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No jobs in the army, need advice.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
It's a military themed but privately-owned site. You will find the members range from every walk of civilian and military folk.

Right on Bruce, quite the amazing site you guys have put together here! I found more here in a couple hours, than I had on Google in half a day, and I'm a Google ninja  :rage:

A really good idea if you guys want to maximize your webhits would be to corner the recruitment keywords a little bit more in Google, like "Canadian military recruiting" it would take 72 hours of SEO work and would cost you nothing you would be the top hit for that keyword, we'll right under forces.gc.ca anyways, and to get around competing with sites like www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ <---- just do a PR submission on pr-web.com it will backlink an article to over 4000 + news sites and boost your google page rank quite a bit. It's hard to get spirderd properly with the way Google - yahoo - lycos etc works these days, my biggest problem finding the information I needed this morning was misleading Google links, it took me hours to get here. this site is a GEM of knowledge!

We're busy enough methinks.
mikewalker28 said:
I dont want to be a combat engineer, it would be DAMN COOL though they look like they got a pretty bad ass job.

Nah - THAT is the understatement of the year  ;)

Don't discount us engineers - when we're not doing engineer-specific tasks, we're acting as infantry where required. In Afghanistan this usually meant being dismounted alongside infantry and in most cases we were well employed by infantry leadership on patrols, route clearance and search (to name a few tasks).

"Hey, sapper - is that a mine?"

"I'm on it"

Love working with the infantry... I'm sure you would too. Listen to the recruiter's advice and upgrade your education if required. Keep your eyes on the goal and if you want to join the engineers, work hard and maybe we'll be teaching you our songs on the East coast soon enough.

Chimo and good luck!
M2A said:
Nah - THAT is the understatement of the year  ;)

Don't discount us engineers - when we're not doing engineer-specific tasks, we're acting as infantry where required. In Afghanistan this usually meant being dismounted alongside infantry and in most cases we were well employed by infantry leadership on patrols, route clearance and search (to name a few tasks).

"Hey, sapper - is that a mine?"

"I'm on it"

Love working with the infantry... I'm sure you would too. Listen to the recruiter's advice and upgrade your education if required. Keep your eyes on the goal and if you want to join the engineers, work hard and maybe we'll be teaching you our songs on the East coast soon enough.

Chimo and good luck!

Yeah I watched a video on it this morning it looks awesome, and when i said 'bad ***' it bleeped me out I meant to say bad azz.

Thanks, and good luck to you with your career!
All you can do now, Mike is listen to the advice these folks on the forums give you. Your education is what you need to upgrade so spend as much time as you can on increasing it to a competitive level. I only have my highschool diploma and was bumped out of the Infantry application because my score was too low. I'm not sure how they do processing in other provinces / territories but in Ontario its a priority list, the scores range from 1 - 5 and I scored a 3 (My education / training was hurting my score), I received a call a few weeks ago actually regarding my occupation choice (Infantry) and they requested that I changed my choices because the minimum currently is 4. So I chose Artillery for now, I still would like a chance in the Infantry just as you do.

So I volunteered, worked out and continued getting in better shape, and have began doing even more research on each occupation I'm interested in. I'm still waiting on my CFAT, Medical, and all that other funny business but the one thing that gets me up in the morning, and keeps me motivated..It might seem cheesie but I bought a hat on the internet..


A simple "Army" hat, I have not worn it since I received it in the mail..hell..I don't even know if it fits but every time I wake up its sitting there on my desk, and I vowed that I will not wear it until I am sworn into Forces. Its a little thing that keeps my eye on the ball and keeps me focused on what I need to do, and guess what after volunteering more at the Dojo I study Karate at and getting more hands on training at work I finally was able to get my application score up to a 4 and in fact I am going to be calling the Recruitment Centre in about an hour to see if I can be re-qualified for Infantry.

All you can do is keep your eye on the prize and make yourself believe that all the sacrifice you're willing to make in order to get into the Forces will pay off.

Its yours for the taking, question is, how badly do you want it?

Karate said:
Its yours for the taking, question is, how badly do you want it?

Not bad enough to take a college class on-top of finishing my highschool, I'm 28 I would be 29 - 30 bye the time I had even finished upgrading, and a college course on-top of that would put me in my mid 30s, the upgrading isn't a problem, if it comes down to that I think I'm going to do a bachelors in software engineering, and chose a different career path, I actually contacted Devry yesterday, they have a good course I can do while I upgrade so we'll see what happens, ART wouldn't be something I would be interested in, a friend of mine was in the artillery and did 2 tours in Afghanistan he said he didn't like it to much. Combat engineer is looking sweeter and sweeter though, I'm thinking about just aping and seeing what happens, mabie put INF as a 2nd - 3rd choice.
mikewalker28 said:
P.S, is this a military website, or a civilian site ? I'm pretty confused after page 3 of these posts, I thought I had been speaking with non military personnel with information on the military, and now there's military recruiters posting in the thread, that's actually pretty cool. I didn't realise there where web-pages like this on the internet.

None of us are doing anything here in an official capacity. And recruiting is just one of my hats, not my primary job. In the reserves we often have multiple jobs just to cover all tasks with available pers. Primarily I'm an infantry section commander. Don't take anything I say on recruiting as gospel; I will always defer to a 'real' recruiter, as I'm just a guy who happens to do the job for my unit well enough that they haven't fired me yet.

Most members here outside of the recruiting boards are military, and most civilian presence is in the recruiting board. You will find a tremendous breadth and depth of knowledge here, as well as very little patience for inaccurate information offered by those not in a position to speak knowledgeably.
Brihard said:
None of us are doing anything here in an official capacity. And recruiting is just one of my hats, not my primary job. In the reserves we often have multiple jobs just to cover all tasks with available pers. Primarily I'm an infantry section commander. Don't take anything I say on recruiting as gospel; I will always defer to a 'real' recruiter, as I'm just a guy who happens to do the job for my unit well enough that they haven't fired me yet.

Most members here outside of the recruiting boards are military, and most civilian presence is in the recruiting board. You will find a tremendous breadth and depth of knowledge here, as well as very little patience for inaccurate information offered by those not in a position to speak knowledgeably.

So there's a good chance, the guy I told needed a hug, could be a 200 + lb officer or a retired vet both of wich deserve my respect great, I'll be issuing my self a name change before apping now!

Ive got a quick question about the infantry, what do you guys do in your down time, paper work, help with training, lots of cleaning, all of the above ? I know you guys parade allot, but when your full time and not in combat what does the job require its soldiers to do duiring that downtime.
mikewalker28 said:
So there's a good chance, the guy I told needed a hug, could be a 200 + lb officer or a retired vet both of wich deserve my respect great, I'll be issuing my self a name change before apping now!

Ive got a quick question about the infantry, what do you guys do in your down time, paper work, help with training, lots of cleaning, all of the above ? I know you guys parade allot, but when your full time and not in combat what does the job require its soldiers to do duiring that downtime.

The guy you told 'needed a hug', according to his public profile that you could have clicked on, is an RCAF Warrant Officer - a pretty senior NCO that implies considerable experience and credibility. He has 11 years as an army combat engineer with tours to Coratia and Kosovo (neither being fun places to be an engineer) before going air force, after which he deployed to Libya and other places of ill repute. Collectively the rest of us watching on the sidelines have time in Afghanistan, Vietnam, the Balkans, and other places. And that's just the people who've chimed in. Begin adding up the others on this site and you will find a dizzying array of professionals whose time collective overseas on operations dwarfs the time you or I have been alive.

So yeah, you stepped on your own dick pretty hard. This place is primarily a community of professionals that opens itself up to others who are interested in taking part- but a community of professionals it remains. It's not some facebook group where you walts in, 'cool story, bro' the first guy who takes issue with your attitude, and carry on like you own the place.

Consider it an embarrassing lesson publicly learned.

I feel like simple jack  :facepalm:

"went home empty handed"
mikewalker28 said:
I've got a quick question about the infantry, what do you guys do in your down time, paper work, help with training, lots of cleaning, all of the above ? I know you guys parade allot, but when your full time and not in combat what does the job require its soldiers to do during that downtime.

Question has been asked and answered many times in the infantry section of the forum.  Things may have changed slightly since Afghanistan is coming to a halt.  RCR might be different than PPCLI.  For PPCLI it depends on what battalion and company you are with. 

When I was attach posted to the 1st, it was to get ready for Afghanistan.  I spent a couple months in CQ, learning the ropes there.  Normally someone just fresh out of DP1 wouldn't be thrown into CQ.  They asked for volunteers, no one put up their hand, so I did. Most of my time in CQ was issuing weapons for courses, handling return/issuance of company level kit,  organizing everything (company had just been stood up).  I also went through a few different driving courses.

I was then moved to transport as they needed some bodies who had driver qualifications.  I took a couple more driving courses, and went on a bunch of exercises to train us for our role in Afghanistan.

Returning from Afghanistan, I went back to 3 VP after my attach posting was finished with the 1st.  The first couple months were reintegration.  After that we did some urban ops training, patrolling exercises, and winter survival.  There were also people that were taking para for when the jump role switched companies.

I have no idea what the 2nd battalion life was like.

If you aren't on a course, you could be tasked to do any number of things.  If there is an upcoming deployment, the focus is on that work up training.  Pt in the morning.  If there is nothing else for the morning, go and do more PT, or if feasible take care of personal administration. After lunch, if there is still nothing to do, go and do more PT.  It keeps you out of sight, out of mind, and no one is going to begrudge you for doing PT.  Just make sure you are actually doing PT, not lying on the bench having a nap or watching TV.

End of the day, you help clean up the lines, and every few weeks your company will get tasked with cleaning up the battalion lines. You may also be required to spend the night at lines on duty (answering phone, or driving).
I was the guy who needed the hug  ROFL.  I still do too.  :'(

Nope, not an Officer, definitely over the 200lb mark and some of it is even muscle!  :blotto:

You'll find all kinds on here, some that did, some that do, some that will and some that Walt.  ;)
Eye In The Sky said:
I was the guy who needed the hug  ROFL.  I still do too.  :'(

Nope, not an Officer, definitely over the 200lb mark and some of it is even muscle!  :blotto:

You'll find all kinds on here, some that did, some that do, some that will and some that Walt.  ;)

Hmm, lots of walts on here? aren't those guys that buy Susie home baker craft kits, make fake medals out of them, purchase dress from eBay, hang out in pubs, and tell people about losing a toe in Nam for free beer and the occasional boobie touch...

I've been working on my website www.della-falls.ca
It turns out i've spelled my name wrong, as-well as about a 1000 other things, you should have a look at it and tell me what you think! it would be nice to get an outside prospective on the page, you seem to be a critical and honest person, so it would be nice to have some 'reality' as input.
mikewalker28 said:
....tell people about losing a toe in Nam for free beer and the occasional boobie touch...
:orly:  Hang on!

Walts get to touch boobies?! Maybe I've been too quick to mock.
Journeyman said:
:orly:  Hang on!

Walts get to touch boobies?! Maybe I've been too quick to mock.

Nah....no touchy boobies!!

Hmmmm......still got all my toes, maybe that's my problem?.....

GAP said:
Nah....no touchy boobies!!

Hmmmm......still got all my toes, maybe that's my problem?.....

Maybe that should be the Forces new slogan?

"Fight with the Canadian Forces..........and touch boobies."
Karate said:
Maybe that should be the Forces new slogan?

"Fight with the Canadian Forces..........and touch boobies."

:panic: :rofl: