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October 2009 BMQ

I've been told that we get in the base the sunday soo we can start the course the monday morning  :D
Hi everyboday!! we start to see more and more people joining the french platoon its so great! I create a group on facebook for us, if you want to see other people in the french platoon add the group:

BMQ R0289F 5 Octobre

My  facebook: Stephanie Beaton

Hoping see you soon on facbook!!
And add me as well : May Plourde

Whenever we see each other don't be scared if they call me "Parent-Plourde" I hope not really I don't know if I can have only Plourde...I think I asked I really can't remember!

Do you guys know if for my course I can do it in English? Like after my BMQ
Hey everyone, I found out today that i was Merit listed, and the recruiter said i should be looking to leave Mid-October,
I'm going Crewman, Anyone else?
Merven: No not me, sorry!

Did everyone get an enveloppe with papers in it? Because I didn't receive nothing should I call or...The recruiting office in Montreal is quite big so maybe it might take a little bit longer.... :-\

I'll check things out!
Talk to you soon!!
I was informed just today:
October 19th, 2009 to February 12, 2010
BMQ in St. Jean, QC
Being sworn in as a RMS Clerk on October 14th, 2009 in Mississauga.

I am also schedules for the 12th of October to the 5th of Feb. I am looking to find anyone that is also in this BMQ class, i will be starting a facebook group for this BMQ class (October 12th -5th of Feb) if i can't find one already made. Anyone who is in this group please add me on facebook (Kevin Alain) and we can get in contact. I am located in Ottawa and hoping to find some people who are attending the same BMQ Class as i am.
Like I said in your topic, I'm probably going to be going on that class too. Out of curiosity, when did you do your CFAT? We might have met, I was the idiot who showed up in a T-Shirt, Leather Jacket and Baseball Cap. I'll add you on Facebook.
Sam 45 said:
Like I said in your topic, I'm probably going to be going on that class too. Out of curiosity, when did you do your CFAT? We might have met, I was the idiot who showed up in a T-Shirt, Leather Jacket and Baseball Cap. I'll add you on Facebook.
I ended up doing my CFAT back in April.
I also will be starting on Oct 12th and end Feb 5th . I can't wait to start and hope i do not get beat up to much  :P

oh yeah and dont forget your winter onezies !
If you guys haven't watched yet you should watch Basic Up on Youtube it's really cool! And super interesting, it made me want to start even more!  :)
Vader said:
I also will be starting on Oct 12th and end Feb 5th . I can't wait to start and hope i do not get beat up to much  :P

oh yeah and dont forget your winter onezies !
Head over to the facebook group i created :P. I will be seeing you soon, where are you getting sworn in?
Search October 12th 2009 BMQ in facebook or go to: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=147022954883
Hey guys did you all receive a letter with everything you need to buy? Because I didn't...I called and they said that if I haven't gotten it then I will get it when I will swear in.
Miss.Meteo said:
Hey guys did you all receive a letter with everything you need to buy? Because I didn't...I called and they said that if I haven't gotten it then I will get it when I will swear in.

I just hit my Staples button after that one........"That Was EASY!"
As mentioned in the other thread, follow the CFLRS Joining Instructions and you will have everything you need to bring. You could have searched Milnet.ca to find the link or Google.
I asked for a information booklet from my recruiter so i could start gathering things early to prepare myself and he gave me one.Now looking at some of these things i am really going to need a big suitcase. I am wondering if its required to bring all these things for example dress shoes ? will i really need them for basic ? also are we aloud to bring jeans ? it says casual pants i am wondering if that means jeans .My last question .... the booklet says to bring a iron.Now i know that is required but will i be able to purchase that at the canex store ?