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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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Why does cbt arms not get spec pay?
Because you do not deserve SPECIALIST pay.

BTW, medics do not get spec pay as my MOC is not "more technically difficult then that of 031 Infantry" and in my job, I am expected to learn and to be competent in yours, and an expert in mine just the same as you mention in your post.
But to earn Spec pay, I need to become a Physicians Assistant. That is a 2 year course, and the most academically challenging one in the CF.

What make you think any "0" trade deserves SPECIALIST pay?
Because they hold relevent civilian post secondary qualifications....no.
Because their trade is extremely technical.......................no.
Because their trade is in high demand in the civilian world and pay is much much higher outside the military....no.

There is nothing wrong with the amount of pay we get for what we do.

Sorry, not biting.
Kiwi99 said:
Much like how all the big Garrisons don't qualify for PLD as it would cost too much, despite the fact that the big garrsions are in the most expensive parts of the country. 

I know that you now that ain't the reason...
I am not buying this argument either.

BTW I don't get specialist pay either and I work with airplanes all day!
Every single member of the CF is expected to administer First Aid until the arrival of Medics, to operate vehicles when required to do so by occupational requirements, to use communication devices, to adhere to Intl Conventions pertaining to the treatment of prisoners and/or identify and forward discrepancies in equipment or supplies. In it's most basic interpretation of the initial argument, all the points can be attributed to the CFARV.

The only difference is that some occupations use them more in depth dependant on Op necessity. Furthermore every CF occupation has had to adapt to advent of information technologies. Often having to reinvent how "business" was conducted causing a requirement for individuals to learn to operate a wide variety of software and equipment which did not previously exist. If this were basis for granting Spec Pay every occupation would have Spec Pay granted to them. The granting of Spec Pay cannot legally be decided on any fiscal premise and would speculate that whomever made that statement was ill educated in the process.

All of which are not grounds for the application of Spec Pay guidelines. And before any sort of application can be contemplated the Occupation Specification’s would require to be re-written by DGRMC. As far as linking Spec Pay to PLD, the old adage of Apples & Oranges if far too tame to even illustrate the connection between the two. I would rather suggest reading this thread as to the issues relating to PLD:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/57673.0.html

I however would support the mention that a complete review of the Salary Compensation methodology as I personally believe that it is outdated and not reflective of the current times. The idea of a more flexible system, which would allow individuals to be compensated for the work they perform, and would allow for a broader fairness framework. It would also likely stimulate those enjoying the ride to contribute more to ensure they received the salary they desired.
;D - Laughing at St. Micheals Medical Team 

Why, because I find him funny

Personally, we can all argue that every CF member deserves some sort of 'spec pay' whenever they advance their professional skills outside their occupation, but until the Treasury Board starts to agree it aint gonna happen.

St. Micheals Medical Team said:
Why does cbt arms not get spec pay?
Because you do not deserve SPECIALIST pay.

BTW, medics do not get spec pay as my MOC is not "more technically difficult then that of 031 Infantry" and in my job, I am expected to learn and to be competent in yours, and an expert in mine just the same as you mention in your post.
But to earn Spec pay, I need to become a Physicians Assistant. That is a 2 year course, and the most academically challenging one in the CF.

What make you think any "0" trade deserves SPECIALIST pay?
Because they hold relevent civilian post secondary qualifications....no.
Because their trade is extremely technical.......................no.
Because their trade is in high demand in the civilian world and pay is much much higher outside the military....no.

There is nothing wrong with the amount of pay we get for what we do.

I think infanteers really do deserve spec pay. As a medic have you ever noticed what MOC most of your patients come from?

Enough said.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
What make you think any "0" trade deserves SPECIALIST pay?

Might want to re-think that part....

081 AES Op........spec 1
091 Flt Eng......spec 2
Nemo888 said:
As a medic have you ever noticed what MOC most of your patients come from?

Enough said.

And that has to do with "spec pay" how ?

I'm pretty sure i can name alot of bases where medics never see an infanteer
Nemo888 said:
I think infanteers really do deserve spec pay. As a medic have you ever noticed what MOC most of your patients come from?

Enough said.

Still has nothing to do with the criteria for spec pay.  It has everything to do with hazard pay though.  Perhaps that should be the argument.

sol·dier [sohl-jer]: Informal. to loaf while pretending to work; malinger: He was soldiering on the job.

That's why we'll never get spec pay  8)

Seriously though what the hell for?  Yes its a tough dirty thankless job but it certainly isn't rocket science.  You ever wonder why the Cbt Arms teaches things the way they do... It's so that when everything goes pear shaped they'll still be able to take some Jack off the street and teach them to do it in less than 6 weeks.

Are we all mouth breathing cave men who have a hard time adding 2+2 and getting 4 twice in a row? No... but we could be.
All the luck in the world to you guys.  If you get spec pay my spec 2 wont be far behind.  Then the SAR Techs, JTF and Cert3 Stokers will need to invent Spec 3  :warstory:  Kind of a vicious circle don't you think??

If the infantry gets spec pay then Stewards and Bos'n will be right there in line too.

Your operational tempo has shot through the roof.  I would be pretty happy getting the tax break and the foreign service pay.

Oh and please tell me your not going to get field pay full time on Canadian soil???  I can Justify my Sea pay while on ship full time.  Some one rationalize field pay full time for me.
Navy_Blue said:
Oh and please tell me your not going to get field pay full time on Canadian soil???  I can Justify my Sea pay while on ship full time.  Some one rationalize field pay full time for me.

You work on the ship all day we work and train in the field and on our vehicles not just when we are on ex but a lot of other times too.  Explain to me how it is any harder for you to be posted to a ship (3 hot's and a cot as you navy types like to point out) and doing duties on board than it is to be a soldier on an army base and doing duties at the base and unit?

If you deserve sea pay during refit then we deserve field pay any old time too.
Navy_Blue said:
Oh and please tell me your not going to get field pay full time on Canadian soil???  I can Justify my Sea pay while on ship full time.  Some one rationalize field pay full time for me.
It was announced as part of the Budget 2007 just recently, and this topic touches on the issue: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/58971.0.html

Why not? Shipborne gets SDA, Aircrew get AIRCRA, the rationale for full time FOA is just as applicable. Following your reasoning, you receive SDA while on ship even when alongside, then wouldn't field units be entitled to the same type of remuneration while not on exercise? Or while aircrew are not flying every single day? With SDA & AIRCRA you receive increases based on time spent in those environments as where field units got the same crappy $18.46 (before tax) even after spending 18+ years in a field unit. Full time FOA is long overdue in the spirit of fair compensation.

This quote from the link above is an extract from the Budget 2007 which should alleviate the argument or additonal compensation for field personnel:
Dolphin_Hunter said:
Canadian Forces members who are exposed to hazards and difficult conditions in their daily work are provided with “environmental allowances,” which are in addition to their salaries. Budget 2007 provides $60 million per year to enhance the Field Operations Allowance given to soldiers serving in Army field units to ensure their environmental allowances are in line with those provided to members of the Navy and Air Force. This means that soldiers in Army field units will receive an allowance of at least $285 per month served

Taken from page 254 of the budget (Chapter 6)

Edited for content.
Sea pay is a joke, if you are not able to be working on a ship then you should lose it (courses, sick, lame and lazy).  There is no way some dude on a 5's on the opposite coast should be getting sea pay.

There is NO WAY you can justify sea pay while you are sitting alongside cleaning shi||ers....

I know I have been there.

Army guys deserve full time field pay and its about time
Navy_Blue said:
All the luck in the world to you guys.  If you get spec pay my spec 2 wont be far behind.  Then the SAR Techs, JTF and Cert3 Stokers will need to invent Spec 3  :warstory:  Kind of a vicious circle don't you think??

If the infantry gets spec pay then Stewards and Bos'n will be right there in line too.

Your operational tempo has shot through the roof.  I would be pretty happy getting the tax break and the foreign service pay.

Oh and please tell me your not going to get field pay full time on Canadian soil???  I can Justify my Sea pay while on ship full time.  Some one rationalize field pay full time for me.

Oh and please tell me you don't get sea pay when you're in Canadian waters.  Some one rationalize Sea Pay full time for me  ::)

I think this is a great idea.  When we asked a General out in Fob Robinson if we were going to get a higher hardship allowance than the people who stayed on KAF we were basically laughed at.  This will make up for it.

Dolphin_Hunter said:
Sea pay is a joke, if you are not able to be working on a ship then you should lose it (courses, sick, lame and lazy).  There is no way some dude on a 5's on the opposite coast should be getting sea pay.

There is NO WAY you can justify sea pay while you are sitting alongside cleaning shi||ers....

I know I have been there.

Army guys deserve full time field pay and its about time

Dolphin I laughed when I saw this in your profile +1

Notes: Nothing worse than navy personnel who act like Rambo