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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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The Department of National Defence is no longer offering signing bonuses to recruits with special skills, a move criticized by a defence expert as being part of federal government cutbacks.

That quote is from the following link if anyone would like to read up on it:
Noctis said:
Go see your recruiter and ask him if there would be any applicable signing bonus since you're applying for a ''in demand'' ncm trade. While you're at it, he can answer all other questions you  might still have.
Edit: From what I understand, you are eligible for a singing bonus if you have related expertise in the trade. Go see a recruiter to get the jist of it.

Applying for an in demand occupation does not entitle you to anything.  Furthermore, there are NO more signing bonuses at the present time.

What you are referring to in your statement "you are eligible for a signing bonus if you have related expertise in the trade" is "recognition" of prior training (ie; actual certified civilian qualifications) that might be applicable to your chosen occupation.  All this will do, is possibly provide you a "time credit" towards future pay incentives and or promotion but there are no guarantees.
If you want to apply for ROTP during high school, where does the application form come from? Online? Or Recruitment centres? And when you ARE applying for ROTP in RMC, does the ROTP and RMC have to be two different applications, or is the ROTP option avaiable in the RMC application form? Thank you very much
CadetJ said:
If you want to apply for ROTP during high school, where does the application form come from? Online? Or Recruitment centres? And when you ARE applying for ROTP in RMC, does the ROTP and RMC have to be two different applications, or is the ROTP option avaiable in the RMC application form? Thank you very much

There are differences here but only because you can actually attend RMC as a civilian in some cases.  Nevertheless, you can apply to RMC at anytime during the year!  The sooner, the better!

If you want to be a member of the CF and attend RMC, you need to submit an application "online" to the CF under the "ROTP" program.  You will then get an email back providing you with detailed information on how to apply for acceptance into RMC, which is the next part of the process.  READ THAT EMAIL CAREFULLY!!!

RMC will assess your academic transcripts that you have submitted to "them/RMC" and they in turn will advise the Canadian Forces Recruiting system whether or not you are "admissable" to RMC.  If you are admissable, then Recruiting will automatically send your file to your local Recruiting Centre for continued processing.

The greatest problem being encountered today, is applicants NOT reading the instructions which are being provided to them!!!  If your told to upload your information to the RMC Website, then do that, don't send it to Recruiting because Recruiting can't do anything with it!!!

It's a no-brainer application process.  If you can't figure it out, you obviously didn't read the instructions which were provided!!!!  Provided not once but twice!!!

And calling your MP for help ain't going to help you one ioda!!!  Cause I am sure your MP will be doing this    :facepalm:  after he gets the response to the MINQUERY...
Just got back from the CFAT and I qualified for every trase they have to offer. Now I just have to go to an interview and medical lol. So far so good. Just happy this part is over. Now onto the hard parts lol :-)
Hello, thank you for taking the time and reading this message. I have a few questions.

Q1: I did an online application in October 13th 2012 and for some reason i did not fill in the reference part of the application. Is there any way i can add references by calling or emailing the Canadian Forces Virtual Recruiting Center?

Q2: Is it a good idea to fill in another application as it is almost 6 months from the last one?

Q3: Is there a difference on how fast they process applications between reserves and the regular forces? (NCM)

Thank you for your time have a great day.


12rezaiab said:
I have a few questions.
Q1: I did an online application in October 13th 2012 and for some reason i did not fill in the reference part of the application. Is there any way i can add references by calling or emailing the Canadian Forces Virtual Recruiting Center?
Q2: Is it a good idea to fill in another application as it is almost 6 months from the last one?
Q3: Is there a difference on how fast they process applications between reserves and the regular forces? (NCM)

Q1 - there is no requirement for references when initially applying online.  References are only required once your file has been transferred to your local CFRC and once they ask you for them.
Q2 - If your file is still with North Bay, then I would send an email to  jobs@forces.ca  and ask for an "update" on your file status.  If your file is with your local CFRC, then you need to be contacting them.  You must have heard something from someone at some point during this process......
Q3 - Processing for Res F and Reg F are two different things.  Res F applications are "immediately" sent to your local CFRC once they are received and from that point on, it is their responsibility to manage your file.  So a Res F online application is reviewed and forwarded within 4-5 business days.  A Reg F application requires you to send in "COPIES" of your Birth Certificate, Proof of Citizenship and "all" your Academic Transcripts.  Once these are received, they are reviewed and you are notified of the results, this is usually done within 2 weeks, dependant upon the work load.

I would just ask for a "file update" at this point in time to see what your status is.  Be sure to include your "Applicant ID" and as I mentioned before, you do this through whom ever is currently managing your file.
Afternoon everyone,

    I have several weeks to prepare for an interview. I am very excited and nervous. I know that I have to study all the trades I have applied to, paying close attention to the trade I am being processed for. Are there any key words and/or phrases I should look for, or even pick up some books on the trades I applied to? Any advice would be grateful.

Lostly :cdn:
12rezaiab said:
Hello, thank you for taking the time and reading this message. I have a few questions.

Q1: I did an online application in October 13th 2012 and for some reason i did not fill in the reference part of the application. Is there any way i can add references by calling or emailing the Canadian Forces Virtual Recruiting Center?

Q2: Is it a good idea to fill in another application as it is almost 6 months from the last one?

Q3: Is there a difference on how fast they process applications between reserves and the regular forces? (NCM)

Thank you for your time have a great day.


Take DAA's advise. He has helped me alot, and has never steered me in the wrong direction. He truly wants to help people!!!

I just got an email today from a recruiter and he said that as of March 8, all applications (including reserves), have to be made online. Have you heard about this?

Correct me if I'm wrong, how it used to work before is that the recruiter from the reserve unit would have an email distribution list and he would send out notifications in april with the trades available. One would apply and if everything went well, you would start in september.

Now that the application is made online first, before you ever get a chance to talk to the local recruiter, how does one know what trades are available? Also, how do they know what reserves units you want to apply for, I didn't see anywhere on the online application to indicate the unit?

In general, I am just confused as to the application process for the reserves. If I apply today and all the checks, etc go well, when could I expect to actually start?

DAA said:
Q1 - there is no requirement for references when initially applying online.  References are only required once your file has been transferred to your local CFRC and once they ask you for them.
Q2 - If your file is still with North Bay, then I would send an email to  jobs@forces.ca  and ask for an "update" on your file status.  If your file is with your local CFRC, then you need to be contacting them.  You must have heard something from someone at some point during this process......
Q3 - Processing for Res F and Reg F are two different things.  Res F applications are "immediately" sent to your local CFRC once they are received and from that point on, it is their responsibility to manage your file.  So a Res F online application is reviewed and forwarded within 4-5 business days.  A Reg F application requires you to send in "COPIES" of your Birth Certificate, Proof of Citizenship and "all" your Academic Transcripts.  Once these are received, they are reviewed and you are notified of the results, this is usually done within 2 weeks, dependant upon the work load.

I would just ask for a "file update" at this point in time to see what your status is.  Be sure to include your "Applicant ID" and as I mentioned before, you do this through whom ever is currently managing your file.

Thank you very much for the answers but no i have not heard anything from them so far. I am going to wait till April 15th then if i still don't get a reply i guess i am going to start my back up career as a welder. its kind of disappointing, but oh well you can't always have what you want in life eh. haha have a great day, and thank you again.
Hello forum, just a quick, general question if you don't mind.

I am currently in my 2nd Application with the Canadian Forces. In my previous application, I completed all the necessary steps( supporting document, references, tests, etc.).

I was concerned this time around though, because a recruiter at my CFRC informed me that I would not have to retake any of the tests that I had previously taken, because they were within a cut-off date of my last application.

my question is: I may not have to complete any tests this time around, but do I need to re-submit my supporting documentation?

thank you for your time.
To be on the "safe" side, I would re-submit everything that they are asking you for whether or not you provided it in the past.
Quick Question.

I received a call first week of February from the recruitment in Hamilton, The recruter asked me to come in and write my CFAT, I'm currently attending Algonquin college in Ottawa for that reason I couldn't make it and I asked him if I could write it when I visit hamilton next week he said he would try to fit me in if someone did not show up, anyways I visited Hamilton and I guess no spots were open, 2 weeks later I get another call from the recruter informing me that he had no choice but to close my file. I'm only attending a one year program 3 semesters on going meaning summer time also and I was going to be back in Hamilton in February and I did not want my files to be transferred to Ottawa then transferred back to Hamilton which would even take longer. The recruter said when your back in Hamilton just visit the recruiting center and we will re-open your file.

My question is, since I applied A lot has change, Volunteer hours , Employment and I will receive a diploma for my course will they include these updates when they re-open my file? Also has anyone been through this process and if so how long was it before they called you back to write your CFAT
Bart905, could you contact your recruitment centre in Hamilton and ask if you could arrange to write your CFAT in Ottawa vice Hamilton, and have the results forwarded to Hamilton upon completion.
Two points for you to ponder......

1 - You may want to bring the contents of the CF Employment Application to your Recruiters attention!  Particularily the first page, under "Instructions", para 2.

Employment Application Form - http://cdn.forces.ca/_PDF2010/CF_application_form_demande_emploi_FC.pdf

2 - You can't just walk into to the CFRC and have your file "re-opened" any more.  If it is CLOSED, then you have to resubmit a new application.

Hopefully, the Ottawa option works out, as that would be so much easier.
DAA said:
To be on the "safe" side, I would re-submit everything that they are asking you for whether or not you provided it in the past.
Well i did get a confirmation email saying they have received my application and my legal documents such as birth certificate, ect after i finished filling them in, and mailed my legal docs.
Wonder why so many people get upset when the question is asked about the timeline for the process. If you do not know, than people should just be polite when they respond, and not make people feel stupid when they do ask the question. I understand the question is asked a lot though. Many people are just excited to have applied and want to get started. So with that. Apply, be patient and enjoy the process. It will happen when it is your time.
Six days until my interview. Studying hard and making notes. Any final thoughts on preparation is appreciated.
