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New MILES Gear at WATC


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Got some info you all might be interested in pertaining to the Weapons Effects Simulation equipment (WES) in Wainwright.  First of all I will say there are a few bugs to be worked out but it is a great system from what I have encountered so far.  Some points:

-The Carl G really needs to be worked out.  I haven't talked to a single person who has hit one target yet.  I did not get a chance to use it but all who did missed or got "Near Misses".  Something with the sights not lining up with your helmet sensor I have heard.

-The medical system is top notch.  What happens is when you get hit you look at your chest rig and it tells you whats wrong (ie. Critical - 10 minutes).  You lie down and scroll through your injury list and it tells you your injury details (ie. frag left abdomin).  Your battle buddy comes over and he scrolls through his list and selects the first aid he is applying to you in order (ie. secure scene, apply moist dressing, protect casualty, etc) and it adds time to your life until the medic comes over and he goes through further treatment to extend you further until evac is possible.  It works great and I think it is outstanding!

-The Area WES (ie. VBIED, minefield, arty) also has some issues.  The Observer Ctrler's (OCs) call EXCON and tell them who is the suicide bomber for example.  The bomber waits for his chest to start beeping then hits his bomb and it pops foot powder all over the place.  It works but its tricky and kinda awkward.  I don't know if its possible but if they could coime up with a system to have the signal sent from your "bomb" to the pers surrounding you it would be much smoother in my mind.  Also, how does a Sapper prod into a minefield on an ERS call when the minefield is just an area in the digital world and nothing he can find going through his drills?  Just some questions I was trying to work out there.

-The best thing about this system is accountability.  Officers/Sr. NCOs have never had to be truly accountable for their troops before because the good guys always won.  It always turned into a "I got you first" thing.  Now it is clear cut who got who and fratricide is also on the grid as well which makes all pers accountable for there own actions.  We need to realize that Blue Force is not always going to win and develop whatever doctrine we can to stack the odds for us.  This systems will help a lot.  Also, to my way of thinking it gives officers especially but all troops a way of distinguishing themselves "under fire" as well as pointing out those who need training in these situations.

I will try to post some more points soon on this but I look forward to any input as I hope this will become a hot topic as it is really very cool stuff.  One last point:  OPFOR at WATC is going to be a really good go.  Right now they have an excellent CoC and every day there doctrine gets better and trickier.  A lot of fun.
Wow. Sounds impressive. Maybe that will put an end to the company sized deliberate attacks on an entrenched company minus, but still winning shmozzles...
Spr Earl, none of it is indoor.  When you get on the ground in wainright, you get a little in brief and outfit your weapon and sight it to the WES system.  Then you get issued a tac vest with all of the computer goodies in it and a "halo" for your helmet that connects to your vest.  It is just like doing any other ex at WATC as far as kit is concerned.
In EXCON, they have a big screen with the trg area on it.  Each helmet band has a GPS unit on it and they now exactly where you are at all times (when your dressed that is).  They know which direction your shooting and how many rounds you fire.  If you hit or kill anyone (including blue on blue kills!).

Baloo, agreed.  I am really hoping this is going to pull frontal attacks (aka suicide missions) from our doctrine.  I think its great because its no longer as scripted in our ex scenarios.  It should give our on scene commanders (which could be a Cpl after a contact - who knows right?) more lee way as to how he manoevers his troops and not the same old "hear a gunshot and do either a left flanking or a frontal" as it always has seemed to be.

Another note on manoevers...OPFOR doesn't play fair so don't expect that either.  The real OPFOR wouldn't so our guys have been give a lot of free space there too.  Not quite a blank sheet but close.

Hope that answers your question Spr Earl.  Chimo
Does anyone know the range of the stuff?

Say, for instance, could a sniper be invoved in the training as well or is the range too great?
As far as the range, it is whatever it is programmed as by the OCs.  For example if you are enemy force and they want your C7 to be an AK47 or your C9 to be an RPK, they program your sensor on your weapon to say as such, with accompanying ranges.  So ya, snipers are very definately in play, as are all vehicles...25mm Bushmaster on the LAVs and its coax, 50s on the tracks and so on.  Enemy force vehicles are programmed with accuracy and ranges of BMPs and I believe the tanks will be outfitted with T72 type ranges.  Sweet eh?!
Me and two other Crmn WOs helped CUBIC do some tests on the kit in Sep.  After I got them a firing pin for the Carl G they were using ( ;D ), I loaned them my helmet for the sensor issue.  The sensor issue is still unresolved to a certain extent, by the sound of it.  As well, we wanted a backblast simulater for the 84mm, but someone in Ottawa ruled that out at one point - possibly in the project definition phase (cost?).  Some issues remain with the chosen method (brackets) of attaching 'hit' sensors to AFV, and the WES/Leopard still needs to come on line.  SAT3 is in a few months. 

I don't want to give you my opinion of some stuff, because I work here, so my opinion is irrelevant:  It is the opinion of the soldiers that come here to train that matters.  I won't sell the system to you - it will have to sell itself. 

TCBF, I was wondering:  how are us Sappers going to respond to ERS calls.  A vehicle has a mine strike and we're called out, since the minefield is an area thing and not anything we can find while prodding and doing our drills, how is this going to happen?  Is this going to be a DS solution thing?  Just curious cause me and some of the boys have been chatting.
Been a lot of chatting here, too.  I will get back to you.

Sapper 477,

Excellent posts! I'm glad to see you have followed this: "All I can say now is that I will try to make my posts constructive and that I won't compose anymore posts like I have."

It's a pleasure to get your thoughts and views on what's going on at CMTC.  I look forward to your updates.

Sapper 6
Sapper477 said:
TCBF, I was wondering:   how are us Sappers going to respond to ERS calls.  
I have a lot of questions of similar mind.  Obstacles will be simulated in the WES trg areas, but how to you breach a tank ditch or wire that does not really exist?  Will it just be a matter of putting the correct engineer resource in place and waiting for a timer to count-down?
Is this system going to be implemented as a training tool to all of the Army soon?
MCG said:
I have a lot of questions of similar mind.  Obstacles will be simulated in the WES trg areas, but how to you breach a tank ditch or wire that does not really exist?  Will it just be a matter of putting the correct engineer resource in place and waiting for a timer to count-down?

The same thing we did on RMA exercises in Germany forever.  Umpire stops you at the notional obstacle, rolls 2D10, and that's how long you sit with your thumb up your bum.
TCBF, have the bugs on the Carl G been worked out yet?

AoD71, to my knowledge SAT III is coming up soon and after that the system should be ready for the next Spring EX.  I would say to expect some bugs though.  Most of the major ones are worked out so far as I know but with something this complicated it will take a while.  I think the doctrine is pretty much a go though as far as OPFOR goes.
I remember the missions in America's Army that had you use the MILES stuff. Its really awesome and I am glad I am going to have the opportunity to use it.
TCBF, any news on updates yet?  I am pretty curious as to what has happenned with the Carl G and also whether or not we were able to get the AWES grenades and if so, how many?  Also, when is the SAT III?  We haven't heard anything about it yet in 1 CER.  Just some scuttlebut about a Phase 4 course.  I was wondering if they would just tie those in together.

All in all, I was just kinda wondering what was new at CMTC!
Planning well underway for the two Serials this spring.  Planning teams being formed for the fall serials. Tasks being handed out for SAT III.  Augmentee slate out for the serials this spring.  I have no news on the tech side of the house.  A lot of stuff being done on the ASU side to get vehicles and kit as ready as they can.  Timings and details to follow, I guess. 


Is the OPFOR going to be made up entirely of reserves or are they going to take Reg force IR postings from Edmonton.  We haven't heard anything about that here either.
The OPFOR cadre is Rugular and already posted to Wainwright.  The Reserve augmentees are already on the ground - on six month contracts, and Regulars are coming in TD before MG 1 0 06.