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Problems and Bugs

I am no longer getting in 1% of the time. Been unable to log in all day.  :(
airmich said:

On the stats page, how come when you click on most player's names, it will take you to their PER.  But others will go to their FB page?  An example of this is "Hacker Cracker".  The stats for that member, especially given the name, made me question it but I wasn't able to see their PER at all.  I guess I just want to make sure too, that mine doesn't link back to my FB.  Thanks!

More info: found them on the roster (current spot #211) and that goes to their FB page too vice PER.  It might just be me, but their numbers especially Max CR, seem a bit off compared to others at that rank.

Good catch, thanks mich. I've fixed that issue so now all users show correctly in the Roster.

As for the 'empty response' issue I'll start checking into it.

Thanks all!
Mike Bobbitt said:
As for the 'empty response' issue I'll start checking into it.

I think I know what was going wrong, at least for me. I had the secure browsing feature activated on my facebook account. I just shut it off, to test it, and now Afghan Operations is working just fine. Funny thing is, I have had secure browsing tuned on for quite some time now and didn't have any trouble using AO up until a few days ago.

That doesn't seem to be the issue, I've tried from a few locations with HTTPS on and off with no change in results. (It always works, at the moment.)

I think the game just gets too slow and Facebook times out once in a while.
Still can not get through.

ETA: Got through after I disabled secure browsing. (HTTPS--->HTTP)
Good info to have, thanks. I think the server just gets too busy to respond quickly enough for Facebook. I'll look at where I might be able to optimize things a bit.
This was odd.  I was playing today and the 3 Daily Challenges were 21 CR Missed, 86 Insurgency Points, and 35 Successful Mission Streak.  I had 2 out of three challenges done today, I went to McDonalds to grab a bite to eat, and suddenly my Challenges are incomplete.  Any insight?
Silverfire said:
I went to McDonalds to grab a bite to eat, and suddenly my Challenges are incomplete.  Any insight?

AO hates McDonalds maybe?
I have noticed the same thing. I had 2 down as well. however I still have the credit in my daily challenges
Yesterday's challenges were:

21 CR Missed
86 Insurgency Points
35 Successful Msn Streak

Challenges for the 20th included:

21486 Time Spent Playing (360 minutes)

Silverfire, based on the logs, you completed the challenge for the 20th... in the early hours of the 21st. Not sure what happened there but as Larry pointed out, the good news is that you still have the credit for the challenges you met. You also went on to meet the first 2 challenges for the 21st later in the day.
Yeah, I still had all the credit, I was just a little confused as to why it showed up as incomplete.  Didn't know if it was a coding issue or anything of that nature you needed to be aware of.
the 48th regulator said:
have not been able to get into the game for the last week.  Tried two different computers and locations.



I've been getting error pages when I try to access the game during the evenings and mornings. It seems to happen fairly consistently and then all of a sudden, the game will load. I've used two different computers. Generally tends to be after 2000-2100PST and before 0730-0800PST (just tried now, for instance and it didn't load).
Hmmm, looks like Facebook tightened their security standards. If you are using HTTPS (secure browsing) it no longer seems to work... ever. If you drop the S from the HTTP it will work, but if you have secure browsing turned on in Facebook, it will just re-add the HTTPS and you'll be back in the same boat again.

I suspect this is because Facebook is no longer liking the untrusted certificate I used on our server. I'll check into it to be sure this is truly the problem but it does look that way. A 'trusted' cert generally costs about $99/year so unless there is a hue and cry to retain secure browsing, I suggest users turn it off while playing.

Wish I had a better answer, especially as I do security work in my day job!