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Miss Spelling + Their They're There - George's Rants Both Together

No wonder so many Lefties find us "Ignorant Hicks".  Gee.  If we can't even get it right when we use words like "their", "there", and "they're" which are often being used incorrectly by so many on the site, then we are coming across as a bunch of backwoods hicks.

So?  Does it really matter that today's graduates are illiterate?  Do we add to the problem or become part of the solution?  Which witch shall we burn?
Its not that big a deal, is it?  We'll learn to eventually get off of this grammar kick we're on.
I've been working on Telepathy for the past thirty years, with limited success.  Sadly, my psychic connections haven't been strong enough to last for longer periods of time.  Usually, if the other person is chewing gum, they invariably trip, and the connection is lost.
Now wildman.......I knew you were going to say that.......Are you chewing any gum by chance?
Unfortunately, APS also means a buildup of aluminium in the brain.  While not as effective, this buildup can function as an aluminium foil helmet, thus limiting the effectiveness of your psychic connections.  In a nutshell, your years of service have precluded your effectiveness in the Corps of Psychics and Mentalists.

Early research indicates their may be a workaround.  Certain metals, adhesives, and textiles can enhance a psychic field.  Try inverting a collander and duct-taping it to your head. 
I here ya George...
thier house
there are many items
they're over there
to coin a few
Then spelling puctuation cross the I's and Dot the T's.
Do your ABC's.
Some people are just lazy with thier spelling,,,
                      Regards all,,    
                       Scoty B
Booing an IP addy ...monitoring key strokes
hacking or ????
    so your up dude
                        scoty b

Put down the cup......
wildman0101 said:
Some people are just lazy with thier spelling,,,

The schools are not helping either.
Shamrock said:
Early research indicates their there may be a workaround.  Certain metals, adhesives, and textiles can enhance a psychic field.  Try inverting a collander and duct-taping it to your head. 

Ode to a Spell Checker

I have a spelling checker
I disk covered four my PC.
It plane lee marks four my revue
Miss steaks aye can knot see.

Eye ran this poem threw it.
Your sure real glad two no.
Its very polished in its weigh,
My checker tolled me sew.

A checker is a blessing.
It freeze yew lodes of thyme.
It helps me right awl stiles two reed,
And aides me when aye rime.

Each frays comes posed up on my screen
Eye trussed too bee a joule.
The checker pours o'er every word
To cheque sum spelling rule.

Bee fore wee rote with checkers
Hour spelling was inn deck line,
Butt now when wee dew have a laps,
Wee are not maid too wine.

And now bee cause my spelling
Is checked with such grate flare,
There are know faults in awl this peace,
Of nun eye am a wear.

To rite with care is quite a feet
Of witch won should be proud,
And wee mussed dew the best wee can,
Sew flaws are knot aloud.

That's why eye brake in two averse
Caws Eye dew want too please.
Sow glad eye yam that aye did bye
This soft wear four pea seas.

--Author Unknown

A note to the Mods:

This whole spelling situation is really starting to get on my nerves as well.  I'm at the point where I'm going to start getting really snarky and may end up pulling what Vern did on an earlier post in this thread.

Just so you know...in case you end up getting a couple of posts reported to you about the subject or me.
<rant>Maybe it's my English degree or maybe it's the fact that I find poor grammar and spelling thoroughly abhorrent, but I'm inclined to agree with the tone of this thread. I know people will start crying foul because they feel they're (not their or there) being picked on but something has to give. The spelling and consistent misuse of words and their homonyms is getting to a point where it is detrimental to the overall message of the site. I understand that this site is meant to be a place for discussion and debate but honestly, there is little debate to be had if people can't demonstrate even a basic level of understanding of the English language and know which words to use.</rant> As a somewhat interesting side note, after spell checking my post, I found that I had misspelled a couple of words. The moral of the story: always use the spell checker!  ;D

Edit to remove improper use of the word "ironic". Thanks to Shamrock for picking me up on that.
Strike said:
This whole spelling situation is really starting to get on my nerves as well.  I'm at the point where I'm going to start getting really snarky and may end up pulling what Vern did on an earlier post in this thread.

To correct my usage but to not correct my grammatical errors?
Shamrock said:
To correct my usage but to not correct my grammatical errors?

I admit that my own grammar sucks - bad.  Spelling on the other hand...(when I use spell check).
savil dere deygo
towsin buses inaro
nojo dems trux
summit cowsin summit dux


Strike said:
I admit that my own grammar sucks - bad. 

Same here. That being said, when people start typing "aloud" when it should be "allowed" ( and other "i spell it like it sounds" errors) , its just plain dumb.