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Military Swim Test - When, Where, and How- Merged

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We just had our test last weekend, and it was a fun experience which by the end, brought our whole course closer together. I didn't find the test to be all that hard, considering the fact that I haven't been close to a swimming pool in the longest time. I was however out of breath by the time I was done. If it wasn't for the 15 second break I was allowed to have when I got to the first end, I don't think I could have made it, because I wasted a lot of my energy on the treading  :(. The instructor just told me to work on it a bit more on my own time, but I'm pretty sure I passed. Just don't panic when you jump into the water, or bump into someone else when you are in the water. Also, before the test, I recommend you to work on treading the water without wasting a lot of energy.
Not only did we do the swim test but after some of our platoon was allowed to go off the Olympic Board  ;D That was a hell of a time. And if you don't swim much make sure you get to a pool and practice or have lessons before you go for the test. Basically you jump from a 3m board w/ a life jacket and swim one length (remember to breathe out of your nose when you hit the water  :-\ ), then take off the life-vest, off of a 1/2m-1m board do a flip into the water and move to a line and tread until EVERYONE is in the water at the line, then you do 2 minutes treading, then one length. You wait until everyone is spread out along the wall and everyone swims the last length together, try not to hit anyone while you do this because it does get crowded and others might not be able to swim as well as you.
But hey, it's an easy thing, just know when to hold your breath and know when breathe  :-X
I can swim pretty well but i might fail the treading part.. I'm going swimming 3-4 times a week BMQ starts on Feb 20th but I cant tread more then 10 seconds  ^-^ im practising so you never know i might be able to do 2 minutes but even if i don't no harm done..just practise a bit more after BMQ's finished..
Manu: the key to long term treading is to relax. Don't kick hard, don't flail your arms to keep your head above water. Use slow, rhythmic kicks and keep your arm strokes smooth and in time with your kicks. What I mean by this is from the full back position, your arms should be straight but not locked as they go forward, and on the back stroke, your elbows should be bent 15-25 degrees, witht he palms of your hands pointing in the direction of the stroke. For the kicks, your legs should be mostly straight, your toes pointed. This should keep your chin at or just a millimeter below water level, but your nose and mouth will be above water level without worry. Also, KEEP BREATHING!!!!! Slow, long, deep (to-the-belly) breaths will keep your natural buoyancy up, as well as keep your body oxygenated. Do that every day until you can go 3 minutes, and you'll be fine  ;D

Also, remember, a lot of it is mental. BELIEVE that you can do it, and within a few short days I expect that you'll see your time drastically improve  :warstory:
  Manu, don't stress the swim test too much. It was one of the more easy tests I found in BMQ. As long as you can swim you'll be o.k. The hardest part was treading water for 2 minutes but even then it wasn't that hard. Oh and by the way you have to wear coveralls throughout the swim test too. Hope everything works out and good luck on your BMQ.
:salute: :cdn:
You can check out these pictures that were taken for the DND site during my platoon's swim test.


It's all fun and easy, plus is isn't like you have to redothe test if you fail. I'm pretty sure all they do is give you a special thing to put on your rucksack when you're doing anything concerning water/swimming so they can help you first out of others stranded or what not, or even just to keep they're eye on you.
I am a good at swimming , i can swim 300 m in no problem, but I cant do a summersault, I land on my back :( and it hurts sometimes,  I can do a "perfect" dive, anyway of not doing a summersault?
Well, no there isn't a way of getting out of it, but it isn't from very high. They actually want you to go in 'not perfectly' because when you fall out of a boat, you're going to be disoriented and it isn't going to be perfect. Don't worry you'll be fine.
Oh and PS you won't be diving head first, it'll be like jumping off the platform and crossing your arms and legs (and wearing a lifevest).
Does anyone know where I can buy prescription swimming goggles here in Kingston? Recently got posted here and I'm not quite sure as to where I buy a pair.
Thanks in advance for any input..
I didn't think such a thing existed until now, did I quick google search and you can get them online, otherwise I'd imagine asking where prescription eyeglasses/sunglassed and sports/swimming gear are sold would probably either finding you a place or get you forewarded to a place.
Went around a few optical places in Kingston.  It found only 2 places that sell them Precision Optical and Vision Care Optical at Walmart.  Both carry the same selection of prescription swim goggles. Precision sells for about $70 and Walmart for about $40. Got mine from the latter.
I just completed my basic in St Jean recently and after scrolling through the 8 pages on this thread I can offer this;  yes there is a swim test at St Jean and no you do not have to pass the test in order to complete basic.  Personally i am a good swimmer but failed it the first time i attempted this.  I failed because of the water that fills up in your combats.  They tell you to tie the combat pants at the bottom and do up your belt nice and tight.  They also tell you to tie the string inside your combat jacket as well.  From a personal stand point, I dont recommend doing up either.  Thats what killed me the first time.  Too much water got in there and just weighed me down.  The second time i attempted the test i left all the strings untied and I had no problems what so ever.  No water filled my pants or shirt.  What a difference.  Good luck.
Passing the swim test is not mandatory, we had about 5 people in my platoon that could not swim. They give you a retest for it around week 4, even if you still don't pass it is not a P.O failure. Combats do get a little heavy, I still found it fairly easy though. If you are not a good swimmer during the 2 mins of tread water, just float on your back they allow it. That will make you less tired when you have to swim to the other end of the pool. In my opinion, the swim test is just another day of training don't think of it as a test.
There were 2 people that have never swam in their lives, and who did not finish the swim. They TRIED their hardest, and they were given a pass, so as long as you try your hardest you will do fine.
you dont have to know how to swim if you are going navy.  that doesnt make a lick of difference.  The swim instructors dont have a clue what element you are when u jump in that pool. It was funny how many people on our basic said "he's in the navy and he doesnt know how to swim!!"  Well i got a news flash for ya.  It dont matter if you can swim or not, you fall into the Atlantic Ocean you are screwed unless someone sees you because all the swim lessons in the world wont save your butt then.  Think about it.
Swim test means absolutly "JACK SQUAT", as for BMQ in Borden you are tested in week one, retested week four or five , if you flunk it does not matter, a waste of valuable training time if you ask me, which could be used a lot more effectivly.  I dont know about ST Jean but in Borden, If memory serves me correctly between the initial test and retest we have one pool PT period, useless for non swimmers, it wont help you to learn how to swim. Dont sweat the swim test.
I'm hearing a lot of things about this swimming thing. But I just want to clear it up. Sorry if I posting the same thing.
Do we have to pass the swimming test to pass the basic training? do we have to atleast attempt it?
(I want to join the reserves)

Reg Force ->

Sundborg says:

"Ok, this is how it goes at BMQ.

You will go to the pool on week 2 to do your swim test, and then again on either week 5 or 6.  Keep in mind that it IS NOT a requirement to swim in order to pass the BMQ.

Your swim test on week two will consist of treading water for 2 minutes, then swimmin to the end of a 25m pool (this is done in your combat pants and shirt, so it tends to tire you a bit more).  Then you will have to jump off of a 3m diving board with a life jacket on, and upon surfacing to the water, you must raise your hand an give a thumbs up.  Then after surfacing, you must swim to the end of the 25m pool.  That's it.
If you can not pass that test, then you will "attempt" to redo it on either week 5 or 6.  Again, you will NOT have to pass it or try it again if you do not wish.
The second time going, if you are not redoing your test, you will probably do some pool exercises where you will swim the lengths of the pool a few times with various things and do a few push-ups and sit-ups.

That's pretty much all there is to swimming."

I'd assume its the same for PRes. I'm going on Res BMQ soon and I swim rather poorly, incidently. I'd suggest trying, but not drowning - not that my opinion carries any weight.
For the Reserves it goes as such. The swim test is not done on BMQ or SQ however it is done in Dp1 Inf/BIQ. It is also conducted anually at your home unit. We did ours again about a month ago and it was this; With a life jacket on jump into the pool and do a length of a pool and back, with the life jacket off jump into the pool and tread water for 2 minutes then do a length.

It is not required to pass, the only reason for the swim test on BIQ and at your home unit is to seperate the strong swimmers from the weak swimmers. From my experience the only difference that is done is for when doing assault boat training or on exercise is that those deemed weak swimmers will, instead of getting the olive drab life jacket, they will get either a bright orange one or a bunch of glow sticks that way if something happens they are easy to see and thus help.

I have seen people who know they cannot swim, tell the life guard this and jump in and immediately panic, cant swim and ask for help and fail. However in the Reserves at least, the failure doesn't hinder a thing except the above mentioned. So to your answer, for reserves you will only do it if going onto your infantry course or if you will be doing it on an exercise or as part of IBTS.
There you have it. Thanks for the clarification - do you know if its just Infantry or all Combat Arms that swimtest on the 3s? I assume CSS have no use for it.