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Paid Education [Merged]

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I'm probably going to get bombarded with arty with this but here it goes , chickn skr has made some valid comments, and others who say that he is just whining also have a point, but the point of all this talk is this:

Gunner compared the CF as an employer and that it can change its policies as it see fit to maximize return ... well if you see the CF as an employer and that it has roughly 60 000 employees, could you imagine a company like IBM or BELL or what ever else change they're policy in these manners (changing from 20 to 25 yrs, change in educational plans, etc ...) and expect they're employees to just stand idly and do nothing? heck no, they would go to the bargaining table and come to an agreement and if the company is so hard headed the employees would just strike until they receive a fair deal.

As a CF member, I agreed to certain restrictions in rights, IE the right to be part of a union and thus the right to strike, but we have other means to let the higher up know that we disagree with certain changes. Redress in particular ...

So, I think that chkn skr should fight in what he believes to be fair and hopefully he'll get what he wants. But on the other hand, all the other guys that are just putting sticks in his wheels and bashing him for his views, tell me this, what have YOU to lose if he gets what he think is fair? Unless you consider a gain in benefits as a loss ...

Hi All,
I'm back! I received a call from our neighborhood friendly Ombudsman's office yesterday and I hate to say it, but 'Gunner' was right and the PSO wrong. I am now in the process of sending up a memo on a changed policy through the C of C. Unfortunately the end to this issue will now be drawn out much longer. Again, I will keep this updated.
Wow no recent complaints about me. Gunner maybe you should start your own propaganda thread here, you seem to like it, but go start your own and stop posting your already stated opinions over and over. We all know how you feel. Maybe you are posting to try and keep up appearances of order within the ranks for the sake of the public access to this forum, or maybe you are a past playground bully incarnate, using a militia arty officer with the title 'moderator' for the purpose of 'forum bullying'. You may have your profile here filled out but you will not be receiving my respect. Out to you.
LSIS227, Cheers! Well put. I might be retiring from the infantry, but it's not because I have no 'fight' left in me.
Latest update:
Oops, no, 'Gunner' was not right. Further research has uncovered the fact that the Ombudsmans office must open a file on a subject of complaint after a given number of grievances filed with their office. SO, all you who may be as upset with the program as I am, write them!https://www3.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/ocf_e.php This way we may be able to solve the problem sooner rather than later. FYI- I am not informed as to the number of complaints they must receive before they open an 'investigation'. With the number of members getting out within the next few years, I am positive there will be more complaints filed. These changes are not very well known as of yet, so I am quite confident the number will be reached, its only a matter of time.
Something was just passed this week in Parliament in regard to Veterans and their benefits after Service.  I was wondering if anyone has seen any documentation as to what benefits they have come up with.  There was mention on the news of "upgrading of education" after Release for bettering of job search, or something to that effect.  With the Government in the state it is now, things are getting done, but the info is convoluted by the time you hear it.
I've been told several conflicting things by various recruiting individuals about what qualifies for tuition reimbursement in the reserves and what does not.  I couldn't find any relevant up-to-date information in other posts, so I was hoping somebody here might have access to some form of "offical word" to clear up the matter once and for all.

I already have one undergrad degree which I funded on my own. I am now attending university working towards a second undergrad degree and will likely continue on to do a masters afterwards. When I join the reserves, hopefully in the very near future, will I qualify for the $2000 / year tuition reimbursement for either the afterdegree or masters?

Thank you,

Well darn, that sucks.

Thank you for the response, kincanucks.
I am in the reserves, and next year will be going to College. I am doing a 2 year Police Foundations Diploma. What do I do/who do I talk to about the reimbursement?
Pte(R). McWatt said:
I am in the reserves, and next year will be going to College. I am doing a 2 year Police Foundations Diploma. What do I do/who do I talk to about the reimbursement?

Your unit orderly room.
kincanucks said:
First degree only so no.

May I know what is your source ? My OR told me I can claim my grad school tuitions even If I got my undergrad reimbursed (still waiting for 3rd year money).

This is the official site for ILP:
but I can't find any word in that regard.
ark said:
May I know what is your source ? My OR told me I can claim my grad school tuitions even If I got my undergrad reimbursed (still waiting for 3rd year money).

This is the official site for ILP:
but I can't find any word in that regard.

Hmmmm, to me this would mean one or the other not both:

an undergraduate or advanced degree or diploma at a Canadian university accredited by a provincial ministry or department or an organization authorized by a province to provide the accreditation of universities;

and repeated in the CANFORGEN:


I am considering signing up for the reserves, I have two questions first that my recruiter could'nt answer.

1. Tuition reimbursement, it is given every september I heard. My question is - if I sign up now, go on thurdays and 1 saturday a month to the base and do whatever the platoon of untrained soldiers does, go to basic in the summertime, become an infantryman, and in September bring them my transcript for THIS year, will I be reimbursed for this semester of school (Jan-April)? Or better yet, this year?

now, if so, then there is no need for question 2

2. If I won't be getting reimbursed for this semester, I would plan on joining in time for basic this summer, but I would be working a regular part time job until then. When should I apply so that I can start in April at the end of the semester?


2.  Sign up as soon as possible.  There are many things that you need to do before you are accepted.  The longer you wait, the less of a chance of you being accepted for the summer.

1.  You have to apply in advance for the 'Reimbursement of Funds' for your education.  You should know that you will only get a maximum of $2,000 for the year and you must successfully pass the courses.  You can not apply for previous years.  You will get those forms from your Unit Orderly Room in September.

Here are some Topics that will help you find all that has been said on these subjects:

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

MSN and ICQ "short hand"http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Tone and Content on Army.ca: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/51970.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Army.ca Wiki Recruiting FAQ - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions

  • Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977
  • Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

Infantry Specific FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Google search of Army.ca - http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=+site%3Aarmy.ca+%22search+term%22&btnG=Search&meta= (follow the link then replace "search term" with what you are looking for)

Army.ca wiki pages - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.

I'm not sure what this form is called, it's for post-secondary study reimbursement for the reserves.  The program allows reservists to receive up to $2,000 per year of study.  Any help would be appreciated.
Talk to the clerks in your unit's OR/Ship's Office.  You have to submit it through them anyway.
No....don't ask the OR, that would make too much sense

Run to the internet instead and hope someone knows the answer

::) new army
For future reference for anyone looking for this info (more info on entitlement etc available on link). Ref: CBI 210.801, Education Reimbursement – Primary Reserve

(7) (Claim for reimbursement) To obtain the reimbursement of education expenses, a CF 52 (General Allowance Claim) is to be submitted by the member in accordance with instructions issued by the Canadian Defence Academy, on or after the first day of the academic year following the academic year in which any required courses are successful completed, along with applicable receipts of education expenses and proof of successful completion of all courses for which reimbursement is requested for that academic year.
cdnaviator said:
No....don't ask the OR, that would make too much sense

Run to the internet instead and hope someone knows the answer

::) new army

Nah, the OR was the first place I tried.  After getting nowhere I tried the logical approach and asked here.