Used one twice. The first time it was hallowe'en (01) with a bunch a friends, we thought one of us was screwing around with the planchette (sp?), so we asked control questions. Person asking control would take hands off the planchette and ask question no one else could possibly know. In my case at least the question I asked no one in the room could have answered it or even guessed at the answer. Yet the ouija board had the correct answer. It also accurately predicted the date/time/and place of birth of when my friends daughter was going to be born. The Second time I used it was with my friend jeff's girlfriend and her friend. Both of whom I met that night (Halloween 04). We used it in the bar my friend mike works at cause he says the place was haunted. The girls didn't believe what the board was saying so I took my hands off the planchette, and ask the board to tell them what are the only two drinks I have when I come to the bar (remember these girls had just met me, and Jeff and Mike were not around to answer). It told them correctly (Crown Royal Limited and coke, and Guiness Draught). They confirmed with Mike. They didn't want to continue after that. Obviously it is hard to prove this on an internet forum, so you can choose to believe or disbelieve.
A word of caution, you may have no belief in the paranormal/supernatural thats fine. However before you start messing with a Oujia board, read some info about it. I am no expert in the paranormal but from what I have read in my spare time, the "spirits" that people contact with ouija boards are not always what they appear to be, most are trickster/pranksters, some are down right mean. There are pleny of accounts of people who have used Ouija boards only to have some real frightening experiences, and in some cases are left with a permanent "pressence" even when they stop "playing the game". Also never ever use it by yourself.