No argument, I agreed they can under the ref, but my point is that it doesn't require it, which is what my original request was.
according to the ref,
DND is not required to provide parking. But if they do, and it's free parking, they must annotate T4s.
but conversely
DND is not required to provide parking. But if they do, and it's Pay parking, they must do it as laid out in the document.
My argument, as well as other's, is that they unnecessarily went for the more complicated solution that affects the troops the most.
I also don't believe that once Halifax is stabilized they won't start finding ways to push this elsewhere once the revenue (not profit because I doubt there will be any) numbers start showing up on budgets.
on re reading your post, you seem to think I'm arguing that DND must provide parking, and/or cannot charge for parking. I'm not. I have not and I will not. I've only argued:
1. that they have in the past
2. that free parking was noted as a taxable benifit by CRA
3. that benefit was revoked
4. there is no regulation saying they had to revoke it
5. there is no regulation requiring they charge for parking as the only option, there are alternatives that are better financially for the organization, imo, and for the welfare of the troops.
at no time did I ever say DND was required to provide it. I did say not providing it will create logistical problems, but I did not say they were required to.