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New Tank Creations?

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I know, that this contraption would bring great comfort to the soldiers out there. How many people could we fit in a vehicle like this.. its design needs to be executed perfectly. having two stories to store more crew and other things. A vehicle that would be well fortified and armoured with good technology. having a mini gun in the front, or many guns that would be controlled within the battle unit. To deploy troops quickly like an apc as well. But also providing lots of room to have a command post within this vehicle. Think of it as a nice submarine, only on ground.

Yes, it might be bigger, have plenty room to move around in, but also having a sleek design so it wouldnt seem as big from the outside as it would from the inside. Inside even the most modern tanks, it seems very clusterphopic dosnt it? very small not much room. we need a vehicle that will preform all around, versitile. But also strike more fear, as this behemoth battle station rolls up at your enemy, The enemy fires rockets several times at it. The men inside the vehicle seen this coming. The enemy sheltered inside a  very large building. You simply tell your drivers to ram them. This giant 6 storie building comes crashing to the ground. This vehicle has proven successful.

Tanks are found out in open ground. The behemoth Tactical unit is spotted. The tanks begin to shoot at it. A few hits are made, but the reinforced metals are designed greatly to reflect them or even withstand amazing hits. But that is not its only purpose... The behemoth is excessivly programmed to do more functions than just take hits. Its turrets are not man'd operated. There not man operated physically. They are done on computer systems, in the command stations. The turrets ammunition is stored beneth the decks and shot up through rail systems to the turrets. There will be no more ammunition starages in the turrets themselves, decreasing the chances of severe weakness's in the tank. If the turrets are blown apart, the crew inside the behemoth are safe. because the armoured shell which you will be in is not connected with the turrets. Missile system would very easily take many tanks out before they ever get the chance to combat back.

Could this tank perfectly designed be able to destroy multiple tanks at a time very quickly? 

Alot has to deal with design, the way things are made. These would be special units worth providing, and it would be a great advancement in tank technology. It feels like most modern tanks have not yet expanded.

I like this vehicle... Its from the movie "Soldier" i want something bigger better with turrets.

CesarNostradamus said:
I know, that this contraption would bring great comfort to the soldiers out there. How many people could we fit in a vehicle like this.. its design needs to be executed perfectly. having two stories to store more crew and other things. A vehicle that would be well fortified and armoured with good technology. having a mini gun in the front, or many guns that would be controlled within the battle unit. To deploy troops quickly like an apc as well. But also providing lots of room to have a command post within this vehicle. Think of it as a nice submarine, only on ground.

Yes, it might be bigger, have plenty room to move around in, but also having a sleek design so it wouldnt seem as big from the outside as it would from the inside. Inside even the most modern tanks, it seems very clusterphopic dosnt it? very small not much room. we need a vehicle that will preform all around, versitile. But also strike more fear, as this behemoth battle station rolls up at your enemy, The enemy fires rockets several times at it. The men inside the vehicle seen this coming. The enemy sheltered inside a  very large building. You simply tell your drivers to ram them. This giant 6 storie building comes crashing to the ground. This vehicle has proven successful.

Tanks are found out in open ground. The behemoth Tactical unit is spotted. The tanks begin to shoot at it. A few hits are made, but the reinforced metals are designed greatly to reflect them or even withstand amazing hits. But that is not its only purpose... The behemoth is excessivly programmed to do more functions than just take hits. Its turrets are not man'd operated. There not man operated physically. They are done on computer systems, in the command stations. The turrets ammunition is stored beneth the decks and shot up through rail systems to the turrets. There will be no more ammunition starages in the turrets themselves, decreasing the chances of severe weakness's in the tank. If the turrets are blown apart, the crew inside the behemoth are safe. because the armoured shell which you will be in is not connected with the turrets. Missile system would very easily take many tanks out before they ever get the chance to combat back.

Could this tank perfectly designed be able to destroy multiple tanks at a time very quickly? 

Alot has to deal with design, the way things are made. These would be special units worth providing, and it would be a great advancement in tank technology. It feels like most modern tanks have not yet expanded.

You're joking right?

Have you ever been in a tank?  Studdied Tank design?  Know anything about the various ratio's limiting tank design?

Hell have you even paid attention to recent trends like IED's large enough to flip a Merkava?  Do you really believe that an even bigger machine wouldn't be met by an even bigger IED?

Before you go off the deep end I suggest you listen to reason, those that have BTDT and actually know a thing or two about war, war machines, Tactics and, ahem, reality.
I dont like how this guys suits look' but its a very good idea. I dont like his rediculous gadgets but his suits do withstand alot more than just skin and body vests. You know im just speaking freely about these things becuase.. Things like these will be created, and not by me but the governments.. one way or another.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xqa08UGZGtk&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xqa08UGZGtk&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
CesarNostradamus said:
I dont like how this guys suits look' but its a very good idea. I dont like his rediculous gadgets but his suits do withstand alot more than just skin and body vests. You know im just speaking freely about these things becuase.. Things like these will be created, and not by me but the governments.. one way or another.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xqa08UGZGtk&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xqa08UGZGtk&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Did you get banned from militaryphotos.net by any chance, or just licked a toad or something?
its the way of the future- and everything we know now that exists will change in our lifetimes, for better for worse.

no i wasnt banned from military-photos..
recceguy said:
Did you get banned from militaryphotos.net by any chance, or just licked a toad or something?

And what happened at conceptart.org that got you banned?
CesarNostradamus said:
its the way of the future- and everything we know now that exists will change in our lifetimes, for better for worse.

no i wasnt banned from military-photos..

Yup, and given some of the wackos dropping in with weird ideas, that won't listen to solid reason, it seems to be leaning towards the worse end of the gene pool.
Actually he is making a lot of sense. His ideas are not just around the corner but a generation or two away. In order for some of your ground breaking ideas to come to fruition is to go out am plan your designs get an engineering degree make a few million dollars or get investing partners and build your prototypes.
That way you can laugh in everones faces and say there, look what I came up with look what I did. Like it or leave it.
Or you can go outside and meet girls there are lots of them out there, and judging by how you like your tanks BIG..... ;D
I will admit... i had my Sad times in the past. Ive acted up strangely amongst the artists on the internet. Ive spoke alot of stupid things. none of which i had ment, mere fantasies and trials.

In reality, i am a nice person. I goto work, i come home an paint. Theres really no fun or excitment and advanture, like you soldiers get to honourably go through. I still dream and wish to be a soldier... Now in life, i have no friends becuase the people in our society, like to party do stupid things, drugs, use women, etc...

in my heart, i still hold a duty towards you fine men. I sometimes really wish i would have joined the military like i really wanted to growing up. Things would have been less miserable. I still get fed the scraps. I have no career. nothing.

If anyone wants me to draw them a picture here, i will do so for free, you all deserve it. All of you. Canada is the greatest country in the world. And the world should embrace our virtures.
fill out your profile properly too
the way its done now makes you look like a total tool
My friend is a really great person. Hes one of the kewlest people ive met. I charish the moments i had with him playing highschool football, army cadets.. I dont know why i didnt go with him?? we both decided together we were going. I was much more athletic than he was, i know that for a fact becuase i would win first in Track n field' every years, i played sports all year round. Being basketball captain even.


Even my own father, who lives in Petewawa told me. "you better become a Soldier"

But my father fucked it up for our family, he left emotional scars on us badly. We ended up moving to alberta becuase it was that BAD.
Before you write off his idea, consider that there might be room for a Tim Hortons franchise on it :cdn:
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