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Putting on weight

Some of those (like whey factory) can save me 35-40 bucks per month if their products are legit (due to free shipping). However, the weight gainer itself is the same price as bb.com (50 bucks for 10lbs)...i may sample it...but if a product sucks - it's unbearable to drink it (never get ultimate mass from higher power) to use and there's a waste of 50 bucks.

With bb.com I know 100% the product is good (universal real gains) and that it's 100% money back guarantee if it tastes bad. And I get the money asap. I may try one of these though, who knows...if the product is good it could save me 500 bucks per year in shipping costs.

Most of the sites you listed (except for whey factory cause they make their own stuff) have limited selection and some bad products *mutant mass/quick mass being a huge part of each sites inventory*. If you actually compare price for price (and dollar for dollar with the U.S. dollar being lower than ours)...bb.com still wins even with shipping costs. No one is cheaper than them or has their selection. Like I said the only way I can get cheaper is from a company who makes their own product (which could taste bad/mix bad) if they give me free canadian shipping. BB.com's prices are still cheaper and the fact that they have so much choice (of some U.S. products not even found on shelves here) makes it much more appealing to me.

Have you ordered from whey factory?
sky777 said:
to lose or to gain?

Gain, you'll gain the protein boost that you need your for your muscles to regenerate and with the added bonus on not gaining any fat. Lean and BEASTLY :P.
OneMissionataTime said:
Gain, you'll gain the protein boost that you need your for your muscles to regenerate and with the added bonus on not gaining any fat. Lean and BEASTLY :P.
Specialists recommend tuna for losing weight also - too much proteines, no fat, no carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates for gaining.
Sky777 - what these guys have been saying is eat lean protein like tuna to help gain lean body mass. Excess carbs get stored as fat, typically. To gain weight, simply put in more calories (of any type) than you are using up. To gain lean body mass (aka muscle), make sure you are working out and feeding yourself enough protein so your muscles can regenerate. If you start out overweight and flabby (like me), adding lean muscle mass will end up dropping weight at first. Of course, I'm female, so it is nearly impossible for me to truly bulk up muscle-wise. But I HAVE worked at getting into shape before where I stay the same weight, but all my clothes fall off of me as I lose the fat and gain lean muscle mass.
When you bulk to add lean mass you absolutely want to have more carbs than protein or fats. How else are you going to get strength gains and have that energy to add lean muscle? Right now I am eating around 3100 cals a day and my split is 210g protein/380g carb/75g fat...so as you can see carbs are pretty high up there. They aren't stored as fat as long as you are eating 500-600 over maintenance and not stuffing yourself full of empty carbs from sugars, the extra complex carbs will be used in the gym. Gotta eat big to gain muscle...not big as in monsterous amounts of food...but 500 more calories per day than what you would eat to maintain your current weight.
Fair enough on your macronutrient balance. However, I didn't say ALL carbs get stored as fat, I said excess carbs. Of course you need some carbs in your diet for energy, since your muscles need glucose to really work.  For each person, though, I think that the carb ratio will be an individual thing - some will do better on more, some less. But you definitely can't cut out the protein and put on lean muscle mass...
matt.flaig said:
Any comments on adding Amino Acid pills with your daily diet?

Pills taste horrible and are usually in large amounts. I recommend XTEND from Scivation. It tastes good (lots of flavors, tastes way better than kool-aid, no sugar) and has all the branch chain amino acids you need.
Don't get the "Refreshing Blue Raspberry" flavour if you are going to go that route.... I can't speak for the other flavours because I refuse to drink XTEND again because the Blue Raspberry was so awful... although I heard the grape is good.
This is proof that everyone has different tastes. Some of my friends love lemonade XTEND but can't stand Watermelon...some love BlueRaz and don't like all the other flavors. I've tried about 3-4 flavors and Blue Raz is my favorite cause of the sour/tang taste.
Stacked said:
So I have some protein shakes now...  They are absolutely disgusting. Maybe I am doing it wrong, but they always turn out clumpy no matter how much I stir it. I've read the instructions, but I guess it doesn't account for lumpiness. :rofl:

I'd love some advice or any tricks you guys have to make these things...

Don't stir them.  You need to blend them or get a shaker. 
Stacked said:
So I have some protein shakes now...  They are absolutely disgusting. Maybe I am doing it wrong, but they always turn out clumpy no matter how much I stir it. I've read the instructions, but I guess it doesn't account for lumpiness. :rofl:

I'd love some advice or any tricks you guys have to make these things...

I've never stirred. I just put it in a cup w/ lid and then shake it. I've never seen any clumpiness. I guess that's caused by the stirring... or perhaps that's just the brand you're buying.

also... my protein powder tastes fantastic. :)
Stacked said:
So I have some protein shakes now...  They are absolutely disgusting. Maybe I am doing it wrong, but they always turn out clumpy no matter how much I stir it. I've read the instructions, but I guess it doesn't account for lumpiness. :rofl:

I'd love some advice or any tricks you guys have to make these things...

I put the powder into a nalgene bottle of whole milk and shake the bejesus out of it. Works well.
Stacked said:
It didn't taste all that bad, except for the clumps... I'll try shaking it.

Do you guys prefer milk over water? I've heard some people say using water is better because the protein acts faster... But I am really just trying to put weight on, and I assumed milk would be better at that.

I always use water. I've never heard that water's better though.
The only thing i heard is that protein gets absorbed quicker if there's some carbs in the drink in a 4:1 ratio (protein to carb). There's some that claim it has no effect though...
Well, I just lost 50 pounds went from 230 to 180, so i guess we both wanted to achieve opposite goals haha. Well I can give you some good suggestions on how to gain weight while eating healthy. To start, I want to suggest that you eat a lot of complex carbohydrates, and three portions of whole protein daily. Complex carbohydrates can be "Whole Grain" bread, bagels, pasta, tortillas, brown rice, and also many various vegetables, like broccoli. Now for the whole proteins, I may suggest that you try and have one protein shake daily, and in your case with 1% or 2% milk. Just because you want to gain weight.. I always like to add a fruit to my protein shake just for the extra vitamins, and taste. You might want to try and find a protein powder that is "isl" which means that it has almost to no sugar, aspartane, and all that extra crap, which you do not need. Now for mixing the protein shake I personally like to put it in a blender because everything gets mixed perfectly and it comes out nice and smooth and creamy, no clumps, so it's easy to go down. Now, back to the proteins you can have the protein shake as one of your meals during the day, preferably breakfast imo, or you can have it after a workout, but at every meal try and have a protein portion the size of your palm, I think that's like 5 oz, or 6, idk.. depending on the size of your hand.

Anyways I hope this kinda helped, and try and eat a lot of vegetables and fruit!   

Get yourself tested for a gluten allergy.

If you suffer from Celiac Disease, all the suggestions you have here won't be worth much because of the effects of gluten on your system.

Had a friend who for years was in the same situation. Was constantly falling off the bottom of the BMI. High fat, high calorie diets only caused him to lose weight.

When he hit his 40's started having some minor health issues, discussed the possibility of Celiac since it was prevalent in his family, and sure enough, when he went on a gluten free diet, he put on 20 to 30 pounds.

Unfortunately finding gluten free products can be a pain, but they are becoming more and more available. And you would be surprised at where you will find gluten in every day foods and products. Beer is a big one, so you may need to switch to hard stuff and wine, unless you can find one of the few gluten free beers on the market.
Canadianflesh said:
Well, I just lost 50 pounds went from 230 to 180
Please share how to loose it?
I have now 176 and I want to have 160...
I found an easy way to gain weight - exercise.  Every year when I start to cycle to work I gain weight.  So far this year I have gained approx 15 pounds and my clothes fit better.  Winter comes and I lose some weight but my pants get tighter.  Guess I need a more southern area so I can cycle year round.
ayo23 said:
I always use water. I've never heard that water's better though.
The only thing i heard is that protein gets absorbed quicker if there's some carbs in the drink in a 4:1 ratio (protein to carb). There's some that claim it has no effect though...
Protein does get absorbed quicker if combined with carbs ( usually a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein) because it causes an insulin spike, the only time you really have to (using that term loosely) mix it with water instead of milk is post workout because milk will slow down the absorption process.

I found an easy way to gain weight - exercise.  Every year when I start to cycle to work I gain weight.  So far this year I have gained approx 15 pounds and my clothes fit better.  Winter comes and I lose some weight but my pants get tighter.  Guess I need a more southern area so I can cycle year round.
You gain weight through doing cardio.....?

Gaining weight is simple calories in vs. calories out, if you're expending more calories then you're consuming you will lose weight, if you're consuming more then expending you will gain weight.
At a certain age you will realize that you are not gaining  weight.  The extra fat is really just a biological adaptation to living in a cold northerly climate.

You are not gaining weight.

You are evolving.    :salute: