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Probation Question?

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Just had a question. My younger brother is considering the army, he always wants to follow in my shoes, and I am pushing him a little too..I think would be great for him. He is currently 18 now, turning 19 in a few months. However before he turned 18 he was charged for drinking in public. He is currently on probation for another 5-6 mths I believe.

I read a couple threads that say he has to wait 3 years, then others saying only till it is up,and just different answers.

I just want to know what is true?

Was something that was done when he was younger, dumber, and he is putting his life together now, with help from myself and others.

Thanks in advance for your answers.

The best place to get an answer on the current policy is at the Recruiting Centre.
People can get pardons for previous criminal convictions.  However, there is no criminal charge for "drinking in public" so the conviction that led to the probation is something else.  What was he actually convicted of? 
zipperhead_cop said:
People can get pardons for previous criminal convictions.  However, there is no criminal charge for "drinking in public" so the conviction that led to the probation is something else.  What was he actually convicted of? 

Drinking in public under age on school ground is what he did.. they made him to community service and put him on probation for 1 year...
MonctonBuzz.com said:
Drinking in public under age on school ground is what he did.. they made him to community service and put him on probation for 1 year...

Nope, there has to be more that that.  Under age drinking, on or off school property, is not a criminal offence.  He must have done something else, like getting into a fight, vandalism, causing a distubance.  You can't give those kinds of sentances for Provincial offences. 
If you don't want to say in the Forum, PM me with his name and DOB and I'll be able to give you some idea as to how his chances are looking. 
Just going to throw my $0.02 in here. 

I strongly suspect that a young offender's record is sealed upon reaching the age of majority.  Therefore, to prevent any inadvertent disclosure of information that the Recruiting Centre need not know about, the OP really should consult the courts, the police, or a lawyer to find out if the conviction will be revealed during a criminal records check after the young offender reaches the age of majority.

In a perfect world, the applicant would reveal the indiscretion to the recruiter - however, if the provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) allow for the records of a young offender to be sealed, then that's the law and it's really not up to anyone but the applicant to decide if it should be disclosed or not.

No need to unnecessarily harm the applicant's chances of enrolment, if the YCJA seals the record.
I'm going to re-open this but keep it civil and amateur lawyers need not apply.....
thanks cdnaviator, but my questions have been answered through pm with zipperhead_cop. And all is good. So if you want to lock this and save bandwidth and space your choice but all is good now.

Many thanks all and to zipperhead_cop.

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