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Obama achieves historic U.S. presidential victory

Shec said:
I can't help but question Obama's moral fibre.  For 20 years he was a member of a religious congregation whose leader preached anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism.  Did Obama challenge it?  Did he leave in protest and affiliate himself with another congregation?  No.  This is telling.   

Actually, he repeatedly publicly rebuked Jeremiah Wright when that whole mess came up a few months ago.
Intresting times ahead indeed.

Good luck Pres. Obama, methinks you will need it.

Congratulations to President-Elect Obama.  I hope the GOP learns a lesson from this and goes back to the "big tent" approach.  McCain could have won with a different campaign and a different running mate.  I would have supported a McCain-Lieberman ticket.  Running to the religious right and basing his campaign on people voting against Obama instead of voting for him doomed him.  A message of bringing the electorate hope beats constantly repeating "Ayers""Abortion""Joe the Plumber" and Elisabeth Dole's boneheaded "godless" adds.
All the best President Obama. You're in for some fun, putting Humpty Dumpty back together again.
Redeye said:
Actually, he repeatedly publicly rebuked Jeremiah Wright when that whole mess came up a few months ago.

Of course.

He was forced to, for political reasons.

My "good luck" wishes are for the American people. They'll be needing it.
My point exactly Loachman.  He distanced himself from Wright when exposed to public scrutiny -  to save his neck.  What did he do about it over the preceding 20 years of listening to Wright? 
Canadians getting excited over a protectionist, all style-no substance sort of fellow should not be surprised if trade barriers start appearing and Canadian jobs start disappearing. With control of the Senate and the House I don't look forward to the next four years under an inexperienced "Ken"  doll.

One other thing. Everyone is making a huge deal over his "blackness" but ignoring the fact that he is half white. ::)
On further thinking, I am personally not too worried about Obamas promises. I truly believe he will be like most politicians who promise the world and then deliver on next to nothing.
He will only be as effective as the senate allows him to be. Thier focus looks to be shifting to thier economy over everything else so i expect a lean 4 years of regrouping and looking after jobs. That means we will have to do the same for the next four years to keep in stride with them.


I predict that further damage will be done to the US economy.

Liberals and Democrats are never good for economies.

We're still paying for Trudeau.
Already Pelosi is calling for an economic stimulus package for just about everybody.........
Retired AF Guy said:
Another Chinese curse: "Be careful what you wish for."

All those people who are wetting their pants about Obama winning may come to regret it. He has connections to some shady people to say the least (e.g. Ayers, Wright, ACORN, etc).  
McCain had ties to ACORN as well, Obama served on a board with Ayers(as did other republicans) and accepted the help from Pastor John Hagee. To believe only one of the candidates had made poor decisions is flawed. They both seem like honourable men.
2 Cdo said:
Canadians getting excited over a protectionist, all style-no substance sort of fellow should not be surprised if trade barriers start appearing and Canadian jobs start disappearing. With control of the Senate and the House I don't look forward to the next four years under an inexperienced "Ken"  doll.

One other thing. Everyone is making a huge deal over his "blackness" but ignoring the fact that he is half white. ::)
From what the analysts are saying, Obama's protectionist attitude is not something you should fear. He wouldn't be stupid enough to start trade barriers and redefine NAFTA. As for his 'blackness', in America if you look like Obama you're black. Don't blame that on him, I suggest you review Jim Crow laws during segregation.

I also thought it was pathetic that he was being attacked for being a 'secret muslim'. It's good to know American's didn't buy into those fear tactics which led them to their current situation on the war on terror.
Forgive me for not joining in the love-fest ::)...

I find so many things disturbing about this individual that I lose count.

1.  Obama has been less than forthcoming about what he REALLY has in mind for America. All we have heard are vague generalities about "change" which have been swallowed hook, line, and sinker... He has had a far left leaning (to say the least) voting record as a senator; will he govern from the centre, or be tempted to attempt to pull the country to a more socialist, nanny state orientation, as Pelosi and the other extremist Democrats want? I have a feeling that the Democrat stranglehold on the levers of power, now completed by Obama's victory, will merely encourage these extremists...

2.  Are we in for Jimmy Carter part 2? If he is perceived as weak by our enemies, will they be emboldened to step up their attacks on the West? Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea must be rejoicing as I speak...

3.  The media never asked the tough questions of this man that would normally be asked of a Presidential candidate; about his beliefs, his associations, his background, and his policy ideas. Obama got a free pass from them; in fact the bias in the campaign was blatant. Meanwhile every move McCain and Palin made was scrutinized, critisized, and pounded unmercifully. Why? Perhaps they hope his "Fairness Doctrine" will eliminate the competition from the "new media", and the public will simply go back to sleep?

4.  The thuggish behaviour of his supporters and campaign workers. Think "Joe the Plumber", youth indoctrination, voter booth intimidation, and Code Pink... The attacks on Sarah Palin's family were particularly disgusting... Meanwhile, no one questioned any of this, for fear of the race card being pulled...

5.  A great deal of foreign money was funneled into the Obama campaign through back (and illegal) channels. What foreign interests wanted Obama to win so badly, and why? Why was none of this reported on, or investigated?

Anyway, you get the idea. I am certainly not an uncritical McCain supporter, but I don't believe Obama or his campaign pass the smell test, regardless of the hype...

In the meantime, some people who can't move on have started an "Impeach Obama" group on Facebook:


On Facebook, an "Impeach Barack Obama" group has attracted more than 700 members and a lively debate about the Democrat's election victory on Tuesday over Republican John McCain.

Another Facebook group of the same name has 160 members and urges others to join because "we might as well get a head start on the impeachment of Obama."

Moving on is a big theme for you what you dont realize is that people are moving on toward 2010.
The lines are being drawn for an epic battle between conservatives and whatever Obama's policies evolve. The democrats can accomplish anything legislatively they want. If they enact unpopular laws there will be a backlash and shift back toward the republicans. I dont expect Obama will be moderate in his policies its not what he is about. In his acceptance speech he said that people would be expected to sacrifice.What people will sacrifice is not yet clear.Moveon.org gave Obama $88m and will expect to have a seat at Obama's table,they arent anything close to moderate.Obama's new chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is a leftist and has a reputation for being a tough guy.They have 72 days until they take over and it will seem like the campaign never ended.
T-6, did you see the part on there where he plans to force people into doing community service ?
I'd love to see how he's going to enforce that.

tomahawk6 said:
Moving on is a big theme for you what you dont realize is that people are moving on toward 2010.

Here's Cheers T6.

CougarDaddy: the difference between Obama's Unity Win and Bush's Division Win is a swing of approximately 3% of the population.  America is still not of one mind.  Thank God (or naming the deity of your choice).  The only thing that will Move On is the continuing discussion.
tomahawk6 said:
The democrats can accomplish anything legislatively they want. If they enact unpopular laws there will be a backlash and shift back toward the republicans. I dont expect Obama will be moderate in his policies its not what he is about.

Thank goodness - democracy still works then.  All the chicken littles seem to think the end is near; as Brad Sallows said somewhere around here, if we are to be responsible democratic citizens, we must accept that a group other than the one we think is right will win.  All the hypocricy I saw coming from the left when Bush was elected is now being demonstrated by the right (not you T6, just a general observation) - politics as usual I guess.

Bass ackwards said:
T-6, did you see the part on there where he plans to force people into doing community service ?
I'd love to see how he's going to enforce that.


To be fair, it does sound kind of like imposing or dictating when it comes to requiring middle and high school kids to do community service, especially when the common perception is that only those delinquents who have done something wrong do community service, although there are volunteers who indeed do it of their own accord.

Still, perhaps they should have make an exception for kids already involved in some school activity such as student government or school sports/intramurals or other activities like high school JROTC or Civil Air Patrol. 

I think his reasoning behind this is more to get intercity kids off the streets and back to school and off drugs and prevent them from getting involved in gangs and other ills of society at that age.