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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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half-pint said:
Agreed.  I think it is crazy that only those applying to the reserves have to do a fitness test during the application process. I had to do the step test (not a very physically challenging test, but better than nothing) when I first applied to the CF as a reservist and then again when I transferred into RegF. 


During the first week at basic, you will be required to meet a 'threshold fitness standard'.  For example, men have to do 4 push ups and women have to do 2.  My husband, who just finished basic last summer, told me about this test and I did not believe him.  First of all, there were quite a few people from his platoon who were booted because they couldn't pass the minimum and I thought there is no way a person who joins the CF is unable to do at least 4 push ups, but I was wrong. This website proves my husband didn't lie to me :P : http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/ps/rec/ec-pf/index-eng.asp. 

Hope that helps Lostly.

Dear Half-pint,

I truly want to thank you for all the advise and information you are giving me. I really appreciate it. I have been practicing doing pushups and since loosing alot of weight it seems to help. With you permission, may I ask what element and trade you are in? Your insight has helped me have a better understanding of what I should expect. I received a call from NB and they want to send my file out to the rc in my area. The news sounds exciting and wonder what I should expect in the next few weeks or months to come. Any words of wisdom?

Deepest thanks,
Lostly :)
Lostly said:
Dear Half-pint,

I truly want to thank you for all the advise and information you are giving me. I really appreciate it. I have been practicing doing pushups and since loosing alot of weight it seems to help. With you permission, may I ask what element and trade you are in? Your insight has helped me have a better understanding of what I should expect. I received a call from NB and they want to send my file out to the rc in my area. The news sounds exciting and wonder what I should expect in the next few weeks or months to come. Any words of wisdom?

Deepest thanks,
Lostly :)


Always happy to help :) As for my background, I started as an infantry soldier in the reserves, then became a Reg force infantry officer and was subsequently medically released.  I am swearing in tomorrow as a MARS officer. My insight may not always be right and I do appreciate being corrected when what I say proves to be wrong (there are many on here whose experience and knowledge far exceed my own)  As well, things have changed A LOT since I was released 6 years ago, therefore, I appreciate your need for information.  The application process is quite familiar to me as I have been through it 4 times; 3 times myself (once for the reserves and twice for RegF) and my husband has been through it.  I was very lucky because I already knew many of the people who worked at my RC and those I didn't, my husband and I made a point to get to know.  They are busy people who are trying to deal with more files than they have hours in the day, therefore, you have to be sure to know what is required of you and keep them informed of what is required of you.  If you need to update your interview, don't wait for them to call you to book (you'll probably be waiting a looooong time), call them and book an interview.  This is just from my own experience, every case is different.  From what I can remember, you need to get all your paperwork in as quickly as possible so that your background, reference and credit checks can be done.  You can't move forward without these (the credit and background/police checks are the most essential).  Some RCs will not book you into a CFAT unless the job you're applying for is open, others will, so again, that depends on your RC. Your RC will probably know around Feb or March what is opening up in the new fiscal year and if your trade choice is going to be open, they will most likely book you in for your CFAT, interview and medical if you haven't already done them. 

Don't compare your own experience with others you read on here.  There are always factors you are not aware of that will vary your results from the results of others.  I'm going to give the same condescending advice everyone always gives on this forum; relax and be patient, it will happen when it is supposed to happen.  Like myself and almost everyone else who has gone through the recruiting process, you will most likely not take this advice because it is so much easier said than done.  I kept telling my husband to relax and be patient leading up to and following his job offer and yet, the two months since my own job offer, I've been a terror to live with. The only way to lessen the stress is to make sure you've done everything you possibly could from your end, then its out of your hands.

I truly wish you good luck and try to enjoy the process!!!!

I find it extremely odd hearing about people not being able to do 4/2 pushups... but if people have a weight problem or another, then sorry to hear about it..
I hope I'd be okay for the fitness part, I can do 40+ pushups, 60+ situps, and around 15 chin-ups.

I have some questions for you regarding your medical release and subsequent rejoining,  May I PM you for details?
Wilder said:

I have some questions for you regarding your medical release and subsequent rejoining,  May I PM you for details?

Of course!

Congratulations on your swearing in ceremony. How did it go? Very emotional probably. All of us are proud of you for obtaining your dream :nod:

Is it reasonably safe to say that if a trade is listed as "in demand" on the forces.ca site, that they are currently processing applications for it? I just submitted an application for Marine Engineer (my other two choices were Hull Tech and E Tech) and I'm wondering if I should have looked into just how "in demand" the trade really is before I submitted my application.

Life will go on in the meantime, but it's nice to have an idea if I'll be processed smoothly or if my application will be floating around for years. From what I have been reading on these forums, and others, there seems to be a correlation between applicant suitability for the trade they applied for and whether or not that trade currently requires people, at least as far as application processing goes. At what stage in the application process to these hangups occur? Is it prior to CFAT or after?
Your file will be processed for Mar Eng and E Tech for this year and for next.  H Tech is currently not available...
I know I can wait and enjoy the process of applying. Just wish I did it last year lol  ;D Everything will happen when the planets line up and the stars align. Like everyone here, I really want this dream to come true.

DAA said:
Your file will be processed for Mar Eng and E Tech for this year and for next.  H Tech is currently not available...

I went to my local CFRC and they said the same thing. It's definitely a good feeling! Hopefully I don't bomb my CFAT or interview and I can actually get a seat in BMQ next year. :)
B.Dias said:
I find it extremely odd hearing about people not being able to do 4/2 pushups... but if people have a weight problem or another, then sorry to hear about it..
I hope I'd be okay for the fitness part, I can do 40+ pushups, 60+ situps, and around 15 chin-ups.
about sit-ups.
You will need to do it during 1 minute.
Therefore you can count sit-ups only during one minute.
secondchance said:
about sit-ups.
You will need to do it during 1 minute.
Therefore you can count sit-ups only during one minute.

Alright, thanks.
I thought itd be 2, but oh well.. I'd need to give it my all and hope for 50+.
I got an email yesterday stating that my file got transferred to my local RC (CFRC Edmonton) perhaps they got some new recruiting numbers for next year?
Goodeman said:
I got an email yesterday stating that my file got transferred to my local RC (CFRC Edmonton) perhaps they got some new recruiting numbers for next year?

When did you apply and for what trade?
Goodeman said:
I applied last February and i applied for Infantry, Combat Engineer and Arty.

When I applied in October it was for Arty, MP and Supply Tech. Heard all those you applied for were open. I hope it works out for you and good luck. If there was not an opening they wouldn't transfer your file, so I think it is good news  :nod:
Thank you Lostly. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face yesterday. In the E-mail they said they were transferring my file "in anticipation of forecasted openings in the new year" Where are you at in your application process?
Goodeman said:
Thank you Lostly. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face yesterday. In the E-mail they said they were transferring my file "in anticipation of forecasted openings in the new year" Where are you at in your application process?

Well, they needed a copy of my high school transcript, but it was mentioned that they wanted to send my file to the RC w/o it. However they wanted the transcript anyways. Just waiting for that email. Very nervous but hoping. It is a life long dream for me since I am starting a little later in life lol.  I really want that email, now there is a grin on my face lol. Just waiting is the hardest part of all.