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Putin to re-station Russian nukes/military in Cuba?


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Putin calls for restoring position in Cuba

Mon Aug 4, 1:12 PM ET

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is calling for Russia to regain its influential position in former Cold War ally Cuba, Russian news reports said Monday.

The statement comes amid persistent speculation about whether Russia is seeking a military presence in a country just 90 miles (150 kilometers) from the United States in response to U.S. plans to place missile-defense elements in Poland and the Czech Republic.

"We should restore our position in Cuba and other countries," Putin was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.

Putin spoke Monday while hearing a report on a recent Russian delegation's trip to Cuba. Vice Premier Igor Sechin and others met with the Cuban leadership and discussed an array of cooperation projects.

"We agreed on the priority for the direction of cooperation — energy, mining, agriculture transport, health care and communications," Sechin said, according to the RIA-Novosti news agency.

Military issues were not mentioned in the reports. But separately RIA-Novosti quoted an influential analyst and former top defense official as saying Russia could make a military return to Cuba.

"It is not a secret that the West is creating a 'buffer zone' around Russia, involving countries in central Europe, the Caucasus, the Baltic states and Ukraine," the agency quoted Leonid Ivashov, the head of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, as saying. "In response, we may expand our military presence abroad, including in Cuba."

Russia opposes U.S. plans to put missile-defense elements in eastern Europe, saying the facilities are aimed at undermining Russia's missile potential. Russia has threatened an unspecified "military technical" response if the plans go through.

Last month, the Defense Ministry denied a major Russian newspaper's report that the country was considering placing nuclear-capable bombers in Cuba — a move that would have echoed the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Soviet nuclear missiles stationed in Cuba during the height of the Cold War pushed the world to the brink of nuclear conflict on Oct. 22, 1962, after U.S. President John F. Kennedy announced their presence to the world.

After a tense week of diplomacy, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev removed the missiles.
With the accuracy of today's munitions.....taking out the missiles, whatever the political fallout, would be easier.

They can no more allow the missles to be placed today, than they could allow them in JFK's day....
Well now  :-X

I'm crossing my fingers that we won't get in the same situation as the first one concerning nuclear weapons being transfered to Cuba... the big bad bear is coming again :-\
I can't really see this happening - Raúl Castro is much less ideological than Fidel. He's been introducing some liberal reforms, with more apparently to come. Russia may seek to reestablish influence in Cuba, but I can't see Raúl throwing away the recent progress in order to help a country that essentially abandoned Cuba in its time of need. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Period
1  AFIK, Putin is the PM and the president is supposed to be calling the shots.... Methinks Putin has forgotten his place

2.  With the range of modern balistic missiles and missile launch platforms (subs) who needs to position missiles in Cuba - unless a bunch of Russians want to spend their cold winter months on the beach... which is always possible.

3.  Given what is happening in Georgia / Ossetia province, the Russians are using this as a big "do not disturb" sign.

4.  Could be the Russians are still pissed off about the US planning to position missiles in Eastern Europe.
geo said:
1  AFIK, Putin is the PM and the president is supposed to be calling the shots.... Methinks Putin has forgotten his place
(Just like Lord North, Lloyd George and William Lyon MacKenzie King forgot theirs)

2.  With the range of modern balistic missiles and missile launch platforms (subs) who needs to position missiles in Cuba - unless a bunch of Russians want to spend their cold winter months on the beach... which is always possible.
(Not strategically necessary perhaps - unless the Russians are having trouble keeping boats in the water - but an open and obvious threat)

3.  Given what is happening in Georgia / Ossetia province, the Russians are using this as a big "do not disturb" sign.

4.  Could be the Russians are still pissed off about the US planning to position missiles in Eastern Europe.
(Also likely and as easily related to US support for New Europe's economies)
geo said:
2.  With the range of modern balistic missiles and missile launch platforms (subs) who needs to position missiles in Cuba - unless a bunch of Russians want to spend their cold winter months on the beach... which is always possible.

I don't know the state of the Russian boomer fleet but...strategically thinking, these missles would be what I think of as "sure shots".  Little to no reaction time, and they don't have (potentially) US hunter/killer subs tracking them, that would, likely, fire their fish as soon as Ivan started his missle launch sequence.

Moreover, perhaps more than this being a strategic move, it sure shows that Ivan is flexing the guns again, and that gets NATO/NORADs attention, does it not??
Putin sure makes alot of decisions as PM that his former PM's never did. Could it be its because he's the boss no matter his title ?
It's no different than the influence Bush Sr. has had over the current presidency. to get to the reason why I'm posting a reply is I've payed attention to international news like this and Russia has stated many times that they will launch limited warfare  over the missile defence issue but doesn't include bombing cities. It seems simple enough. if the US doesn't want Russian missiles in Cuba than they shouldn't put missiles and the defence system in Poland. It's better for either side to avoid any kind of friction because the current world situation is fragile enough as it is.
geo said:
Methinks Putin has forgotten his place

Methinks you dont understand why Puttin made himself PM after he stopped behing president.

2.  With the range of modern balistic missiles and missile launch platforms (subs) who needs to position missiles in Cuba - unless a bunch of Russians want to spend their cold winter months on the beach... which is always possible.

This has nothing to do with missiles itself. The Russians see US moves in Eastern Europe as a destabilization. Placing anything Russian in close proximity to the USA destabilizes things over here in return.

4.  Could be the Russians are still pissed off about the US planning to position missiles in Eastern Europe.

Figured 2 & 4 were pert much related...

WRT Mr Putin.... I'm comfortable with my understanding of what makes Mr Putin "tick"...  Democracy bedamned
Don't really think there is a need to re-station Russian nukes in Cuba on the part of Russia. Russian nukes are effective enough where they are right now. We are not dealing with the same nukes we were dealing with during the Cuban-Turkish missile crisis. Seems like nothing but fear mongering to me.
Actualy, I think this is just Russia's way of twisting Mr Bush's tail.
You don't need the missiles there & they probably never will go there but, it will irritate the hell out of the American president and prove to be a counter-stroke to the US' move to install space defence missile stations in former eastern block countries.
geo said:
Actualy, I think this is just Russia's way of twisting Mr Bush's tail.
You don't need the missiles there & they probably never will go there but, it will irritate the hell out of the American president and prove to be a counter-stroke to the US' move to install space defence missile stations in former eastern block countries.

Would not a be bad political message to the US leadership though.
Is it anything new? Russian weapons were in DDR etc during the Cold war, American/NATO weapons were in BRD. These antimissile-missiles are not nuclear tipped. Poland is a member of NATO. The site is close enough to Russian territory that should they wish to take it out, they could easily do so. Cuba will not agree anyway because Cuba wants to normalize relations with the US.  Cuba has more to lose than gain - for example a major air corridor exists over Cuban territory. Its just the usual bullying tactics.

May I ask a question... you chose the moniker ArmyCa08. obviously you never were in the Canadian Armed Forces, and this site is named Army.Ca... Why did you choose it?
JackD said:
May I ask a question... you chose the moniker ArmyCa08. obviously you never were in the Canadian Armed Forces, and this site is named Army.Ca... Why did you choose it?

I'll bet you its because its a easy sign in and designate  and the  08 is because its the year he joined.

Plus its probably a system he uses on other Forums. Or maybe he has some dark and sinister motive lol ;D.


FastEddy said:

I'll bet you its because its a easy sign in and designate  and the  08 is because its the year he joined.

Plus its probably a system he uses on other Forums. Or maybe he has some dark and sinister motive lol ;D.


Actually I have a regular log in to many websites - the reason for using that login is due to the simplicity of the name.

I think one would need to research the missle sheild system a little before making comments about how it is only usable for defensive purposes. Part of the issue is that if the US is able to freely strike and no counter attack is possible, it removes the deterent capacity of the weapons to some strategic degree.
