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NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!


NDP riding association calls Canadian troops ‘terrorists'

Globe and Mail Update

A Vancouver Island NDP riding association has withdrawn parts a controversial resolution that calls for the federal government end its combat role in Afghanistan, after saying that the mission is being guided by the United States and that Canadian troops are acting like “terrorists.”

While the original resolution, drafted by the Nanaimo-Cowichan riding association, had no legal status it was going to be presented at the party's national convention this weekend in Quebec City. The controversial preamble to the resolution was withdrawn Wednesday afternoon, after garnering national attention.

“We in no way intended to suggest that our Canadian Forces personnel were in any way associated with terrorism,” the riding association said in a statement Wednesday afternoon.

Prior to it being withdrawn, however, the preamble did just that.

“In such a situation, Canadian troops end up acting like terrorists, destroying communities, killing and maiming innocent people,” the resolution stated.

The resolution still calls on NDP Leader Jack Layton to continue pushing for a vote on Canada's role in the war in Afghanistan and for the country to adopt a peacekeeping role in that country rather than its current combat role.

The preamble and the resolution were drafted by a “respected” member of the association before being debated and adopted in April, according to Sue Creba, the riding association's president.

“The word terrorist is not used lightly. We are concerned about the injuries and the death toll we are seeing amongst those young soldiers, whom we support totally. We just don't think that's the best place for them,” she said earlier in the day.

The preamble also suggested that Canada's foreign policy was being influenced by Washington.

“A combat role in Afghanistan is a no-win situation both for Canada and the Afghani people. Its only dubious value is to curry favour with the militaristic government of George W. Bush.”

Ms. Creba said she believed that that sentiment was echoed throughout the riding association.

“Well, it's quite clear that because we didn't have a debate in Parliament about [the mission] someone has influenced the government to instigate a foreign policy that the Canadian people didn't have a say in,” she said, adding that it is assumed within the riding association that that influence is being exerted from Washington.

“That's what we assume,” she said.

NDP spokesman Brad Lavigne said the party would not comment on any motion that has not been adopted by its membership.

“Those comments of individual members remain just that, individual comments of the membership. They do not guide the New Democratic Party of Canada, its leader, or its caucus, until it is supported by delegates. Until then, these are not the opinion of the NDP,” he said.

Ms. Creba said earlier in the day that she expected the resolution to resonate with other NDP delegates at the convention.

“It's not just our riding association. I would say [the sentiment is] echoed certainly through other Vancouver Island riding associations and probably across Canada. I would expect that it would be a topic for full discussion at our convention.”

“A combat role in Afghanistan is a no-win situation both for Canada and the Afghani people. Its only dubious value is to curry favour with the militaristic government of George W. Bush.”

Wow, they certainly aren't looking for any new friends are they?
Terrorists, No-Win, Militaristic Government of Bush  - Bam Bam Bam!!
These guys are fast, I'm having a hard time keeping up.

I wonder how many tubes of toothpaste they go through after spouting such fecal matter.  If I may say so.
A question for the more legally savvy members:  Could a good lawyer not persue a class action suit on behalf of all present and past Afghanistan vets for slander, or defamation, or some other legalese term? This is just infuriating... time to cull the flock... :rage:
And to think that IDIOTS like this are voted in by the locals they represent.

Go figure!

Totally disgusted, and at a loss of words, with the exception, how un-Canadian can you get!

They should be ashamed.

Utterly disgusting, the lows they will go to know no bounds.

Agreed with Kat, some sort of personal defamation lawsuit would be nice too see. Not sure how realistic it is but with the right lawyer and enough money...who knows. I'll stay in my lane and wait for whiskey to weigh in.
I wonder if Jack has seen Rick Mercer's blog re the agenda for the NDP-Taliban peace talks, and realises how foolish his comments were on that. Did anyone notice Layton's fumbling & back-pedalling on that subject on Tuesday's interview on The National when Peter Mansbridged challenged Layton on his 'let's negotiate with the Taliban' bit?
Dear Jack:

Below is all you need to know about diplomacy and The Taliban

all 671 grains of it
“Well, it's quite clear that because we didn't have a debate in Parliament about [the mission] someone has influenced the government to instigate a foreign policy that the Canadian people didn't have a say in,” she said, adding that it is assumed within the riding association that that influence is being exerted from Washington.

“That's what we assume,” she said.
ooze you lose.

Did we not have a debate in January? Guess they were the ones not in attendance....you snooze you lose.

They sure like that "***-u-me" word. ;D
What is it we say in the army about 'assuming'...? Something about making an a** out of.....

But I guess the NDP can be forgiven for not being familiar with the concept.
Below is my reply from Sue Creba of the riding association that drafted the offensive proposal.
All I can say is a shovelful of this is good for the garden.......

"You should know that our riding association has formally requested that the
pre-amble from the motion on Afghanistan submitted to the 22nd Federal
Convention of the New Democratic Party in Quebec City be removed.

We in no way intended to suggest that our Canadian Forces personnel were in
any way associated with terrorism.

The very intent of the motion was the protection and safety of our Canadian
Forces and we regret that the words chosen in the preamble have changed the
focus away from why the current mission in Afghanistan is the wrong mission
for Canada.

This resolution was proposed out of concern that the combat situation in
Afghanistan puts our soldiers in such a dangerous position and has resulted
in so many deaths and injuries to Canadians and to innocent civilians.

Sue Creba,  President Nanaimo-Cowichan Federal NDP Association"
Funny, I received the same chain letter reply within 5 minutes of sending Layton, Crowder & Creba a blast of s**t. So I sent them another blast back re. that they don't have the parts to reply individually or to do a formal TV/radio/print apology.
George Wallace said:
And if you really want it; Jack Layton's:


Canada's NDP
300 - 279 Laurier West
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J9

Phone: 613-236-3613
Toll Free: 1-866-525-2555
Fax: 613-230-9950
TTY: 1-866-776-7742

My letter to Smiling Jack:

Mr. Layton
While my personal political views have never ranged towards your party, I have also respected all parties views and their desire to promote their messages. 
However, your recent comments with regards to the military involvement in Afghanistan have ranged very close to being seditious at best, and very likely are contributing to the resolve of the Taliban to dig in and fight.  The comments from your party out of BC are downright treacherous, and if you think that calling our soldiers "terrorists" will not haunt you for years to come, you are sorely mistaken. 
Canada has always been a country that prides itself on helping the down trodden.  Who better to get our help than the people of Afghanistan?  How could we possibly think that help will be forthcoming in the form of aid and reconstruction, if the people sent to do the work get killed and the materials looted?  I cannot believe that you have no issue with leaving schools to be burned and teachers killed for the "sin" of instructing girls? 
Do you not see that sometimes hard situations require hard solutions?  Even if we keep the topic in the socialist realm, do you not recall that much of the labour movement came about as a result of new union members physically fighting with union "busters"?  What would have happened to the auto industry in the 30's if the workers had been satisfied with "talking" to the industry and hoping that their good intentions would reward them for their lack of action? 
Would you have us import all of the population of Afghanistan as refugees?  Or do you just feel that part of the planet is so forsaken that it just doesn't deserve our help? 
YOU supported this mission when the Liberals were in power.  Would you suggest to Canada that you made that decision blindly, thinking that Canadian troops would deploy to the birthplace of the Taliban and use their charming presence to bring about peace and prosperity? 
And can you not recognize the great gains being made?  One recent battle was a decisive Canadian victory as a result of information provided by an Afghan citizen.  Actual cooperation from the locals, which is pretty amazing considering the history in the region. 
If any country can do this mission, and is uniquely qualified for it, it is Canada.  We have the skill and the desire, so why can you not be satisfied with that? 
And what effect do you think you are having on the families of the soldiers?  Imagine being deployed to a war zone, and hearing that your family back home is no longer sure if you should be there because "Jack Layton says this is all wrong".  So now the soldier has to worry about being shot at or blown up, and also if his family will still be there when he gets back, or if he will be forced to abandon his military career upon his return. 
You appear to be well spoken and have the ability to speak passionately on a great many subjects.  Surely there are more worthy targets for your attention?  And please do not think you are being any sort of friend to the soldiers, because it appears that each and every one believes in what they are doing over there. 
Politicizing the military is a cheap shot at best, and a demoralizing disservice to our CF personnel.  I would ask you on behalf of all reasonable Canadians who see an actual need to do some hard work in somewhere other than this great country that you please refrain from denigrating the mission in Afghanistan. 
Thank you for your time and attention on this matter. 

I have every confidence that he will read it, take it to heart and provide me with a speedy response.  ::)
Actually, there are a couple of things I would like to see out of the two leftist conventions that will be occurring over the next few months:

1.  This "terrorist" motion passes at the ND convention
2.  Hedy Fry becomes Librano leader.

THAT would ensure both these parties drive away their centrists and therefore we get a decade or so of decent government for a change.

The only thing better would be if the roof on either/both convention venues collapeses.

Wesley 'Over There' (formerly Down Under) said:
And to think that IDIOTS like this are voted in by the locals they represent.


They should be ashamed.

Or conversely (and perhaps more accurately) to think that the local IDIOTS voted in these Representatives...
Not only are we "acting like terrorists", but we also partook in the "coup" in Haiti:
WHEREAS the Canadian government, military and police participated in the February 29, 2004 coup that overthrew the elected government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti; and
WHEREAS the de-facto ("interim") government of Haiti stands accused by international human rights organizations of killings and jailings of several thousands of supporters of the ousted government and of failing to provide the basic necessities of life for much of the country's population; and
WHEREAS the United Nations-sanctioned occupation forces in Haiti, including Canada, have aided and abetted the illegal interim government,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Democratic Party call upon the Government of Canada to:
  • Demand the immediate release of Amnesty International prisoners of conscience former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune and folk singer Annette "So Ann" Auguste as well as all other political prisoners;
    Use all possible means to being an end to killings and jailings by police and occupation forces aimed at the Haitian poor and their social and political movements;
    Convene a formal Parliamentary inquiry into the role of Canada in the 2004 coup in Haiti, including the circumstances surrounding the 2003 "Ottawa Initiative on Haiti" conference and the role of Elections Canada in the illegal and unConstitutional presidential and legislative elections of 2006;
    End the RCMP training of Haitian National Police, and remove all Canadian police and military personnel from Haiti
    Announce Canada's support for the call of the governments of the Caribbean community countries (CARICOM) and the African Union for an investigation into the circumstances of President Aristide's removal;
    Increase development aid to Haiti and ensure that all aid to Haiti be delivered in cooperation with the duly-elected and sovereign government of that country.

OK: Toronto Danforth: Jack Layton
Trinitiy-Spadina: Olivia Chow
Durham: Bruce Rogers
Edmonton-Strathcona: Linda Duncan

Oh, and one of their keynote speakers will be none other than James Loney (aka: Hostage-boy).  Ask him how he feels about Military Personnel risking their lives to free him.  Ask him how he feels that if word got out that he is a homosexual, his life would have been in danger.  Ask him how it feels to be free thanks to brave men and women who sometimes use guns.

Oh, and they are also showcasing Tommy Douglas, "The Greatest Canadian".  Remember that farce on the cbc?  The NDP and CAW (IIRC) lobbied their membership to vote for TD.  People like Pierre Trudeau fell by the wayside for the poster-boy of the NDP.


All I have to say to Mr. Jack and his party NDP (Nimrods & Dumb group of Politicians) is,


as a civilian I am 100% behind the soldiers who are risking their lives for peace.

cheers snowy :)
I hope at least one of our senior civilian or military leaders will remind the NDP that although the Military strongly disagrees with the language and sentiment expressed in this resolution the members of the CF have sworn an oath to defend to the death their right to say it!
  • von Garvin said:
    Not only are we "acting like terrorists", but we also partook in the "coup" in Haiti:
    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Democratic Party call upon the Government of Canada to:
    End the RCMP training of Haitian National Police, and remove all Canadian police and military personnel from Haiti
    Announce Canada's support for the call of the governments of the Caribbean community countries (CARICOM) and the African Union for an investigation into the circumstances of President Aristide's removal;
    Increase development aid to Haiti and ensure that all aid to Haiti be delivered in cooperation with the duly-elected and sovereign government of that country.
von Garvin said:


  OK, so sending troops when the UN asks is bad.....somehow doesn't fit with the "Canadian Soldiers should be Peacekeepers" mantra they like to chant.  Sending RCMP to teach the Haitian police to actually enforce the law and investigate crimes rather than acting as a political goon squad, again at the UN and Haitian request is bad.....still don't see how that can be seen as anything but a benefit to peace order and law in Haiti.  Make sure the election is run fairly using Elections Canada personnel, sounds like a terrible thing to do to a fledgling democracy; its so much easier to run rigged elections and claim popular support, so much harder to actually earn it.  Lastly, make sure that the aid gets to the people it is supposed to get to.....good luck doing that without troops on the ground.  Its good to see that the NDP doesn't feel constrained by its own policies, by international law, by logic or common sense.  They dare to go where no one has been dim enough to go before.  Don't you love Canadian politics?