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Oral Presentation Idea

E.R. Campbell said:
Maybe this, a German extermination camp ...


                ... or this, from the Rape of Nanking ...


                                                    ... or even this, from the 21st century ...


                                                                                                                                                                                                  .... will remind people of why we "meddle" in far away places.

I mean yeah..
Good point...
But Jesus...
cupper said:
Nothing like the movies or video games.

Not pretty.

These were cheerful people too... mailed body parts to the families of their victims, and in a 'first world' country:


And there were others who richly deserved a 7.62 enema, and some of them are MPs now of course.

ComDvr13 said:
I mean yeah..
Good point...
But Jesus...

Croesus, the legendary King of Lydia about 2,500 years ago is supposed to have said that "During times of peace, the sons bury their fathers, but in war it is the fathers who send their sons to the grave.” And that's the ultimate question: what is "sufficient cause" to ask a father to send his sons to die?

Most often, too often, in any century, not just this one, the cause is not sufficient and we are left, as was Croesus to blame the gods* or fate or venal politicians ... but sometimes the "cause" is sufficient, sometimes a leader or a group or even a whole nation needs to be destroyed, for the sake of humanity at large, and we ought to send our sons to die.

There are "just wars" - the Technoviking can explain that better than I, if you need an explanation - and they are worth the sacrifice. Not all just wars are big, multinational crusades, sanctioned by some world body, and not all big, multinational crusades are just or even necessary, even if e.g. the UN says they are, but sometimes we have no choice but to apply daftandbarmy's "7.62 enema."

*In that same story, told by Herodotus, Croesus said, "It was the fault of the Greek gods, who with their arrogance, encouraged me to march onto your lands. Nobody is mad enough to choose war whilst there is peace."