire from the draw?
Every entity that deal with those sort of precision requirements has dropped DA/SA
You have situations where cops have accidentally shot innocents because their Glocks didn’t have a real safety and they have been startled and fired in their direction.
That’s a training issue of putting the finger on the trigger before it should be.
It has been an issue with a number of departments dating back to old DA only wheelguns…
No matter what direction you go in there is risks, just different kinds. SA only with a manual safety people will complain its too slow for cops. DA/SA people will say the initial trigger pull can throw off a shot. Trigger safety, can be too easy to pull and have you accidentally shoot.
I’m sorry but that’s a poor analogy, to try to account design issues as the same as training.
For years the worlds premier HR units ran SA manual safety guns, the switch from either 1911’s or BHP guns was not due to that - but due to reliability and maintenance, and in the case of the 1911, also going to 40 then 9mm once JHP ammo had evolved as it was easier to shoot.
I just think for their trials they should have opened it up more and seen what options are out there. Limiting it one way or the other isn’t how you get a fair competition. Some of the requirements I question if they are bonafide requirements or personal preference they are disguising as ‘requirements’.
I can list 5 solid Duty Handguns that meet the RCMP Draft — it’s not solely Glock (albeit the Glock is best known and likely a preferred option). It’s very similar to the USSS Pistol Requirement which Glock won, and makes a lot of sense based on my experience.
I’ve been issued several different handguns over the years, SA Manual Safety, DA/SA, and Trigger Safety Striker guns, I also have a bunch of personal handguns.
Sure I can shoot my LAV Custom 1911 very well - but I get tennis elbow when I shoot a lot of Duty .45ACP loads. I can shoot my Novak Custom BHP exceptionally, and my Staccato P even better.
But I carry a Glock 19 for anything but range fun - why, because it’s safe, it works, and I can get parts and ammo for it anywhere.