got jacked at BMQ last weekend.
two of us came up to a group of soldiers, it was dark, unlite, and at 2230. could not see ranks, or even faces!
i pointed out to my higher educated friend, that the one guy looked like a captain i met three weeks earlier. we came up to them, checked arms, and my friend in front started the salute.
part way thru (his hand still coming up) one of the soldiers asked "you don't sulute?" so getting scared, i also saluted.
which i believed that only one of us were to do it. so we got jacked for that as well.
if you are in a group, and an officer comes in, one person calls 'group' and he/she should be the one to salute.
if you are walking, someone, first person, or the closest should do it. others come to attention. but ONLY ONE salutes.
if there are other rules about where and when i don't know, but only one saluting was made very clear on our course.