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Ottawa M&G - 2009

Ok so the date for the M&G sucks - how about.....

  • Total voters
May be in area around then....it's possible.


P.S.: If my babbling doesn't put you all to sleep.
... I liked the movie Hair... though admittedly just for the soundtrack.
I enjoyed the deep social commentary on the stigmatizing assumptions of alternate, non-conforming lifestyles...

.....and the dancing horses.

Oohh...I hope there'll be dancing horses at the M&G.  :nod:
dancing horses??  well there's something you don't see everyday in downtown Ottawa... dancing Ho's yes, dancing Horses, not so much.
Journeyman said:
I'm sure we can find you a nice bench  ;D


Only if you share the bench with me sugar pie
should we leave you two gentlemen alone??  ;D
ltmaverick25 said:
Only if you share the bench with me sugar pie
I'm sorry, but you were the one seeking accommodations.

Unlike you, apparently, I have friends; no park benches required.  ;)
PMedMoe said:
I have a spare room if anyone needs a place to stay.

Amendment:  I have a spare room if anyone I know needs a place to stay.
Journeyman said:
I'm sorry, but you were the one seeking accommodations.

Unlike you, apparently, I have friends; no park benches required.  ;)

JM, Scotch :dileas: and beer!  :cheers:
Good2Golf said:
JM, Scotch :dileas: and beer!  :cheers:

Damn. JM, you, scotch, beer and a highland dancer!!??

I am soooo freakin' jealous. Send pic of ankles!  >:D

Come on careers --- just one 'lil posting to Ontario is all I'm asking for.  :'(
uh oh... are you getting approached by randoms there Moe??
I may be up for this depending on my acceptance to OttawaU  :D
Journeyman said:
Gee G2G....you'll be there too?  :nod:

Making an effort, JM, I think there's enough separation between the M&G and my anniversary (two days) that I might be able to pull it off...otherwise, I'll have to catch up with you in your step-up.
Well, hope springs eternal... 
I was supposed to be up in Pet, but the tribal elders decided that the gig would be run out of Ottawa....so I'm going to be in town for a good chunk of May now.
...I suspect we'll cross paths somehow.  :cheers:
Journeyman said:
...I suspect we'll cross paths somehow.  :cheers:

You should be a clairvoyant!
Good2Golf said:
You should be a clairvoyant!
Only if it pays more than whatever the hell it is I am now*  ;)

* Increasingly, I have found myself saying "no kissing, don't mess the hair, time is money darling"
Poll added.

16 May 09

What's a good time for the M&G?
