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Not what I expected after class...Don't Call Me SIR!

Troop Suporter

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I imagine he and I would have gone on a while longer - and probably both of us learned something - had one of the Carleton NDP supporters not been shooting me looks of hate and making an active effort to draw him away for something else.


Well done, Sir!

<i>had one of the Carleton NDP supporters not been shooting me looks of hate and making an active effort to draw him away</i>

He was probably just afraid of the truths that Jack Layton might have been exposed to if the two of you kept talking.

Troop Supporter said:

Well done, Sir!

<i>had one of the Carleton NDP supporters not been shooting me looks of hate and making an active effort to draw him away</i>

He was probably just afraid of the truths that Jack Layton might have been exposed to if the two of you kept talking.


She, actually, and I was talking to Paul Dewar at the time. I've no similar positive regard for BinLayton.

And don't call me 'sir'- I work for a living.  :P
Thanks for the correction.

And don't call me 'sir'-<b> I work for a living</b>.
People who work for a living are the ones that deserve to be called sir.

Well, that, and I'm new around here.  ;)
Troop Supporter said:
People who work for a living are the ones that deserve to be called sir.


I love that.  I would never ever ever use it infront of an NCM,  but I love it.  I just hate how every time they use that line (or the more offensive ones) they look at me and smirk.  ::) 
Zell_Dietrich said:

I love that.  I would never ever ever use it infront of an NCM,  but I love it.  I just hate how every time they use that line (or the more offensive ones) they look at me and smirk.  ::) 

I'm not sure I understand your reply, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.
To help explain, the line of "Don't call me sir, I work for a living" implies that since you are calling him sir, you are addressing him as you would an officer, and now, apparently, officers don't work, so........

von Garvin said:
To help explain, the line of "Don't call me sir, I work for a living" implies that since you are calling him sir, you are addressing him as you would an officer, and now, apparently, officers don't work, so........


Ahhh, OK., I get it now, thanks!

Okay,  in the CF,  you address officers as Sir.  If you address anyone else as Sir you will hear that standard line.  (Or more colourfull expressions involving parents).  I am an officer cadet,  which means that I'm supposed to be called Sir,  but I don't have the authority to order a pizza, and I am around mostly NCMs most of the time.  Ever time I hear a NCM (non officer) getting called Sir,  they say loudly "Don't call me sir,  I work for a living" and then look ask me and smirk.  I know they mean it in a joking way,  but it got old fast.  Just for context,  I was on a training course with NCMs and they kept calling the instructors Sir.

Variations I've heard:
Don't call me Sir, I know who my parents are.
Don't call me Sir, I am not a waste of rations.
Don't call me Sir, I know how to do something worth while.

I'm sure that these weren't personal attacks against me,  but they were annoying.  :-)
I have two approaches.

When I'm called "Mr." I reply with "My father is Mr. Lywood, I'm just Lywood"

and with "sir" it's "the last time I checked I was low on the totem pole, didn't realize I moved up a spot."
Zell_Dietrich, and tlg,
You guys are too funny!

I guess I shouldn't refer to anyone around here as Sir.

I consider myself warned.

(If I had know this thread was going to get hijacked,  I would have tried to steer it towards a topical island - I still vote Cuba)

Well,  if you get it wrong,  you'll just get a razzing ;-)  How we use Sir is very different than how Americans use it - and different than how it is shown in the movies. (So naturally we make a big deal about it) :warstory:

On a more amusing note,  I remember being on training with NCMs (yes it was an internal mix up - it happens) They'd go down the line "correcting people" and pointing out various short comings.  "Your button is undone,  you look like a F*ing slob private" and so forth.  They got to me and "you're beret has lint on it ... awkward pause ... Sir" It more than made up for the extra attention I got because of the little spaghetti stripe.

Jack Layton spoke at my school as well - this was before he jumped on the anti-war bandwagon, back when I was an NDPer.  People came more because they wanted to see the guy they know from TV.  The same number of people/more would have shown up for the energizer Bunny. (Or that stop cooking with cheese lady) I've tried to talk to members of the anti-war crowd.  I learned that you can't do it in groups larger than 3 and change their opinion.  - Just my experience.
I still vote Cuba

Gitmo, the Tropical Paradise?  ;)

I've tried to talk to members of the anti-war crowd.  I learned that you can't do it in groups larger than 3 and change their opinion.

I would imagine that to be true.
We'll just have to educate them one or two at a time.


Good night.
Zell_Dietrich said:
Jack Layton spoke at my school as well - this was before he jumped on the anti-war bandwagon, back when I was an NDPer.  People came more because they wanted to see the guy they know from TV.  The same number of people/more would have shown up for the energizer Bunny. (Or that stop cooking with cheese lady)
FWIW, I have never addressed an OCdt as "sir", not when I was a Pte, a Cpl, a MCpl, or even as a Sgt.  When I was an OCdt, if ever I was addressed as "sir", I would correct whomever and politely say "I haven't earned Her Majesty's commission yet".

Anyway, I wonder how many people who showed up thought that it was the video professor?  ;)

As for tropical island, I vote ABH: Anywhere But Haiti! ;)  (Or, perhaps more correctly, Hispaniola, the name of the island of which Hait is but a part).
OCdts are addressed as "Mr." are they not? Either way, let the beasting begin :P
Le Gars said:
OCdts are addressed as "Mr." are they not? Either way, let the beasting begin :P
Yes, OCdts, 2Lts and Lts may be addresses as "Mr." or "Miss".  But Captains and up?  No.
Well I know there is a huge thread on this already  (a few of them)  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/29679.0.html 

But from my experience and what I have been told it is either:
Ocdt (last name)______
Mr. (last name)______  (Yes I am a guy)
blah blah blah .... Sir.

Ocdts you can just go blah blah blah Mr. (it would be considered disrespectful, if that is what you want to show, you're within the rules to do so)  No commission means no salute, :salute:  but the officer part does require a level of courtesy.  I thought the rules changed when one became 2Lt.

And I say the only business any Canadian has in Gitmo is on mission to free our Citizens who are being held there. (I just had a video game idea)
This is one of the stupidest threads I've ever seen on this site.  Grow up, and stop embarassing youselves.  This can only be the from children, and if it isn't, the Military is in big trouble.
Beg pardon? This started from a form (and vaguely humourous) reply to a civilian, which segued into a light hearted discussion and explanation. At no point do I believe any ill-will or disrespect has been shown towards anyone, so why the harsh reply? It was sensibly split from another topic, but in and of itself I don't see anything wrong between a bit of light and friendly banter between a few NCMs and an OCdt or two...

Also begging your pardon, it's standard form for members here to fill out their profile a bit so we know who we're talking to, at least to some degree within the accepted bounds of anonymity afforded by the internet. To come across and harsh and discourteous is all the more uncalled for when you have not extended us the courtesy of telling us who we're being chastised by.


22B said:
This is one of the stupidest threads I've ever seen on this site.  Grow up, and stop embarassing youselves.  This can only be the from children, and if it isn't, the Military is in big trouble.

Ha (note the single ha meaning only a single amount of laughter), I've always been told I have an odd sense of humour, to me this is funny and I'm sure that it is funny to others as well. Next I'm pretty sure that being in the military and more specifically the infantry you have to have a real oddball sense of humour.

Firstly, this is not one of the stupidest threads ever. I have started one of and the most stupidest threads ever. Nextly (not a word I noes (apparently that's a word), learn to speal porproly unliek wot (that's a word?) I'm doing rite now. Thirdly, I thought that being slightly crazy or have the ability to act like a child was what the military was all about.  :P

This is Radio Chatter.

The place where the more 'trivial' subjects can be discussed.

All the Professional (We hope) talk is in the other Forums (or at least we try to keep it that way, and should it become too trivial, it will end up down here in Radio Chatter).