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Ouija Boards

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Let me tell you about the dream my mom had on December 15, 2002. Wait, first let me tell you that the Saturday before she had this dream I was telling her about the unsuccessful Ouija board experience I had with Susan and Chrissie. She informed me that we probably weren't doing it right (or taking it seriously enough), and that she'd show us how it works. I was shocked to hear my mom say this, afterall, we're talking about the same lady who wouldn't let me bring a Ouija board into her house when I still lived at home. Anyway, back to her dream...

My mom said that she had a dream that a person who passed away back when she was in high school came and told her that she should not use the Ouija board. He knows that she can get it to work, but she needs to stay away from it. OK, this might not sound too scary until you hear her Ouija board story from back when she was in high school. Way back in the late 1960's my mom and a friend tried to contact a classmate that had died in a train wreck. They asked to hear a train whistle to know whether or not the person they were contacting was present. A few seconds later they heard a loud train whistle, but laughed and thought nothing of it since Bonnie lived right next to a railroad track. However, when they looked outside there was no train in sight, and the whistle sounded like it was right by the house. Then the message indicator on their Ouija board started spinning around like crazy! It scared my mom and her friend to death, which is why my mom never wanted me to play with one. My mom said that the guy in her dream was the same guy they tried contacting years ago, and that he was even wearing the suit he was buried in. Pretty strange. Needless to say, she said she will NOT be showing us how to use the board correctly!

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