You know that smell when you open the hatch in the port hanger lobby after you've been off ships for a while... It really smacks you in the face.
And yes some smells can be tasted.
I never quite got used to it, and missed the old 280s that just smelled like diesel.
The other time I noticed it was the odd occasion when I got a hotel or something ashore, and went to pull on clean clothes after getting out of the shower, and your clothes reeked like the CPFs. I started laundering some of them ashore, storing a few things in a vacuum sealed bag with a dryer sheet, and keeping those for that kind of occasion.
@Eaglelord17 every operational ship I was on cleaning stations at sea was a window, not a start/end time, so the only real thing was waiting for the XO (or designate) to do the walkthrough inspection on the heads and washplaces. Depending on how many people were available, might take 20-30 minutes for a routine cleaning, or longer for a good deep clean (usually before a port visit). When I eventually got into the walkthrough rotation, I made sure to switch up the order regularly so the same people weren't always waiting around forever, and tried to do spots like the common ADR head ASAP so folks had somewhere to use.
But generally as long as the standard was kept high the inspection took marginally longer than if you just walked the route without stopping. When things would start to get gross was when the whole thing started taking longer.
People not being giant assholes and practicing good headiquette by cleaning up after themselves as they go helped a lot; if you have that in place cleaning stations was really just a quick scrub of the toilets, mop the deck and empty the garbage.
With how many strong feelings people have about bad headiquette, or the destruction some people can lay to an innocent toilet, surprised there isn't some kind of you tube song speculating at what point you get promoted and your arsehole moves up to the small of you back. Between Smokin in the Wardroom and Destroying the Porcelain we could get a few unofficial anthems from the coal face.