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Pros and Cons

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I need a list of people's (service and civi) opinions of joining. I'm a 28 year old female finishing my nursing degree in December. I've nursed as an LPN for eight years so I do have experience. My mother and father were both captains in the military (mom was a nurse, dad an engineer) and we moved often (every two years or so) so I know that side of it.

What I would like is some pros and cons to think about before putting in my application. If my age is against me, I need to know that (although I'm fit, I would need to work harder to meet the requirements). I'm thinking of the opportunities I would have and the security of a job as huge bonuses, as well as the potential for travel and education. What else?
emceel said:
What else?

Serving your country.  :)

I wish I can offer better advice but I know nothing of the Nursing trade! And, I am an applicant at this point so I have no real experience yet.
Welcome to the boards!
I am not a member of the Canadian Forces, yet as an outsider my top Pro would be working along side people that actually care about each other, and in many ways view each other as family.

Good benefits, travel opportunities, doing work that you know will make a difference. As well as the sense of tradition and camaraderie.

As well I like the snazzy DEUs, looks good on both men and women IMO  ;D
emceel said:
I need a list of people's (service and civi) opinions of joining. I'm a 28 year old female finishing my nursing degree in December. I've nursed as an LPN for eight years so I do have experience. My mother and father were both captains in the military (mom was a nurse, dad an engineer) and we moved often (every two years or so) so I know that side of it.

What I would like is some pros and cons to think about before putting in my application. If my age is against me, I need to know that (although I'm fit, I would need to work harder to meet the requirements). I'm thinking of the opportunities I would have and the security of a job as huge bonuses, as well as the potential for travel and education. What else?

I think you've just about nailed it (salary, benefits, opportunities, etc).  The other thing to think about is that as a nursing officer in the CF, you will be doing more actual medical work vice cleaning bedpans (based on my observations and the fact that my mother was a nurse).  Nurses in the CF are officers and so are expected to lead and manage.  At 28, you are by no means over the hill.  In fact, you will find there are many in the same age bracket as you, particularly amongst DEO candidates (as you would likely be).  My only concern would be your comments on fitness.  The requirements really aren't that high, so are you selling yourself short or are you really not as fit as you think? 
Pusser said:
My only concern would be your comments on fitness.  The requirements really aren't that high, so are you selling yourself short or are you really not as fit as you think?

to be completely honest, my only concern is the push ups and chin ups. my upper body strength needs work. the rest of it does not worry me. but it would just be something i would need to concentrate on. thanks for the feedback!
emceel said:
to be completely honest, my only concern is the push ups and chin ups. my upper body strength needs work. the rest of it does not worry me. but it would just be something i would need to concentrate on. thanks for the feedback!

Chin-ups are not part of the test(although they are nice to have as part of overall fitness).
emceel said:
I need a list of people's (service and civi) opinions of joining. I'm a 28 year old female finishing my nursing degree in December. I've nursed as an LPN for eight years so I do have experience. My mother and father were both captains in the military (mom was a nurse, dad an engineer) and we moved often (every two years or so) so I know that side of it.

What I would like is some pros and cons to think about before putting in my application. If my age is against me, I need to know that (although I'm fit, I would need to work harder to meet the requirements). I'm thinking of the opportunities I would have and the security of a job as huge bonuses, as well as the potential for travel and education. What else?

Not to be a jerk, but this is something you need to figure out yourself. Make your own pro/con list.

Everyone on here has there own reasons for joining and they didn't (hopefully) ask anyone else on here to make it for them. It's all you.

Best of luck.
KeoughJ said:
Not to be a jerk, but this is something you need to figure out yourself. Make your own pro/con list.

Everyone on here has there own reasons for joining and they didn't (hopefully) ask anyone else on here to make it for them. It's all you.

Best of luck.

Well, you are right, you are being a jerk (and it's not omitted by you saying "not to be a jerk..."). Perhaps you could broaden your way of thinking to try to realize why I am asking this question. I have my list of pros and cons. But not being a part of the military, I can't view the situation from all different angles. Which is why I ask other people's opinions, so that I can get a different point of view and a bigger picture.

I hope you are not in a position that requires collaboration or leadership, because your narrow way of thinking and demeaning attitude isn't a beneficial one.

Have a great day.
emceel said:
Well, you are right, you are being a jerk (and it's not omitted by you saying "not to be a jerk..."). Perhaps you could broaden your way of thinking to try to realize why I am asking this question. I have my list of pros and cons. But not being a part of the military, I can't view the situation from all different angles. Which is why I ask other people's opinions, so that I can get a different point of view and a bigger picture.

I hope you are not in a position that requires collaboration or leadership, because your narrow way of thinking and demeaning attitude isn't a beneficial one.

Have a great day.

Funny I saw it as realistic not demeaning or full of attitude.  Must be my lack of need for other's interjections into my career choices.  But that just might be me and my poor collaboration and leadership skills. 
emceel said:
Well, you are right, you are being a jerk (and it's not omitted by you saying "not to be a jerk..."). Perhaps you could broaden your way of thinking to try to realize why I am asking this question. I have my list of pros and cons. But not being a part of the military, I can't view the situation from all different angles. Which is why I ask other people's opinions, so that I can get a different point of view and a bigger picture.

I hope you are not in a position that requires collaboration or leadership, because your narrow way of thinking and demeaning attitude isn't a beneficial one.

Have a great day.

Now look who made an arse of himself.

KeoughJ, now matter what his experience, is right.  Everyone joined for different reasons, and their Pros and Cons will all be different.  A Pro for one may be a Con for another.  You have to make your own mind up what it is you want and go from there. 


I can safely say you don't have the problem.
emceel said:
Well, you are right, you are being a jerk (and it's not omitted by you saying "not to be a jerk..."). Perhaps you could broaden your way of thinking to try to realize why I am asking this question. I have my list of pros and cons. But not being a part of the military, I can't view the situation from all different angles. Which is why I ask other people's opinions, so that I can get a different point of view and a bigger picture.

I hope you are not in a position that requires collaboration or leadership, because your narrow way of thinking and demeaning attitude isn't a beneficial one.

Have a great day.

A narrow view see's better. Like looking through a scope.

You want to talk about coming across as a jerk, in your very first post you sound like you're making demand instead of asking politely.

KeoughJ is exactly right. You need to make your own decision. How many times in YOUR life have you given one of your friends very good and very sound advice only to have them completely ignore it?

Further more someone can talk about duty and honour and self sacrifice and that could mean nothing to you because you want money job security and a nice retirement. Everyones pros and cons are different and trying to base your decision off of what I like and dislike in the military isn't doing you any kind of favors.  You said your family has a military backround? That should give you a pretty good base to form your opinion.

This forum is full of people who appear to ask others to  convince them they should join the military.  It comes across to us as very wishy washy.

Your profile says your a brat. Your response to KeoughJ's advice really supports that.
George Wallace said:
Now look who made an arse of himself.

KeoughJ, now matter what his experience, is right.  Everyone joined for different reasons, and their Pros and Cons will all be different.  A Pro for one may be a Con for another.  You have to make your own mind up what it is you want and go from there. 


I can safely say you don't have the problem.

absolutely, everyone joins for their own reasons. and never once have i asked "make up my mind for me." i simply asked for other people's views.

and its an arse of HERSELF. but, clearly, you didnt read the beginning thread, you just needed to jump to someone's protection.

if you arent commenting on the topic of the thread, dont waste your time commenting. if you're just wanting to be part of the "action" and have a good fight, do it with one of your buddies, not a complete stranger you know nothing about. that makes YOU look like "an arse"
emceel said:
if you arent commenting on the topic of the thread, dont waste your time commenting. if you're just wanting to be part of the "action" and have a good fight, do it with one of your buddies, not a complete stranger you know nothing about. that makes YOU look like "an arse"

To be fair you did ask the internet, got an answer you didn't like and proceeded to attack another stranger for his narrow view, lack of collaboartion and leadership skills.  But then when we defended a very realistic viewpoint based on our experience dealing with many others like you before, we are in the wrong.  I think one should take a look in the mirror and maybe suck back on the rhetoric.
ObedientiaZelum said:
A narrow view see's better. Like looking through a scope.

You want to talk about coming across as a jerk, in your very first post you sound like you're making demand instead of asking politely.

KeoughJ is exactly right. You need to make your own decision. How many times in YOUR life have you given one of your friends very good and very sound advice only to have them completely ignore it?

Further more someone can talk about duty and honour and self sacrifice and that could mean nothing to you because you want money job security and a nice retirement. Everyones pros and cons are different and trying to base your decision off of what I like and dislike in the military isn't doing you any kind of favors.  You said your family has a military backround? That should give you a pretty good base to form your opinion.

This forum is full of people who appear to ask others to  convince them they should join the military.  It comes across to us as very wishy washy.

Your profile says your a brat. Your response to KeoughJ's advice really supports that.

a narrow view lets you be attacked from your blind spots. my very first post comes across as a demand?? you have come across as very sensitive in a few occassions. and since you're attacking me, don't complain that i'm attacking you. tit for tat.

and yes, i'm a brat. a military brat. one whose parents both served. one who got dragged around from town to town to town every year and a half. so before you start attacking semantics, do your research.

apparently jerks are prevalent in the military. i'll mark that down as a con.
My "pros" and most people's "cons". You might consider rephrasing your question.

emceel said:
and yes, i'm a brat. a military brat. one whose parents both served. one who got dragged around from town to town to town every year and a half. so before you start attacking semantics, do your research.

And before thinking that this means anything, maybe you need to do some of your own.
MJP said:
To be fair you did ask the internet, got an answer you didn't like and proceeded to attack another stranger for his narrow view, lack of collaboartion and leadership skills.  But then when we defended a very realistic viewpoint based on our experience dealing with many others like you before, we are in the wrong.  I think one should take a look in the mirror and maybe suck back on the rhetoric.

so, here's my thought on this...
1. if you're tired of dealing with "many others like [me]" then DONT. it's quite simple. if you dont like it, dont do it! nothing is requiring you to respond to me!
2. that complete stranger knew he was being a jerk. he called himself one before i confirmed it! its like saying "i'm just joking" doesnt erase something that is hurtful.
3. you know nothing about me. so dont clump me into a category.
CDN Aviator said:
My "pros" and most people's "cons". You might consider rephrasing your question.

And before thinking that this means anything, maybe you need to do some of your own.

hahaha k. you have a great day!
ward0043 said:
Good luck responding to criticism at BMOQ.

The DS there are well know for their lack of collaboration and leadership skills.  The OP can set them straight.
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