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Navy Int Ops?


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Wondering if there were any Navy Int Ops in here that would be able to provide me with a little info on the trade, especially when it comes to being an Int Op in the naval environment.
I would love some info too. I know a little what an army int does (tracking enemy and stuff) but what does a Navy int do a little more specifically?

Klinkaroo said:
I would love some info too. I know a little what an army int does (tracking enemy and stuff) but what does a Navy int do a little more specifically?



Neither of those links are for Int Ops though.  We certainly do not have that MOS in the Naval Reserve - it is possible that there are regular force Navy Int Ops - I have never met one.  If such an animal does exist, I am sure it has been discussed somewhere on the boards.
MARS said:
Neither of those links are for Int Ops though.  We certainly do not have that MOS in the Naval Reserve - it is possible that there are regular force Navy Int Ops - I have never met one.  If such an animal does exist, I am sure it has been discussed somewhere on the boards.
There are a number of Naval Int Ops out there, meaning those who wear the Navy uniform and/or work in a Navy/Maritime environment, but its not yet a seperate MOC - as of a couple years back there was talk of a seperate trade for this, possibly under a different occupation name, but not sure what came of it...

Ok well the information I would like is what does an Int Op do when supporting naval operations.

Klinkaroo said:
Ok well the information I would like is what does an Int Op do when supporting naval operations.


They collect information.  They collate that information.  They analyse the information.  They disseminate an "Intelligence Product".  Then they start all over again.
But like to they travel on the ships kind of thing or do they stay in support bases like Esquimalt and Halifax?

And what kind of information, because most of the direct threats to the ship are handled by the NCI and NES ops with there radars, sonars and other things... or am I completely off track here?
George Wallace said:
They collect information.  They collate that information.  They analyse the information.  They disseminate an "Intelligence Product".  Then they start all over again.

George, got it right. Its called the intelligence cycle. In a nut shell, int personnel are given direction (by their commander). they then collect the information, collate tit, analyze it, and disseminate it to their customers. And then they start all over again. ALL INT personnel practice it! The difference is that naval int ops will specialize on naval matters (e.g. enemy ships, radars, missiles, naval support aircraft, etc).

But like to they travel on the ships kind of thing or do they stay in support bases like Esquimalt and Halifax?

Yes, they do both.
Retired AF Guy said:
Yes, they do both.

......And they even get posted to Air Force bases.

Just in case anyone asks what a Navy Int guy does on an air force bases

George Wallace said:
collect information.  They collate that information.  They analyse the information.  They disseminate an "Intelligence Product".  Then they start all over again.
So if I get it right, on army bases they :

George Wallace said:
They collect information.  They collate that information.  They analyse the information.  They disseminate an "Intelligence Product".  Then they start all over again.

Another little question, I am currently working on a degree in naval architecture, do you think this knowledge in the intel world would be usefull. Like could they possibly have me working on the navy side of things analyzing enemy ships kind of thing?
If you are working on a degree right now...may I suggest Intelligence Officer instead.  If I' am not mistaking they are those in charge of the Int Ops.

For the Navy side, NESOP and the IMD would be the customers of those Int Ops.  I also am not sure if it is a direct entry trade.  Trade was closed about a year ago, I have not check recently.

It says in your profile that you're in Rimouski (and I'm assuming already in NAVRES)...check out the info regarding MAR INT O next time you go into the unit.
Klinkaroo said:
Another little question, I am currently working on a degree in naval architecture, do you think this knowledge in the intel world would be usefull. Like could they possibly have me working on the navy side of things analyzing enemy ships kind of thing?

It wouldn't hurt that's for sure. Knowing how a ship is constructed would be a bonus. However, at the beginning of your career you'll probably spend a couple of years learning the finer aspects of intelligence work. Navy-nesop has a good point that it might be more advantageous for you to go the officer route instead. Just note that because the navy int world is fairly small, there may be few openings for officers. Check with the B Pers O for more info. If you have a chance to visit a navy int section give them a call and may be you can arrange a visit and find more info about the trade.

Best of the luck.
Currently there are very few openings at NavRes units for Int Os and that applies to the RegF too. Numbers are extremely limited in some areas.