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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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Admiral Buck said it best when he asked the crew of Protecteur during Op Toucan

"Who joined the military to get rich?"

If you want more money then get out and find a job that pays more money.

Dolphin_Hunter said:
Admiral Buck
Pfft, although I may respect his rank I truly have no respect for the man wearing it. Nothing short of a political advantist.
The main flaw in this is that then we would all have to get SPEC PAY as we are all expected to be "Soldiers First".
Kiwi99 said:
routinely conduct their missions while routinley doing other peoples jobs.  And I don't mean doing them because the others can't, more so due to the manning and capabilities of some organisations prevents them from doing it en masse in the field. Some of these are as follows;

Int Op - gathering int while on patrol, especially those with a tactical questioning course;
MSE Op - Cbt arms are always planning and conductiong road moves (combat patrols). selecting the route, organizing the support etc;
Public Affairs - spreading the good of the CF to foreign people and within Canada;
Armoured operations - Inf, Arty and Eng all conduct Armd Ops with their own armd veh;
FCS/Wpns tech - more often than not, these trades are not on a three week op with a rifle company, and the soldiers have to make their guns work however they can;
Medics - more than 50% of casulties are treated by their buddies prior to a medic getting to them;
Signals - everyone is expected to make their radios and other sigs kit work, often without a signaller to assist;
MP - Cbt arms are always the first to take prisoners and on nearly every occasion been responsible for the POW movement back to a secure point; and
Geo tech - cbt arms on patrol are responsible for confirming maps, noting descripencies and forwarding them higher.

To me this original argument is flawed.  It sounds like you're saying that Infanteers need to know some of everything ie. a generalist.  To me, your definition for an infanteer seems closer to being a "generalist" and not a "specialist".  Spec is short for specialist - ie. spec pay.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
And even with this $285 per month for environmental allowances, certain trades will say they deserve more because they work harder in the field....

That doesnt matter...just like sea pay and aircrew allowance, its based on the number of years you have been in a designated position entitled to receive the allowance.
Wow I Apologize for the fire storm I set in motion.  

Its a fight that can't be won.  I earn my sea pay 100% no NATO knee, no jumping off everytime the ship unties for a crap fish pat.  I do my Dutywatch 2 and 3 stints per month (soon to be 4 on subs).  A duty on ship is nothing like a watch on base.  You write off the next day just to get used to real life again.  

I don't get sea pay now and wont till I'm qualified and posted to an operational sub again.  My free lunch is gone too...3 of 4 subs in refit.  Should I get Sea pay now?  If you guys are getting field pay I think I should.

Navy_Blue said:
 I don't get sea pay now and wont till I'm qualified and posted to an operational sub again.  My free lunch is gone too...3 of 4 subs in refit.  Should I get Sea pay now?  If you guys are getting field pay I think I should.

Ummm here is the difference your missing, Everyday for me has the potential to see my slogging my trade in the field, Heck I just did 2 straight days of ranges from 0600-2300, in that there was very little in terms of comfort (as per usual, and no I don;t really care about comfort) And today I spent the day in the back 40 doing Mortar Drills. So in essence even though I am not sleeping in the field I am staying there just about everyday. So everyday is a field day or the potential exist for a field day. While your along side and your rubber dingy is in dry dock for 6 weeks there is no hope in heck your going to sea is there? but your still collecting your sea pay. Are you seeing why now?

PS: I just though rubber dingy was funny, no slight to the Navy intended ( well ok a little one but all in good fun :D )
I can tell you that we don't live and work on cruise ships and you guys don't work on golf courses. 

I'm not getting Sea pay right now and I'm doing the same work minus Duty watch and sailing it still makes sense that don't get it.   

neither of us can win this we are all getting the short end of the stick as far as I'm concerned.  I can tell you that once you guys get your incentive to stay in your trade our bosses in the navy will say "that's crap" and start a whole new fight.  Endless. 

Good luck too everyone on there quest for more pay. 

there should be no question that the cmbt arms deserve to recieve this spec pay. i do not mean this in a rude manor but no sailor should be commenting on what we recieve for training and being ready at all times to go over seas to put our lives on the line for a country and our brothers in arms. we are all specialits in some form either infantry or armoured or atry. and are alwasy learning new components of many trades. perosnally i physically train twice a day and at all times have my kit ready to go. cmbt arms deserves everything that we can get.. and there should be no other opinion voiced towrds what the soliders who are the first on the ground to defend and protect the other non combatant troops ..

..PRO PATRIA...  lest we forget...
And with that little rant we are done here until someone has some officially published facts to present.

thegeneral, may I suggest the next  "new components" you may want to work on should involve tone, tact and capitalization, or you may find your welcome here a little rough.


Army.ca Staff
Okay, so this may have been asked before, and if so I have been unable to find it. As a soldier in these fine Canadian Forces, how can one get the most from their tax return? I have heard crazy rumours around Pet that we can claim things like haircuts, and boot polish?? I guess it is a "business expense". This year for me anyway, cash is particularly tight and I'm hoping I can get some money back from the Tax man.

Any suggestions?
I have been claiming haircuts and encouraged to by my CoC, I have also claimed, hygiene stuff like soap shampoo, razors, toothpaste, etc.
God56 said:
I have been claiming haircuts and encouraged to by my CoC, I have also claimed, hygiene stuff like soap shampoo, razors, toothpaste, etc.

I hope you have a lot's of moolah tuck away to appease the tax man, if they audit your papers ... because their interest rates and penalties ain't
customers friendly ...
God56 said:
I have been claiming haircuts and encouraged to by my CoC, I have also claimed, hygiene stuff like soap shampoo, razors, toothpaste, etc.

So if you hadn't joined the CF you wouldn't wash your hair or brush your teeth?
Yeah, that's what I thought, but I had heard, so naturally I felt it my duty to investigate the possibility of getting more money back, I have a small RRSP  and some tax deductible donations to include on my taxes and with Pte(3) pay I think I should be able to get something back....
Yeah, we were talking about that fad just the other day here.. it was popular in the 90s... clothing upkeep allowance used to cover it, which made it even sillier to claim back then.

I hear if you go over to some war torn country.. they give you a tax break AND it's a great way to meet new people!!

Myself.. I have always made sure that the pay office is taking or leaving the correct amount at source to ensure that I come out on top at the end of the year.  Charitable donations do help alot and I challenge everyone to do them, $25 a month doesn't hit that hard..

Of course as I am sure you have already heard.. keep all receipts that you claim in case you do get audited.. knock on wood.

And another thing, if you have very simple tax returns to complete I highly recommend downloading and using studiotax.  It's free!!