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Problems and Bugs

I don't track individual pass/fail rates for individual missions, but I do track them for individuals and for missions (separately). Overall in the game there is a 93% success rate with missions. So while I can't say what your specific rate is, I do know that the code uses the success % displayed to directly determine your results. :)
Didn't want to start a new thread for this, and here seemed a decent place for it.

Regarding the new "pop up" for when you complete a mission.  At first glance, I like it.  It saves having to scroll down a long list of mission items to reach the "conduct mission again" button, or to see your int received.

The first issue I found is just a small, personal preference one.  The box covers the CR counter up, so I have been closing to confirm my CR and have to scroll down to the mission again anyway.

Also, I have just noticed something else.  I completed a mission several times in Kabul until I was down too low in CR to do it again.  Moved to another AOR and it popped up that my original mission was aborted because I didn't have enough CR.  I hadn't clicked on that mission though.  I did a small one in Canada to test and returned to Kabul.  The message popped up again about mission aborted, but it was still regarding my original mission.  Hope that all makes sense to you Mike?  I can maybe provide more details if you have other questions.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll see if I can move the popup around a bit... right now there is no obvious way to tell Facebook where to place it.

As for the second issue, I can't seem to reproduce it. I think what you're seeing is the same popup recurring when you switch AORs, or the system tries to re-execute the same mission when you switch AORs. Is that about right? Does it happen on every AOR change? What browser are you using?

I'll get to the bottom of it yet. :)
I think I fixed it... can you let me know if you see it again after reloading?
similar issue regarding the new pop-up.

When training equipment, no pop-up at all appears. All I get is the regular "train again" button, but with no readout of the results (and this does not occur in a pop-up, but rather in its normal place). Is this how it was supposed to display?
Less a bug report than a general inquiry: Does the pop-up zap the double click bug ? -- I think I still have some negative inventory
Thanks for the info... I've fixed the training popup issue. There may still be an issue if you switch items to train on without leaving the Training screen first, but I'll work on that.

AJFitzpatrick, yes, it may help with that. If you have negative inventory, my best suggestion is to avoid fast reloads. I get an email notification every time the game detects one, so I know when folks are pushing. ;)
I am in the process of training to get the daily challenge. When I am done training on one item, and go to a second item and hit "train", both the previous and the current item train. The only way I have figured out to stop it is to leave the page then come back.........
Yep, that's the issue I alluded to above. Not fixed yet, as Facebook likes to try to be 'smart' about things, and causes some weird problems.
Mike Bobbitt said:
Thanks for the info... I've fixed the training popup issue. There may still be an issue if you switch items to train on without leaving the Training screen first, but I'll work on that.
Larry Strong said:
When I am done training on one item, and go to a second item and hit "train", both the previous and the current item train. The only way I have figured out to stop it is to leave the page then come back.........
Trick I use, especially when trying to get the 'equip. lvls' challenge, is just to click the "Trg" tab again.
Not the greatest tip - but when trying to upgrade a dozen pieces of equipment it saves having to load an extra screen for no reason..
Should be fixed now. Lord knows what else I broke in the process. ;)
Mike,  I'm getting the "??" for my total equipment purchase.  I remember that we used to get that when you first put it into the game.  I was fine one purchase and then for the next two that I did, it had the "??".  If it helps you any, it didn't give a total starting with my first purchase after I levelled up to rank 499.
Odd... it seems to work just fine for me. Does it ever work for you now, or is it always broken? Might be a javascript blocker or something similar, maybe try a different computer/browser and see if that makes a difference.
It didn't work at all for me while I was at level 499.  Just went to 500 and it works again.  cue twilight music!

This link isn't working for me anymore...comes up with a blank page:


As well, I'm not able to do missions anymore....looks like I'm out of business for a bit....

