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Pay increments

I'd also like to know how someone would be received instant promotion after bmq for being semi-skilled, I will be going into my 3rd(and last) year of electronics engineering technology and I plan on joining as regF LCIS Tech after that in about 1 year.
As semiskilled, you will get advanced standing as a Pte after BMQ (which means higher pay). If your trade qualifications are sufficient, you may only do partial QL3 (maybe even partial QL5) to complete that level of training. In most tech trades, you need QL5 to qualify for Cpl.

The only "instant" promotions to Cpl I have ever seen after Basic where individuals that were previously trades qualified, released and then re-enrolled.

adaminc said:
I'd also like to know how someone would be received instant promotion after bmq for being semi-skilled, I will be going into my 3rd(and last) year of electronics engineering technology and I plan on joining as regF LCIS Tech after that in about 1 year.
For critical manning trades such as LCIS there are often specific enrollment programs, which allows for what is mentioned herein as semi skilled. However each is different and distinct from one another based on the MOS requirements. Anyone wishing to enrol who already have a s specified skillset should contact their CFRC to obtain exact details about each.
adaminc said:
I'd also like to know how someone would be received instant promotion after bmq for being semi-skilled, I will be going into my 3rd(and last) year of electronics engineering technology and I plan on joining as regF LCIS Tech after that in about 1 year.

I have a friend who is currently enrolled and on his LCIS Crse in Kingston.  He also has a College Deploma in Electronics, but finds most of the training to be all new to him.  He is a member of this site, and perhaps he can set you straight on some of your questions on these matters.  You will have to do POET before you do your LCIS Crse, so it is a long and demanding path before you finally graduate and get posted to a Unit. 

You may get a promotion to Cpl on graduation, but be forwarned that there are rules that apply to "Advanced Promotions" that can affect your career later.
From the CFAO s at this link you will find this"

1.     A CO may nominate for accelerated promotion members with outstanding
ability, leadership, or supervisory potential. Accelerated promotion to Cpl
must be in recognition of demonstrated outstanding performance as a
tradesperson, whereas nomination for accelerated appointment to MCpl or
above must also recognize leadership potential. A Pte may be nominated for
accelerated promotion to Cpl or appointment to MCpl but a member of the
rank of Cpl or above may be nominated for accelerated promotion only to the
next higher rank, including appointment to MCpl.
2.     A member's promotion shall not be accelerated through successive ranks
or to the same rank twice except as provided for in paragraph 7 of this
3.     Except as otherwise indicated, members governed by Tables 3, 4, 5, 7,
and 8 of Annex A are not eligible for accelerated promotion.
4.     Accelerated promotion of Pte/Cpl to MCpl in the INFMN, ARTYMN FD,
ARTYMN AD, CRMN, FLD ENG, FEE Op LMN and RAD OP MOCs shall be in accordance
with the Delegated Authority Promotion System (DAPS) as detailed in
Appendix 2. Members promoted to MCpl by DAPS must meet the prerequisites
prescribed in Table 2 to Annex A and Table 2 to this Annex to be eligible
for nomination to accelerated promotion to Sgt.
5.     To be eligible for nomination for accelerated promotion, a member must
meet the prerequisites prescribed in Table 2 to Annex A and those in the
appropriate tables to this Annex. A member may be nominated for accelerated
promotion to Mcpl without being MOC qualified but may not be promoted until
all prerequisites are met. The CO shall negotiate priority coursing with
the appropriate career manager (CM).
6.     Excepting those MOCs to which the DAPS is applicable, as detailed in
Appendix 2, regardless of the date of nomination for accelerated promotion
to Mcpl or above, a special PER must accompany the submission; however,
this does not negate the requirement for an annual or posting PER as

7.     A Pte's promotion may be accelerated to AL/Cpl who lacks QL5A
qualification because of Service reasons provided the member meets all the
other prerequisites in Table 1 to this Annex.

8.     Excepting those MOCs to which the DAPS is applicable, as detailed in
Appendix 2, a Pte nominated for accelerated promotion to Mcpl shall be
accelerated to Cpl pending merit board consideration. The effective date of
promotion to Cpl will be the date the recommendation was approved. The
effective date of promotion to Mcpl will be in accordance with merit list

9.     Each year on 31 Dec, NDHQ/DPCAOR will allocate ceilings for
accelerated promotion of Ptes to Cpl. Command ceilings shall not be
exceeded without the approval of NDHQ/DGPCOR. Unused portions of annual
allocations shall not be carried over into the next calendar year.

If you want to follow/investigate the references, they are on the link above.  There are also links to the QR&O s and DAOD s for those who want to did deeper.


        Current  Acceleration
Serial   Rank         to              Required Other Prerequisites

   1      Pte        Cpl       a. Have 3 years, but less than 4 a. Documentation. As deter-
                                 years, qualifying service. mined by CHQ.

                               b. Hold QL5A in current MOC, or b. Must meet all promotion
                                 hold next lower qualification prerequisites, other than time
                                 in current MOC when for in rank, specified in Annex A,
                                 Service reasons member has Tables 2 and 6.
                                 not qualified QL5A.


         For                                        Documentation               Prerequisites
Current Acceleration                                    Due                     Applicable to
Serial   Rank    to                    Required NDHQ by                          All Serials

  1      Pte    MCpl              a. Have 3 years, but less 1 Aug annually  a. COs letter of
                                    than 4 years, qualifying (see Note 1).     recommendation
                                    service.                                   and special PER.

                                  b. Hold QL5A in current                   b. OCC endorsement,
                                    MOC prior to 1 Aug in                      if applicable.
                                    year nomination is
                                    made.                                   c. Must meet all
                                                                               promotion prerequisites
                                  c. JLC qualified                             other than time in rank
                                    (see Note 2).                              specified in Annex A,
                                                                               promotion prerequisites
                                  c. JLC qualified                             other than time in rank
                                    (see Note 2).                              specified in Annex A,
                                                                               Tables 2 and 6.

  2      Cpl    MCpl   a. Have 1 year, but less     1 Aug annually          d. Current rank attained by
                         than 2 years, seniority    (see Note 1).             normal progression.
                         as Cpl by 31 Dec of
                         year nomination is                                 e. Copy of form CF 743A
                         made.                                                (see Annex G) for
                                                                              confirmation to QL or
                       b. Hold QL5A in current                                rank qualification as
                         MOC.                                                 applicable, and a copy
                                                                              of the JLC of SLC
                       c. JLC qualified                                       report.
                         (see Note 2).

  3      MCpl    Sgt   a. Have 1 year but less      1 Aug annually
                         than 2 years, seniority    (see Note 1).
                         as MCpl in year
                         nomination is made.

                       b. Hold QL6A in current

  4      Sgt     WO    a. Have 1 year, but less     1 Aug annually
                          than 3 years, seniority    (see Note 1).
                          as Sgt in year
                          nomination is made.

                       b. Hold QL6B in current

                       c. SLC qualified.

  5       WO     MWO   a. Have 1 year, but less   1 Aug annually
                         than 3 years, seniority  (see Note 1).
                         as WO in year
                         nomination is made.

                       b. Hold QL7 in current

  6      MWO     CWO   Accelerated promotion to
                       CWO is not permitted.

Notes-- 1. Documentation due dates are established to coincide with promotion merit board

        2. For the CRMN 011, ARTYMN FD 021, ARTYMN AD 022, INFMN 031, FD ENG 041,
           FRE OP 042, LMN 052 and RAD OP 211 MOCs see DAPS, Appendix 2.

Issued 1991-05-10

If you want more, then use these as a start to find what you want through the links provided.

For LCIS & ATIS, due to their manning shortages several people with the "right" skillset were bypass POET & QL3 in recent years. These pers are considered "Direct Entry Enrollee's" However, you must have the exact skillset which their are looking for as determined by CFSCE Stds & CFRG, so the best place to ask is at the CFRC itself. If any are still  ongoing, CFRC's will have the ability to provide you with all the paritcular information pertaining to these two occupations and the specific & unique enrollment programs available for each.

This is not to say that the CFAO's George mentions above are not applicable, quite to the contrary as they will guide you career post enrollement.
P2 FinClerk ? for you

currently an OCdt payed as CPL IPC/3 due to the ISS program I was selected for will I recieve an IPC increase as I would have if I had stayed in my former trade until the end of BOTP Ph II in december??


As you are being paid as a Cpl IPC/3 you will continue to be paid at that Level until such time as your Rank entitles you to be paid at that Rank Scale.  I am sure that if you follow the previous links, you will find the official word, and that is all that P2 FinClerk can quote you.  As an OCdt, it is time to start getting used to researching CFAO's, QR&O's, DOAD's and other DND Administrative links, as you will have to be the 'expert' when you get to 'lead men'.   
George Wallace said:
As you are being paid as a Cpl IPC/3 you will continue to be paid at that Level until such time as your Rank entitles you to be paid at that Rank Scale.  I am sure that if you follow the previous links, you will find the official word, and that is all that P2 FinClerk can quote you.  As an OCdt, it is time to start getting used to researching CFAO's, QR&O's, DOAD's and other DND Administrative links, as you will have to be the 'expert' when you get to 'lead men'.   

+1.  Lazy OCDTs.
kincanucks said:
+1.  Lazy OCDTs.

Oy! HEY HEY HEY! I'm LESS then LAZY there kincanucks :p that hurt my feelings greatly!  :'(
lazy OCDT's eh hows this 10 years in the CBI's change near daily and the ones regarding pay are almost completely written in NDHQese, so forgive me for asking the SME for advice (by the way the last tp cdr/divo I asked for advice on pay matters cost me nearly $2600 because he didn't know and instead of sending me the way of the pay office winged it) but then again I always thought that was a sign of leadership asking the sr NCO's for adivce
ArtyNewbie said:
lazy OCDT's eh hows this 10 years in the CBI's change near daily and the ones regarding pay are almost completely written in NDHQese, so forgive me for asking the SME for advice (by the way the last tp cdr/divo I asked for advice on pay matters cost me nearly $2600 because he didn't know and instead of sending me the way of the pay office winged it) but then again I always thought that was a sign of leadership asking the sr NCO's for adivce

Very nice.  If you go to the CFAO's, QR&O's and DAOD's in the links and looked up Vested Rights, and what a member is entitled to and then the CF Pay Scales (Links in another Thread) you will find the info necessary to answer the original question.  Now we are wasting time.
Page 3
Vested rights insured that people did not lose money
when commissioned from the ranks or when the CF
mandated a change to a member's career. Under
vested rights, a corporal appointed to officer cadet in
the University Training Plan - Non-Commissioned
Member (UTP NCM), for example, would continue
to be paid their corporal rate of pay, plus receive any
future Incentive Pay Categories (IPCs) and
economic increases, PO2 Bernard explained


Where is my Staples "EASY" Button?

Pick out the paragraphs that pertain to you:


1.     This order amplifies QR&O chapters 11 and 14, and prescribes the
policy for non-commissioned members (NCMs) on promotion, reduction,
reversion, and relinquishment of rank in the Regular Force.

DEFINITIONS2.     In this order:
    includes re-enrolment in, or transfer to, the Regular Force;

    means the date on which a member is eligible for consideration for
    promotion. The EPZ date is determined from the enrolment date adjusted
    by adding any leave without pay (LWOP) granted on enrolment, plus the
    minimum promotion time prerequisite for the next higher rank specified
    in Annex A, minus the time credit for promotion (TCP) if applicable,
    but it is never earlier than the enrolment date; or on promotion it is
    determined from the seniority date plus the minimum time prerequisite
    for the next higher rank specified in Annex A;

    means the transfer of NCMs from their current military occupation
    (MOC) to another MOC;

    includes appointment as master corporal (MCpl), granting of acting
    rank, and advancement within the rank of private from private
    (recruit) (Pte(R)) to private (basic) (Pte(B)) to private (trained)

    replaces "Trade Qualification (TQ)" and means the level of skill and
    knowledge specified for individual MOCs in the A-PD-series

    means the service required for entry into the promotion zone (EPZ) or
    for promotion to the next higher rank;

    means the compulsory demotion from a substantive rank to a lower rank
    by reason of, or consequent upon, a sentence imposed by a Service

    means the return to a lower rank by other than reduction and includes
    revocation and relinquishment of rank or appointment;

    means the date of promotion to substantive rank or in the case of a
    person who holds the rank granted on enrolment, the date of enrolment.
    This date may be subject to various adjustments;

    means the qualifying service calculated on the basis of the member's
    previous service, rank and military and/or civilian qualifications.
    TPC determines the earliest date a member may be eligible for
    promotion to the next higher substantive rank and is used to calculate
    the initial EPZ date, and

    includes MOC qualification training and/or language training.

3.     A member may be promoted in recognition of meritorious service or an
act of gallantry; such promotions require the approval of the Minister of
National Defence.

4.     Subject to paragraph 5, the approving authority for:
    a.   promotion to Pte(B), Pte(T), acting lacking/corporal (AL/Cpl),
         acting/corporal (provisional) (A/Cpl(P)) and Corporal (Cpl) is
         the member's commanding officer (CO);

    b.   except as specified in Annexes A, B and F, appointment to MCpl,
         or promotion to sergeant (Sgt) or to a higher rank, is National
         Defence Headquarters/Director General Personnel Careers Other
         Ranks (NDHQ/DGPCOR); and

    c.   except as specified in Annexes C and F, granting and revoking
         acting rank (acting lacking (AL) and/or provisional(P)) is

5.     The approving authority for:

    a.   accelerated promotion to Cpl is the member's CO subject to any
         limitations imposed by the officer commanding the command (OCC);

    b.   accelerated promotion to MCpl or to a rank higher than Cpl is
         NDHQ/DGPCOR; and

    c.   promotion from acting to substantive rank is the CO when the
         lacking prerequisite has been obtained.

6.     The sole authority for revoking a member's appointment as MCpl is
NDHQ/DGPCOR. Except as provided for in Appendix 2 of Annex B and paragraph
10 of Annex F, eligibility for reappointment will be determined by the
first merit board convened following revocation.

7.     The approving authority for granting acting rank "while so employed"
is limited to designated commanders of operational theatres, as determined
by the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS). A rank authorized on a
while-so-employed basis shall be revoked not later than the date when the
member ceases to be employed in the operational theatre.

8.     In accordance with  QR&O 11.02, a member may not be promoted unless
the following conditions are met:
    a.   an appropriate vacancy in the total establishment for the
         component exists:

    b.   the member is recommended by the appropriate authority; and

    c.   the member meets such promotion standards and other conditions as
         the CDS may prescribe. Except in cases of OT as outlined in
         paragraph 26, a member who declines promotion will be subject to
         a Career Review Board (CRB) in accordance with paragraph 41.

9.     Superseded by CANFORGEN 087/06

10.    The military requirement referred to in subparagraph 9b(2) is the
number of NCMs required at each rank level, in each military occupation, to
man the Canadian Forces (CF) establishment. Annual promotion quotas are
determined by calculating the difference between the military requirement
and the actual strength after subtracting the projected attrition for the
year from the latter figure. A member who will be selected for promotion
from the merit list within the annual promotion quota may be promoted out
of sequence during the promotion year to meet Service requirements. This
action will ensure units as full a complement of leaders as possible,
reduce turbulence, and permit the member the benefit of rank commensurate
with assigned duties.

11.    For promotion to Cpl, AUCpl or A/Cpl(P) and for nominations to
accelerated promotions and from acting to substantive rank, form CF 743A,
UER (Unit Employment Record) Qualification Record Sheet, shall be completed
and distributed as described in Annex G.
12.    A recommendation by a CO for promotion, or for qualification leading
to promotion, shall be construed to mean that the member has, in all
respects, demonstrated the necessary potential, and that the CO is prepared
to retain and develop the member in the higher rank.
13.    When a CO has recommended the promotion of a member in a Personal
Evaluation Record (PER) or by any other means, it is imperative that any
change in circumstances that could affect the member's suitability for
promotion be reported immediately to NDHQ/DGPCOR by message.
14.    When a promotion to Pte(T) or Cpl is denied, the CO shall inform
NDHQ/DGPCOR of the circumstances and specify the intended period of delay,
and inform the member of the action taken.
15.    In all cases, the CO shall, prior to approving promotion, confirm that
the member meets the minimum medical category for the MOC as prescribed in
34-30, Medical Standards for the Canadian Forces.
16.    When a promotion instruction has been issued and the CO does not
concur, recommendation that the promotion be denied shall be forwarded to
NDHQ/DPCAOR 2. The member shall be advised of the CO's action and of the
NDHQ decision.

Much more to follow......
17.    A member is not eligible for promotion during a period of probation.
COMPASSIONATE STATUS18.    Cpls and above who are on compassionate status in accordance with 20-4,
Compassionate Status and Postings-- Regular Force, shall be considered
for promotion in competition with their contemporaries; however, they are
not promotable for the period they remain on compassionate status.

19.    When a member of the rank of Cpl or above who is eligible for
promotion is assigned a temporary medical category that is lower than the
minimum required for the member's MOC, promotion shall be deferred.
Reinstatement of the member by NDHQ/DPCAOR (Director Personnel Career
Administration Other Ranks) shall occur only when a permanent category at
or above the minimum MOC requirement is approved by NDHQ/DMTS, (Director
Medical Treatment Services) or on declaration of a Career Medical Review
Board (CMRB) finding of retention without restriction. In either case, the
member must meet all other promotion prerequisites and the promotion shall
not be antedated more than 12 months. The member shall be advised of the
CO's action and the NDHQ decision.

20.    Superseded by ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 05/05

21.    A Pte who has a temporary medical category that is below the MOC
requirement may be promoted to Cpl provided all other prerequisites have
been met. In the case of a Pte who has a permanent medical category that
precludes unrestricted employment, the member may, subject to NDHQ/DPCAOR
approval, be promoted to Cpl providing all other promotion prerequisites
have been met.

22.    On enrolment or transfer, seniority in rank shall be calculated from
the enrolment date adjusted by any LWOP granted on enrolment and by any
seniority granted as part of the terms of enrolment. When a rank granted on
enrolment (other than Pte) is to acting/lacking qualification or
provisional status, the enrolment date adjusted by any LWOP granted on
enrolment shall be the seniority date until such time as the acting/lacking
qualification or provisional rank is converted to substantive rank. Upon
attaining substantive rank, the enrolment seniority date shall be adjusted
by the seniority granted as part of the terms of enrolment offer, and will
be authorized in accordance with A-PM-245-001/FP-001, Military Personnel
Information System, Chapter 7, Annex G.

23.    On promotion other than on enrolment, seniority shall be calculated as
    a.   Seniority in the rank of Cpl shall be calculated from the date of
         promotion to substantive rank. When a promotion to substantive
         rank was immediately preceded by acting rank, the date of
         seniority shall be adjusted to the date of promotion to acting

    b.   When appointment is to MCpl or promotion to substantive rank
         higher than Cpl, seniority shall be calculated from the first day
         of January of the year in which the promotion was effective.

    c.   When appointment is from acting MCpl to substantive MCpl, or
         promotion from an acting rank higher than Cpl, seniority shall be
         calculated from the first day of January of the year in which the
         promotion to acting rank was effective.

Note -- Time in an acting-while-so-employed rank, whether paid or unpaid,
shall not earn seniority in that acting rank.

24.    LWOP granted on enrolment shall not count as qualifying time for
promotion. Effective 1 Jun 86, all other LWOP of 120 days duration or less
shall count for promotion. LWOP of a duration of greater than 120 days may
count as qualifying service in total or in part as specified by the
approving authority of the leave. When a promotion instruction contains the
name of a member who is on LWOP, the CO shall advise NDHQ/DPCAOR of the
circumstances including commencement and termination dates. NDHQ/DPCAOR
will advise the CO whether the promotion will stand; will be cancelled, or
will be deferred.

25.    A member is not normally eligible for promotion under the following

    a.   Superseded by ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 05/05

    b.   commencement of retirement leave as defined in QR&O article
         16.18; or

    c.   the member is either released or transferred on release to the
         Reserve Force and notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing
         transferred on release to the Supplementary Ready Reserve (SRR)
         or Supplementary Holding Reserve (SHR).

26.    A member of the rank or appointment of Cpl and above who accepts
voluntary OT is eligible for promotion until the date of OT to the new MOC.
When a promotion is issued prior to the effective date of a voluntary OT,
the member will be advised of the promotion through the CO who will ensure
the member acknowledges that the promotion does not affect the request for
voluntary OT, but that reversion to the rank of Cpl, in accordance with
paragraph 27, will take place one day prior to the date training in the new
MOC commences.

27.    Unless otherwise specified by the OT authority, a member above the
rank of Cpl shall relinquish that appointment or rank, effective the day
before the date when training in the new MOC is to commence, in accordance
with 11-12, Occupation Transfer of Non-commissioned Members-- Regular
28.    A Pte who has attained QL5A and who OTs to a new MOC as a Pte may be
promoted to Cpl when the time prerequisites of the new MOC have been met.
29.    A Pte who is authorized QL5AP on enrolment, re-enrolment or OT is
promotable to acting rank when all other prerequisites have been met.
30.    A member who is on OT ceases to be eligible for promotion in the
former MOC effective the date of OT in accordance with 11-12.

31.    Rank prerequisites are specified in the tables in Annex A as Junior
Leadership Courses (JLCs) or as Senior Leadership Courses (SLCs).

32.    Leadership training will be conducted in the candidate's First
Official Language (FOL) unless the member requests otherwise.

33.    Leadership training serials will be loaded using the following
    a.   JLC--

         (1)  AL/MCpl,

         (2)  Cpls in the Dental MOCs and Musicians 871 (see note),

         (3)  members selected by NDHQ/DGPCOR and members on the JLC list
              provided by Director Personnel Career Other Ranks

         (4)  subject to vacancies, selected other Regular Force members
              who do not have the qualification; and

         (5)  qualified members of the Reserve Force.

Note -- Cpls in the Dental MOCs and Musicians where no MCpl appointment
exists shall be JLC-loaded.

    b.   SLC--

         (1)  acting warrant officers (AL/WO);

         (2)  Sgts as nominated by NDHQ/DPCOR; and

         (3)  qualified members of the Reserve Force.

34.    The member's CO shall, prior to course loading, identify those who
meet the minimum medical requirement for the MOC but who are unable to
participate fully in all performance objectives, and immediately advise
command headquarters (CHQ) and NDHQ/DPCAOR of the physical limitations
imposed. NDHQ/DPCAOR may authorize attendance by members with physical
limitations in specific cases.

35.    When a member develops a medical restriction during the course, a
passing grade shall be granted in the performance objectives concerned if
satisfactory ability has been demonstrated; otherwise, the member shall
cease training.

36.    A member who has successfully completed one of the following shall be
granted a JLC qualification:

    a.   a JLC;

    b.   Junior Non-commissioned Officer (NCO) Course (land);

    c.   Combat Leader Course (CLC);

    d.   Medical Assistant PL 5/QL5A Course conducted prior to 17 Jun 76;

    e.   Basic Officer Training Course (BOTC) that commenced on or after 9
         Sep 74;

    f.   Infantry Section Commander's Course; or

    g.   a SLC.

37.    A member is JLC-exempt if the member:

    a.   held the rank of Cpl on 30 Sep 66 and has served continuously
         since then;

    b.   was appointed MCpl prior to 1 Jan 77 and has served continuously
         since then; or

    c.   is in the final year of service prior to compulsory retirement
         age (CRA).

38.    A member who has successfully completed one of the following shall be
granted a SLC qualification:

    a.   a SLC; or

    b.   BOTC that commenced on or after 9 Sep 74 if the member held the
         appointment of MCpl or the rank of Sgt or above prior to
         commencement of BOTC training.

39.    A member is exempt from attending the SLC when in the final year of
service prior to CRA.

40.    In the event that a member (except for a member on initial QL3
training) cannot attend training for personal or medical reasons, or has
requested in writing to be excluded from training, or fails a training
course or examination normally required for employment or rank or MOC
progression, the CO or the training authority, as applicable, shall inform
NDHQ/DPCOR by message of the following details:
    a.   SIN, rank, surname, initials, and MOC of the member;

    b.   the course or examination failed or declined, and in the case of
         the course or examination failure, the date when the member was
         or will be advised;

    c.   the circumstances of the failure or reasons for declining the
         course or examination;

    d.   any mitigating circumstances;

    e.   the recommendations of the CO or training authority, as
         applicable; and

    f.   confirmation that the member has been counselled as to the career
         implications outlined in paragraph 41.

Note -- When a training authority initiates the message referred to above,
the member's unit shall be included as an information addressee.

41.    Superseded by DAOD 5019-2, Administrative Review

42.    In cases when a member relinquished a rank or appointment on OT, a CRB
directing OT back to the original MOC may authorize restoration of the
member's original rank or appointment and seniority held in that MOC.

43.    When retention is with career restrictions, removal of the career
restriction may be considered by the CRB only if there is a change of
circumstances and the CO so recommends.

44.    Superseded by ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 05/05
45.    This order contains the following annexes:
Annex A-- Promotion-- Eligibility Criteria
Annex B-- Accelerated Promotion
Annex C-- Acting Rank-- Acting Lacking or
Annex D-- Qualification levels -- Eligibility Criteria
Annex E-- Terms Offered on Enrolment, Transfer, and Occupation Transfer
Annex F-- Alteration of Punishment and Promotion Following Reduction,
Reversion and Relinquishment of Rank
Annex G-- Completion and Distribution of Modified Form CF 743A
Annex H-- Continuous Merit List (CML)
Annex J-- Non-Commissioned Members' Merit Boards

(C)                                    1605-49-4 (DPCAOR)

Career Policy
Occupation Transfer
Terms of Service
Issued 1991-05-10

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
|      | Current |  to    |        Minimum Time            |      MOC      |              |                                    |
|Serial| Rank or | Qualify |        Prerequisite            | Qualification |    Other    |      General Prerequisites        |
|      | Status  |  for  |            for EPZ              | Prerequisite  | Prerequisite |    Applicable to all Serials      |
|-- -- -- +-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- --|
|  1  |Pte(R)  |Pte(B)  |N/A                              |N/A            |Recruit      |a.  Medical. Meet the minimum      |
|      |        |        |                                |              |Training      |    medical category for the        |
|-- -- -- +-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+-- -    MOC as prescribed in            |
|  2  |Pte(B)  |Pte(T)  |30 months                        |QL3 minimum    |              |    A-MD-154-000/FP-000,            |
|      |        |(award of|qualifying service              |(see Notes 2  |              |    Medical Standards for the      |
|      |        |1st      |                                |and 3)        |              |    Canadian Forces.                |
|      |        |chevron) |                                |              |              |                                    |
|-- -- -- +-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+-- |b.  Availability.  Be available for |
|  3  |Pte(T)  |Cpl      |4 years                          |QL5A          |              |    unrestricted employment in      |
|      |        |        |qualifying service              |(see Note 7)  |              |    MOC.                            |
|-- -- -- +-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- ---- |                                    |
|  4  |Cpl      |MCpl    |2 years seniority as Cpl        |QL5A          |JLC          |c.  Suitability.  Have a recent    |
|-- -- -- +-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- |    history of satisfactory        |
|  5  |MCpl    |Sgt      |2 years seniority as MCpl        |QL6A          |(see Note 5)  |    performance and conduct.        |
|-- -- -- +-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- ---- |                                    |
|  6  |Sgt      |WO      |3 years seniority as Sgt        |QL6B          |SLC          |d.  CO's recommendation.            |
|-- -- -- +-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- - -- -- |                                    |
|  7  |WO      |MWO      |3 years seniority as WO          |QL7            |(see Note 4)  |                                    |
|-- -- -- +-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+-- -- - -- -- -- |                                    |
|  8  |MWO      |CWO      |2 years seniority as MWO        |QL8            |              |                                    |
|      |        |        |                                |(see Note 4)  |              |                                    |
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Notes --  1.  Serials 1 to 4 are not applicable to AES Op.
          2.  (Deleted by CANFORGEN 021/04)
              QL4 Fleet Examination.
          3.  Cancelled Change 8/05
          4.  Not all MOCs have QL7 and 8 prerequisites.
          5.  For Infmn 031 -- Small Arms Instructors Course.
          6.  Members who OT to MOCs 714, 715, 716 and 717 require two
              years service after obtaining QL5 in the new MOC before
              being eligible for promotion.
          7.  For Mar El 332 -- QL5 is the MOC qualification prerequisite.


        Current    To                                MOC
        Rank or  Qualify    Minimum Time        Qualification      Other                General Prerequisites
Serial  Status      for      Prerequisite          Prerequisite  Prerequisite          Applicable to all Serials

1      Pte(T)    Cpl        3 years qualifying    QL5A (see                        a. Medical. Meet the minimum
                              service              Notes 1 and 4)                      medical category for the MOC as
                                                                                        prescribed in A-MD-154-000/FP-00.
2      Pte(T)    MCpl      3 years qualifying    QL5A                JLC
                              service              (see Notes 2,                    b. Availability. Be available for
                                                    3,4, and 5)                        unrestriced employment in MOC.

3      Cpl        MCpl      1 year seniority as  QL5A (see          JLC          c. Suitability. Have a recent history
                              Cpl                  Note 5)                            of satisfactory performance and

4      MCpl      Sgt        1 year seniority as  QL6A (see                        d. CO's recommendation.
                              MCpl                  Note 5)

5      Sgt        WO        2 years seniority as  QL6B                SLC

6      WO        MWO        2 years seniority as  QL7

7      MWO        CWO        Accelerated promotion to CWO is not permitted

Notes-- 1. A Pte who requires a QL5A course may be authorized AUCpl as prescribed in Annex B.

      2.  Serials 2 and 3 do not apply to promotions under Delegated Authority Promotion System (DAPS).

      3.  A Pte nominated for accelerated promotion to MCpl will be promoted to Cpl by NDHQ/DPCAOR before being eligible for

      4.  Accelerated promotion to Cpl or MCpl is not applicable to the AES Op Moc.

      5.  Accelerated promotion from Cpl to Sgt is not applicable to the Dental MOCs.


          Prerequisites            MOC Qualification        Rank                    General Prerequisites

1.  Successful completion of AES  QL5A(P)            See Notes 1 and 2.      a. Medical. Meet the minimum
    Op Basic Aircrew Training                                                    classification for the MOC as
    School (ABATS)(Phase 1)                                                      prescribed in A-MD-154-000/FP-000.

2.  Successful completion of      QL5A              If AUCpl promote to Cpl    unrestricted employment in MOC.
    Maritime Operation Air Training                  (see Note 6).
    (MOAT) (Phase 2)                                                          c. Suitability. Have a recent history of

                                                                                  satisfactory performance and
  3.  12 months from graduation    QL5A              AUMCpl                      conduct.
          from Phase 1                                (see Note 3).
                                                                              d. CO's recommendation

Notes-- 1. MCpls and above on remuster to AES Op 181 shall revert to Cpl on the day prior to commencement of training.

      2.  The CO shall grant A/Cpl(P) to Ptes upon successful graduation from Phase 1.

      3.  The CO may appoint a member to AUMCpl if not JLC qualified, or to MCpl if JLC qualified on the anniversary of 12 months
          from graduation of Phase 1. The CO shall notify NDHQ/DPCAOR who will promulgate the appropriate message.

      4.  Accelerated promotion to Cpl or MCpl in accordance with Annex B is not applicable to MOC 081.

      5.  Progression beyond MCpl shall be in accordance with Annex A, Table 1.

      6.  Upon successful completion of MOAT (Phase 2), the CO of the Sqn where MOAT is conducted shall promote A/Cpl(P) to
          substantive Cpl.


          Current    To      Minimum Time            MOC
          Rank or    Qualify    Prerequisite        Qualification    Other            General Prerequisite
Serial    Status      for        for EPZ            Prerequisite  Prerequisite    Applicable to all Serials

  1    Pte(R)    Pte(B)    N/A                  N/A            Recruit      a. Medical. Meet the minimum
                                                                  Training        medical classification for
                                                                                    the MOC as prescribed in
  2    Pte(B)    Pte(T)    30 months            QL3 or higher                  A-MD-154-000/FP-000.
                              qualifying service                                b. Availability. Be available for
                                                                                    unrestricted employment in
  3    Pte(T)    Cpl        48 months            QL5A                            MOC.
                              qualifying service    (722)
                              from date of                                      c. Suitability. Have a recent history
                              enrolment                                            of satisfactory performance and

  4    Cpl        Sgt        3 years seniority as  QL6A          JLC          d. CO's recommendation.
                              Cpl (see Note 2)

  5    Sgt        WO        3 years seniority as                SLC

  6    WO        MWO        3 years seniority as

  7    MWO        CWO        2 years seniority as

Notes-- 1. No accelerated promotions are authorized from the Cpl to Sgt rank in any of the Dental MOCs.

      2.  Time in rank requirement for promotion from Cpl to Sgt is three years after obtaining QL5 in any of the Dental MOCs. In
          addition the member must have a merit list position in the MOC in which promotion to Sgt is to occur.

      3.  Members promoted to A/Sgt must be qualified JLC.


          Current        To      Minimum Time              MOC
          Rank or      Qualify    Prerequisite        Qualification    Other            General Prerequisite
Serial    Status        for        for EPZ          Prerequisite  Prerequisite    Applicable to all Serials

1      Sgt        WO          3 years seniority as      QL6B      SLC          a. Medical. Meet the medical
                                Sgt                                  (see Note 3)    classification for
                                                                                      the MOC as prescribed in
2      WO        MWO          3 years seniority as      QL7
                                WO                                                b. Availability. Be available for
                                                                                      unrestricted employment in
3      MWO        CWO          2 years seniority as      QL8                        MOC.
                                                                                  c. Suitability. Have a recent history
                                                                                      of satisfactory performance and

                                                                                  d. CO's recommendation.

Notes-- 1. Progression up to Sgt level is governed by 9-8.

      2.  Members of MOC 871 are ineligible for accelerated promotion or acting rank except that a Sgt may be promoted A/WO(LQ)
          when for service reasons the member is lacking SLC.

      3.  QL6B is required prior to SLC.

TABLE 6 -MAR ENG MOCS 312, 313, AND 314

              Current      To        Minimum Time          and
              Rank or    Qualify      Prerequisite      Certification    Other        General Prerequisites
Serial  MOC    Status      for            for EPZ          Prerequisite    Applicable to all Serials

  1    312  Pte(R)    Pte(B)        N/A                N/A            Recruit      a. Medical. Meet the
                                                                          Training        minimum classification for
                                                                                          the MOC as prescribed in
  2    312  Pte(B)    Pte(T)        30 months          Certificate 1
                        (award of 1st  qualifying          (see Note 1)                b. Availability. Be available
                        chevron)      service                                            for unrestricted employment
                                                                                          in MOC.
  3    312  Pte(T)    Cpl            4 years            QL5A=400
                                      qualifying service  Hours Watch-                c. Suitability. Have a recent
                                                          keeping with                    history of satisfactory
                                                          Certificate 1                  performance and conduct.

                                                                                        d. CO's recommendation.
  4    312  Cpl        Cpl                                QL5A Course
            312        313(P)

  5    313  Cpl        Cpl                                Certificate 2
            313(P)    313

  6    313  Cpl        MCpl          2 years seniority                  JLC
                                      as Cpl

  7    313  MCpl      Sgt            2 years seniority
                                      as MCpl

  8    313  Sgt        Sgt                              Certificate 3                a. Medical. Meet the
            313        314                                                              minimum classification for
                                                                                        the MOC as prescribed in
  9    314  Sgt        WO            3 years seniority                    SLC
                                      as Sgt                                          b. Availability. Be available
                                                                                        for unrestricted employment
  10    314  WO        MWO          3 years seniority  Certificate 4                  in MOC.
                                      as WO
                                                                                      c. Suitability. Have a recent
                                                                                        history of satisfactory
  11    314  MWO        CWO          2 years seniority                                  performance and conduct.

                                                                                      d. CO's recommendation.

Notes-- 1. MOC progression must be achieved prior to rank progression.

      2.  Some personnel have vested rights to promotion even though they may be missing some MOC qualifications. These vested
          rights have been promulgated in CFSOs.

      3.  For promotion from Pte(B) to Pte(T), the order in which the various prerequisites are completed is immaterial.

      4.  For Certificate 2, 3, and 4, the formal MOC course and the OJT must be completed prior to attempting the certificate
          examination/Board .

         Minimum                                                                                      General Prerequisites
           Time        Current                              Pay                                           Applicable to
Serial  Prerequisite  Rank or Status To Qualify For MOC    Incentive        Prerequisites                   All Serials

(a)        (b)               (c)            (d)    (e)       (f)              (g)                              (h)

1           --               --     Pte(R)        312     Pte Recruit  On entry (see Note 1)          a. Medical. Meets the
2        2 months    Pte(R)         Pte(B)        312     Pte Recruit  Completion of recruit and           for the MOC as
                                                                       environmental training              prescribed in
                                                                       (OSQ AB)                            A-MD-154-000/
                                                                       (see Note 2)                        FP-000.

3       10 months    Pte(B)         Pte(B)        312     Pte IPC 2    On successful completion         b. Availability. Be
                                                                       of 1st academic year                available for
                                                                                                           employment in MOC.

4       14 months    Pte(T)         Pte(T)        312     Pte IPC 3    Certificate I Qualified          c.  Suitability. Have
                                                                                                            a recent history
                                                                       (AMOC)                               of satisfactory
                                                                                                            performance and

5       23 months    Pte(T)  A/Cpl                312     Cpl Basic    On successful completion         d.  CO's
                                                                       of second academic year              Recommendation.
                                                                       (see Note 3)

6       35 months    Cpl     Cpl                  312     Cpl IPC 2    On successful completion
                                                                       of third academic year

7      37-40 months  Cpl     A/MCpl               313(P)  MCpl Basic   On successful completion

(see Notes 4 and 5)

Notes-- 1. Minimum time prerequisite is calculated from the date the candidate commences the programme.

      2.   Ptes (In-Service) candidates will continue to receive and be awarded incentive pay increases in accordance with 204-2.

      3.   Acting Cpl status is removed upon receipt of marks from SLCSL or IMQ.

      4.   Provisional status is removed on attaining Certificate 2.

      5.   Acting MCpl status is removed on merit board approval within 2 years of graduation.

      6.   All promotions require NDHQ/DPCOR authority.

      7.   Progression beyond MS shall be in accordance with Annex A, Table 6.


                  Prerequisite                        Pay
 Serial       Time from Enrolment          Rank     Incentive                      Prerequisites
                                        Pte(R)     Pte Recruit  On entry granted--
   1                                                              TCP 280 days (200 series MOCs)
                                                                  TCP 168 days (500 series MOCs)
                                                                  TCP 372 days (MOC 431 ELM Tech)
                                                                  TCP 30 months (NW Tech 065)
                                                                  TCP 36 months (NE Tech 283,284 and 285)
                                                                  TCP 30 months (Mar Eng Mech 312 and Mar El 332).

 2(a)        3 months                   Pte(B)     Pte IPC 3    On successful completion of recruit training, granted
                                                                IPC 3 retroactive to date of enrolment
                                                                MOC 431 granted QL3 outright.
 2(b)                                   Able       Pte(B)       On successful completion of recruit training and OSQ/AB
(see Note 1)                             Seaman     IPC 3        training, granted IPC 3 retroactive to date of enrolment.
  3          9 months                   Pte(T)     Pte IPC 3    200 and 500 Series MOCs--
             (varies by MOC)                                      On successful completion of QL3 training, granted
                                                                  QL5 granted outright to 500 series MOCs upon
  -                                                               completion of ATAT (Air Trade Advancement
                                                                   Training) program.
                                                                  QL5 granted outright 200 series MOCs.
                                                                431 ELM Tech--
                                                                  On successful completion of MOC 432 QL5 training.

  4          12 months                  Pte(T)     Pte IPC 3
             39 months (200 MOCs)

  5          42 months (500 MOCs)       Cpl        Cpl Basic    Promotion contingent upon having been granted QL5 in
                                                                accordance with normal progression in assigned MOC.
             36 months (MOC 432)

             18 months (MOC 065)
             12 months (MOCs 283,
             284 and 285)

             18 months (MOCs 312, 332)

Notes-- 1. Serial 2(b) is applicable to the Naval MOC's under STEP.

      2.   Accelerated promotion for members enrolled under STEP will not come out of command, base or unit allocation.

      3.   Progression beyond Cpl shall be in accordance with Annex A, Table 1.


                           To       Minimum Time           MOC
       Current           Qualify     Prerequisite       Qualification     Other          General Prerequisites
Serial   Rank               for         for EPZ           Prerequisite   Prerequisite    Applicable to all Serials

 1     Pte(R)   Pte(B)             N/A                  N/A             Recruit       a. Medical. Meet the minimum
                                                                        Training        medical category for the MOC,
                                                                                        prescribed in A-MD-154-000/FP-000
 2     Pte(B)   Pte(T)             30 months            C3              Surtops III
           (award of 1st chevron)  qualifying service                                b. Availability. Be available for
                                                                                        unrestricted employment in
 3     Pte(T)   Cpl                48 months            QL5A                            MOC.
                                   qualifying service                   Surtops II
                                                                                      c. Suitability. Have a recent his-
                                                                                        tory of satisfactory perfor-
 4     Cpl      MCpl               24 months seniority                  JLC             mance and conduct.
                                   as LS                QL5A            Surtops I
                                                                                      d. CO's recommendation.

 5     MCpl     Sgt                24 months seniority  QL6A
                                   as MS

 6     Sgt      WO                 36 months seniority  QL6B            SLC
                                   as PO2

 7     WO       MWO                36 months seniority  QL7

 8     MWO      CWO                24 months seniority  QL8
                                   as CPO 2

Issued 1991-05-10

1.     A CO may nominate for accelerated promotion members with outstanding
ability, leadership, or supervisory potential. Accelerated promotion to Cpl
must be in recognition of demonstrated outstanding performance as a
tradesperson, whereas nomination for accelerated appointment to MCpl or
above must also recognize leadership potential. A Pte may be nominated for
accelerated promotion to Cpl or appointment to MCpl but a member of the
rank of Cpl or above may be nominated for accelerated promotion only to the
next higher rank, including appointment to MCpl.
2.     A member's promotion shall not be accelerated through successive ranks
or to the same rank twice except as provided for in paragraph 7 of this
3.     Except as otherwise indicated, members governed by Tables 3, 4, 5, 7,
and 8 of Annex A are not eligible for accelerated promotion.
4.     Accelerated promotion of Pte/Cpl to MCpl in the INFMN, ARTYMN FD,
ARTYMN AD, CRMN, FLD ENG, FEE Op LMN and RAD OP MOCs shall be in accordance
with the Delegated Authority Promotion System (DAPS) as detailed in
Appendix 2. Members promoted to MCpl by DAPS must meet the prerequisites
prescribed in Table 2 to Annex A and Table 2 to this Annex to be eligible
for nomination to accelerated promotion to Sgt.
5.     To be eligible for nomination for accelerated promotion, a member must
meet the prerequisites prescribed in Table 2 to Annex A and those in the
appropriate tables to this Annex. A member may be nominated for accelerated
promotion to Mcpl without being MOC qualified but may not be promoted until
all prerequisites are met. The CO shall negotiate priority coursing with
the appropriate career manager (CM).
6.     Excepting those MOCs to which the DAPS is applicable, as detailed in
Appendix 2, regardless of the date of nomination for accelerated promotion
to Mcpl or above, a special PER must accompany the submission; however,
this does not negate the requirement for an annual or posting PER as
7.     A Pte's promotion may be accelerated to AL/Cpl who lacks QL5A
qualification because of Service reasons provided the member meets all the
other prerequisites in Table 1 to this Annex.
8.     Excepting those MOCs to which the DAPS is applicable, as detailed in
Appendix 2, a Pte nominated for accelerated promotion to Mcpl shall be
accelerated to Cpl pending merit board consideration. The effective date of
promotion to Cpl will be the date the recommendation was approved. The
effective date of promotion to Mcpl will be in accordance with merit list
9.     Each year on 31 Dec, NDHQ/DPCAOR will allocate ceilings for
accelerated promotion of Ptes to Cpl. Command ceilings shall not be
exceeded without the approval of NDHQ/DGPCOR. Unused portions of annual
allocations shall not be carried over into the next calendar year.
10.    Nominations for accelerated promotion to Cpl shall be submitted in
accordance with command instructions.
11.    Nominations for accelerated promotion to MCpl or above shall be
forwarded to NDHQ/DGPCOR, through the normal chain of command. Accelerated
promotion to Mcpl or above is subject to merit board consideration along
with all other candidates.
Issued 1991-05-10


       Current  Acceleration
Serial   Rank         to              Required Other Prerequisites

  1      Pte        Cpl       a. Have 3 years, but less than 4 a. Documentation. As deter-
                                years, qualifying service. mined by CHQ.

                              b. Hold QL5A in current MOC, or b. Must meet all promotion
                                hold next lower qualification prerequisites, other than time
                                in current MOC when for in rank, specified in Annex A,
                                Service reasons member has Tables 2 and 6.
                                not qualified QL5A.


        For                                        Documentation               Prerequisites
Current Acceleration                                    Due                     Applicable to
Serial   Rank    to                    Required NDHQ by                          All Serials

 1      Pte    MCpl              a. Have 3 years, but less 1 Aug annually  a. COs letter of
                                   than 4 years, qualifying (see Note 1).     recommendation
                                   service.                                   and special PER.

                                 b. Hold QL5A in current                   b. OCC endorsement,
                                   MOC prior to 1 Aug in                      if applicable.
                                   year nomination is
                                   made.                                   c. Must meet all
                                                                              promotion prerequisites
                                 c. JLC qualified                             other than time in rank
                                   (see Note 2).                              specified in Annex A,
                                                                              promotion prerequisites
                                 c. JLC qualified                             other than time in rank
                                   (see Note 2).                              specified in Annex A,
                                                                              Tables 2 and 6.

 2      Cpl    MCpl   a. Have 1 year, but less     1 Aug annually          d. Current rank attained by
                        than 2 years, seniority    (see Note 1).             normal progression.
                        as Cpl by 31 Dec of
                        year nomination is                                 e. Copy of form CF 743A
                        made.                                                (see Annex G) for
                                                                             confirmation to QL or
                      b. Hold QL5A in current                                rank qualification as
                        MOC.                                                 applicable, and a copy
                                                                             of the JLC of SLC
                      c. JLC qualified                                       report.
                        (see Note 2).

 3      MCpl    Sgt   a. Have 1 year but less      1 Aug annually
                        than 2 years, seniority    (see Note 1).
                        as MCpl in year
                        nomination is made.

                      b. Hold QL6A in current

 4      Sgt     WO    a. Have 1 year, but less     1 Aug annually
                         than 3 years, seniority    (see Note 1).
                         as Sgt in year
                         nomination is made.

                      b. Hold QL6B in current

                      c. SLC qualified.

 5       WO     MWO   a. Have 1 year, but less   1 Aug annually
                        than 3 years, seniority  (see Note 1).
                        as WO in year
                        nomination is made.

                      b. Hold QL7 in current

 6      MWO     CWO   Accelerated promotion to
                      CWO is not permitted.

Notes-- 1. Documentation due dates are established to coincide with promotion merit board

       2. For the CRMN 011, ARTYMN FD 021, ARTYMN AD 022, INFMN 031, FD ENG 041,
          FRE OP 042, LMN 052 and RAD OP 211 MOCs see DAPS, Appendix 2.

Issued 1991-05-10


1.    This appendix outlines the DAPS policy and procedures for the
promotion of Ptes and Cpls to MCpl  in the CRMN 011, ARTYMN FD 021, ARTYMN
AD 022, INFMN 031, FLD ENG 041, and FEE OP 042 MOCs.  LMN 052 and RAD OP
211 MOCs may be included  under this programme when authorized by

2.    The purpose of DAPS is to permit qualified  members (Ptes and Cpls)
who have leadership potential, to be promoted to Mcpl when a specified
MOC's  current merit list has been exhausted of all suitable  Cpls for
appointment to MCpl, and a vacancy exists  at the MCpl level.

3.    A MOC that has appointment requirements at  the MCpl level that can be
met by the normal promotion system is not eligible for DAPS.

4.    Implementation of DAPS requires NDHQ/DGPCOR approval.


5.    To be eligible for nomination for promotion to  MCpl, a Cpl or Pte
must be:

    a.  QL5A qualified; and

    b.  Combat Leader Course (CLC) or Infantry Section Commander's Course


6.    When implementation of DAPS is approved, Cpls on the current merit
list who are qualified and  suitable for promotion to MCpl, except for
meeting the  minimum time prerequisite, may be promoted to MCpl  effective
the date implementation was approved by  NDHQ/DGPCOR.

7.    Cpls nominated by the CO, and who meet the  eligibility criteria, may
be promoted to MCpl, effective  the date the unit vacancies are promulgated


8.    Ptes who meet the eligibility criteria and are suitable for promotion
to MCpl under DAPS will be promoted to the substantive rank of Cpl by the
CO effective the date the unit vacancies were promulgated by NDHQ/CM and to
MCpl the day following the date of promotion to Cpl.


9.    A LOTP candidate, having been accepted for OT, may be appointed MCpl
prior to commencement of any training required for OT without being
required to withdraw the LOTP application for OT in accordance with
paragraph 27 of this order.


10.    The authority for promotion to Cpl is the CO; the authority for
appointment to MCpl is DGPCOR.


11.    Revocation of appointment to MCpl shall be in accordance with
paragraph 6 of this order.

12.    Ptes and Cpls who are appointed MCpl and whose appointments are
subsequently revoked will  retain the substantive rank of Cpl.


13.    Upon receipt of approval to implement DAPS, NDHQ/DPCAOR will promote
all Cpls who are on the merit list and suitable in all respects for
promotion to MCpl except for meeting the minimum time prerequisite in
accordance with paragraph 6 of this Appendix.  Cpls on the merit list who
are not qualified for promotion for reasons other than time in rank shall
be protected and may be promoted within the promotion year effective the
date the required qualification(s) is  attained.

14.    In accordance with the unit allocation, and target strength
permitting, COs will be advised by NDHQ/CM,  using the message format in
Appendix 3, of the available vacancies for appointment to MCpl. The CO
shall:  a. select the candidate;

    b.  verify that the member is fully qualified for promotion;

    c.  determine the effective date of promotion which cannot be prior
          to the date of the  NDHQ/CM message advising of the  vacancy;

    d.  advise and promote the member; and

    e.  request promotion promulgation from NDHQ/DPCOR in accordance with
          Appendix 3, paragraph 2.

Upon receipt of the unit request for promulgation, NDHQ/DPCAOR will
promulgate the DAPS promotion  message.

Issued 1991-05-10


PROTECTED A                              DPCOR/(CM)






REF: 49-4, ANNEX B

1. ______________________APPT VACANCY(IES) TO MCPL ARE AVAILABLE

________________UNIT. ALLOCATIONS AS FOLS:

A. ..............................  .......................................
              (UNIT)                          (No. VACANCIES)

B. ...............................  .......................................
              (UNIT)                          (No. VACANCIES)

C. ...............................  .......................................
              (UNIT)                          (No. VACANCIES)

                                    (CM)          (Date)







Issued 1991-05-10 

George Wallace said:
As you are being paid as a Cpl IPC/3 you will continue to be paid at that Level until such time as your Rank entitles you to be paid at that Rank Scale.  I am sure that if you follow the previous links, you will find the official word, and that is all that P2 FinClerk can quote you.  As an OCdt, it is time to start getting used to researching CFAO's, QR&O's, DOAD's and other DND Administrative links, as you will have to be the 'expert' when you get to 'lead men'.   

See CBI 204.211 (10)(a).  He'll get any incentive increases he would have received had he not been appointed OCdt.

(10) (Officer Cadet – former non-commissioned member) An officer cadet who is appointed directly to that rank from a non-commissioned rank shall be paid:

  1. if the member was a non-commissioned member of the Regular Force, at the rate of pay which, including any upward adjustments to the rates of pay determined under subparagraphs (i) and (ii) that may be established from time to time, and any upward adjustments resulting from the reallocation of the last military occupation in which the member served as a non-commissioned member to a higher trade group, is the greater of the rate of pay established for
        a. the rank, pay increment, pay level and trade group held on the day immediately prior to the date of appointment to the rank of officer cadet, or
        b. any higher pay increment to which the member would have become entitled had the member remained in the former rank, pay level and trade group as a non-commissioned member; and
Still more:

1.     The accelerated promotion ceilings will be allocated to the following
functional commands or NDHQ groups:

DG Exec Sec
ADM(Mat) (less NDHQ Personnel)
SURGEN, 1 Fd Hospital and DCIEM
CFHMSS for NDMC, CF Hospital and Equipment

2.     Functional commands or NDHQ groups listed in paragraph 1 will be
provided with a computer printout of the number of Ptes(T) by unit
identification code (UIC) and MOC on command or group strength as of 31 Dec
annually. The command ceilings shall be 10 per cent of this total and will
be expressed in person-years or months.

3.     Information pertaining to a command or group ceiling will initially be
provided in two parts. Part 1 will indicate the MOC, the total number of
Ptes(T) in that MOC serving in the command or group, and the units by UIC
where these members are located. Part 2 will indicate the total number of
Ptes(T) at each unit within the command or group. A sample format is
outlined at Appendix 5.

4.     Commands and groups are responsible for the allocation and
accountability of their person-year ceiling. For example, a member
accelerated at 36 months requires one person-year; whereas a member
accelerated at 42 months requires, half a person-year. Person-months used
as a result of an accelerated promotion will be subtracted from the
command's yearly allocation at the time promotion is authorized and will
not be carried forward into the ensuing year.


5.     The only documentation required by NDHQ/DGPCOR for accelerated
promotion of Pte to Cpl under this policy is:

    a.   a copy of form CF 743A completed and distributed in accordance
         with Annex G; and

    b.   a request for QL5A training when the member is granted AUCpl.


6.     Accelerated promotion to AUCpl(LQ) or Cpl will be reported through
Unit Personnel Data Transaction (UPDT) in accordance with
A-PM-245-001/FP-001, Chapter 3, Annex B, Appendix 11.

7.     NDHQ/DPCAOR, appropriate CMs, and Director Personnel Information
Systems/Input Control Center (DPIS/ICC) shall be advised of reversions by
promotion authority using the format instructions outlined in
A-PM-245-001/FP-001, Chapter 7, Annex H. Unit UPDT action shall be
completed in accordance with Chapter 3 for Central Computation Pay System
(CCPS) input, ie, using the reversion entry 11.02.

Issued 1991-05-10


PART 1-- (Pte(T) strength by MOC and UIC)

     MOC             TOTAL       UIC

     011               5         0133 (2)

     021               8         0133 (2)

     031               8         0117 (1)
                                 0127 (1)

     041               2         0121 (1)

     512             225         0101 (28)          0138(23)    2569(3)
                                 0102 (10)          1780 (7)    2570 (3)
                                 0104(8)            1873(3)     2959 (4)
                                 0117 (10)          1893(2)
                                 0119 (2)           2378(6)     7700 (3)
                                 0121 (10)          2411 (2)    7717 (3)
                                 0127(11)           2501 (2)
                                 0134(5)            2552 (8)
                                 0135(8)            2557(5)
                                 0137(17)           2568(3)

    TOTAL            248

Command Ceiling-- 25 person-years.

PART 2 -(Pte(T)strength by UIC)

UIC                       STRENGTH

0101                         28
0102                         10
0104                          8
0117                         11
0119                          2
0121                         11
0125                         31
0126                          8
0127                         12
0133                          7
0134                          6
0135                          8
0137                         17
0138                         35
1780                          7
1873                          3
1893                          2
2378                          6
2411                          2
2501                          2
2552                          8
2557                          5
2568                          3
2569                          3
2570                          3
2959                          4
7700                          3
7717                          3

TOTAL                       248

Issued 1991-05-10

1.     A member who meets all the prerequisites for promotion except for
either a QL or rank qualification that is obtained by formal course may be
granted acting lacking rank (AL). The authority for granting;
    a.   A/Cpl(P) or AL/Cpl is the CO; and

    b.   AL/MCpl and above is NDHQ/DGPCOR.

2.     To be eligible for acting rank there must be a vacancy in the rank and
MOC, and the member must:

    a.   for granting an A/Cpl(P) on enrolment or transfer--

         (1)  be rank qualified and have completed training for the QL
              specified for that rank, and

         (2)  meet all other promotion prerequisites in accordance with
              Table 1,6, 7, or 8 to Annex A except as prescribed at sub-
              subparagraph (1).

Notes-- 1. Acting rank (P) may be granted by NDHQ/DGPCOR on enrolment or

      2.   Acting MCpl status and acting rank (P) higher than Cpl may be
         authorized by NDHQ/DGPCOR on the recommendation of a CO; and by a
         CO to the rank of Cpl, when a punishment following conviction is
         a sentence that has been suspended under  QR&O 114.36.

      3.   For granting of an acting lacking rank (lacking qualification)
         (AL), the member must:

         (1)  lack either the rank or MOC qualification for Service
              reasons, except Dental MOCs that must be qualified JLC,

         (2)  have not previously failed the required MOC or rank
              qualification, have not declined attendance on a career
              course, or not have been unavailable for other than Service

         (3)  meet all other promotion prerequisites in accordance with
              Table 1 to Annex A, and

         (4)  have been selected or recommended for promotion.

      4.     Members of the Naval MOCs above the rank of Leading Seaman are not
         eligible for acting lacking rank until commencement of the required MOC


3.     Except as in Tables 3, 6, and 8 of Annex A when a member OTs to
another MOC, that member may be granted AUCpl if the eligibility criteria
in note 3 is met. In such cases, the effective date of promotion to AL/Cpl
will be the date the member has completed a minimum of four years
qualifying service, and has qualified QL4 in any MOC. For those MOCs that
do not have a QL4 qualification, the member must have QL3 qualification and
have a minimum of four years qualifying service.

4.     Except where promotion is authorized under the terms of re-enrolment
or transfer, the earliest date that a member may be eligible for AUCpl
following re-enrolment or transfer will be determined as defined in note 3.


5.     Superseded by ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 05/05


6.     Acting rank shall not be granted if:

    a.   the member is unable to obtain the required qualification because
         of medical reasons;

    b.   the member has failed, or declined for personal reasons,
         attendance on a rank or QL course or examination required for
         career progression; or

    c.   the member was previously reverted from the same acting rank.


7.     When NDHQ is the promotion authority for acting Cpl rank, a request is
initiated by the unit CO. The form at Appendix 1 to Annex G shall be
completed and forwarded to NDHQ/DPCOR(CM), who will verify the individual's
eligibility, determine the effective date, and initiate promotion
authority. Records action shall be the same as for promotion to substantive

8.     A member holding acting rank shall be nominated/selected for the first
available course in order to obtain the required qualification. Priority
will be given to members who have been promoted to acting rank in their
final year of service where a change or retirement age is involved if
promoted to substantive rank.

9.     A member who holds acting rank and who subsequently is selected for
any officer training plan may be exempted from attending the QL or rank
course required for promotion to substantive rank. Such member will not be
promoted to substantive rank.

10.    A member granted acting rank shall be assessed on performance in the
acting rank, subject to a minimum observation period as prescribed in 26-15.
While a member holding acting rank may be considered by a merit
board, promotions to the next higher rank cannot be effected until
substantive rank is attained in the lower rank.

11.    NDHQ/DPCAOR shall review the circumstances surrounding the granting of
"lacks qualification acting rank" 18 months after promotion to AL rank and
then every 6 months until qualification is achieved to determine if CRB
action is required. Requests for deferral from attendance on career courses
shall normally be subject to CRB action.

12.    Except for acting rank while so employed authorized under paragraph 7
of this order, when acting rank is terminated by promotion to substantive
rank, seniority in rank shall include time served in the acting rank.


13.    A member's acting rank may be revoked and the member reverted to
substantive rank for misconduct or inefficiency by the promotion authority.
Subsequent promotion is governed by the provisions of Annex F.

14.    A member's acting rank or appointment may be revoked and the member
reverted to substantive rank by NDHQ/DPCOR as the result of CRB action
effective the date when:

    a.   the member fails to qualify on the first attempt to attain the

         required qualification;

    b.   the member declines, or is unavailable, for personal reasons, to
         attend the required formal course;

    c.   the member's medical limitations precludes attendance on a course
         required for rank or MOC progression; or

    d.   such other circumstances warrant revocation that do not fall
         within the provisions of paragraph 13 of this Annex.

Notes-- 1. Reversion to substantive rank will take place on the date of the
         reversion message plus five (5) working days (excluding weekends,
         statutory holidays and special Christmas or New Year's Leave). -

         example: msg DTG = 160800Z AUG 90 reversion eff 22 Aug 90

      2.   Acting rank on release is governed by 15-2.

Issued 1991-05-10

1.     Qualification levels (QLs) required for promotion are those prescribed
in the Tables in Annex A. Details of the QL requirements for the Air MOC,
(series 500 MOCs) are contained in A-P9-500-000/PT-000, Air Trades
Advancement Training MOC 500 Series Trade Apprentices, TQ4 and 5. Details
of the requirements for Marine Engineering Certificates are contained in
C-03-005-033/AA-000, Naval Engineering Manual, Volume 1, Marine Systems
Engineering, Part 3.
2.     Except as prescribed in paragraphs 3 and 4, a member is not eligible
for QL training during any period when the member:
    a.   is on counselling and probation (C & P);

    b.   is on compassionate status; or

    c.   is not recommended for training by the CO.

3.     A Pte who is on compassionate status may be selected for training for
the next higher QL. If the member is unable to attend such training, the
effect on promotion is not subject to adjustment.

4.     A member of the sea operational and technical MOCs who is on C & P
may be allowed to write the appropriate MOC Fleet examination but the
qualification shall not be effective until the day after the member is
removed from C & P.

5.     Within the rank of Pte, normal time frames for completing QLs are as

    a.   QL3, within one year of enrolment;

    b.   QL4, where applicable to the MOC, within 30 months of enrolment;

    c.   QL5A, prior to completion of four years of qualifying service. 6.
         Except for MOC 031, Ptes may qualify for more than one QL above
         that currently held, up to and including QL5A, provided that the
         QLs are obtained in numerical sequence. Where no further QL
         training is required, a member, on promotion to substantive rank,
         is qualified to the next QL effective the date of promotion. UPDT
         action to indicate this qualification will be published with the
         promotion entry.

7.     A member who has been accepted for OT to a new MOC is not eligible for
further training in the present MOC, except when that training can be
completed prior to commencement of training in the new MOC.

8.     Cpls may attempt the on-job training (OJT) portion of QL6A training.
When the method of qualifying QL6A is by formal course, either in whole or
in part, attendance on the formal course is limited to MCpls and above,
subject to NDHQ/DPCOR selection based on training quotas and military

9.     The date of achieving a QL is the date on which the member
successfully completes a prescribed course or examination, or obtains the
CO's certification, whichever is required for final qualification for the
appropriate level in the MOC. When a member fails such training, declines
to attend, or is otherwise unavailable to complete the training due to
medical or personal reasons, NDHQ/DPCOR shall be advised by message and CRB
action will be taken.

10.    Within the Marine Engineering career field there are specified times
in which the member must attain the necessary QL. In exceptional
circumstances, the CO may extend the specified time by up to three months.
Failure to obtain the required qualification shall result in CRB action.


11.    The QL numerical code, QL3 to QL8 inclusive, indicates the level of
skill and knowledge achieved by a member in accordance with the applicable
specification (A-PD-123 series). Additionally, a provisional QL may be
assigned to denote that the member has previously attained the equivalent
level in the current MOC. Except for OT from feeder to terminal MOC, or
automatically on promotion in accordance with A-PM-245-001/FP-001, NCMs
whose OT will be granted QLO in the new MOC. Upon successful completion of
QL training, the unit records support (URS) of the training agency will
take the necessary UPDT action.

12.    The QL and provisional QL levels as applicable to a current MOC are as

Abbreviation  Level

QL0           No QL held
QL3P          Provisional QL3
QL3           Qualified QL3
QL4P          Provisional QL4
QL4P3         Provisional QL4 but qualified QL3
QL4           Qualified QL4
QL5AP         Provisional QL5A but not qualified QL3 or 4
QL5AP3        Provisional QL5A but qualified QL3
QL5AP4        Provisional QL5A but qualified QL4
QL5A          Qualified QL5A
QL6A          Qualified QL6A
QL6B          Qualified QL6B
QL7           Qualified QL7
QL8           Qualified QL8

Note -- Procedures for updating QLs subsequent to enrolment and OT are
contained in A-PM-245-001/FP-001.


13.    NDHQ/DPCOR may assign a QL indicator(*) that is put into the automated
record. Details will be displayed on NDHQ Records of Service and unit
Personnel Record Résumés to denote that the member concerned requires
adjustment or conversion training in order to be fully qualified for the QL
currently held. Details concerning the application and removal of a QL
indicator are contained in A-PM-245-001/FP-001, Chapter 10.

Issued 1991-05-10  
