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Military Looks for New Home for Commandos

Why not alberta?

Conservitives are pretty popular out there aren't they?  I can't see the liberals doing something like that. How many liberals consider conservitives basically rednecks?  Send the commandos they oh so love to critique out there? Never.
Yeah, I guess Alberta is pretty much out of the question. Even the liberals that have ran for MP out here call us rednecks. I personally think that if the unit was split into two one should be in the west somewhere in BC or Alberta and the other in Ontario or Quebec. That way if something did happen, they are never too far away. And having some in Quebec you can cover a few polital points, then again, Quebec separatists might not like having an elite group of commandos in their province.
Main problem being, in distribution.
Alberta already has the bulk of the Airforce, and Army in the west (No real req for naval forces)
Meanwhile our Coasts are left defended by the USA for the most part, with large army/Air, and naval elements in the area.
talk about sovereignty, when US warships, or aircraft have to intervene on our behalf.  :crybaby:
Alberta has the bulk of the Airforce?  How to you consider 408 squadron and a Fighter Wing to be a bulk of the Air Force?

Anyways, is there a real point to this thread, or is it going to stick to the trend of any thread with "JTF" in the title ballooning quickly to many pages of nothing....
Read "West" Infanteer, Comox remains as an Airforce base that is under utilized. Sending 2 Hornets there for the summer does not constitute a capability. No Offence intended to the members of the other 2 Squadrons based there, maritime patrol/sub chasing, and SAR capabilities are of prime importance. As for land element: Chilliwack; Mostly closed, Work Point, sorta used, Kamloops; Closed. This leaves the Reserve Units that many have slagged on these forums as the primary defence of the west coast. IMHO Capable: Yes, Equipped to do a proper job?: No.
Land base available for basing the JTF in near secrecy?, Yes Terrain for multi mission traning scenarios: yes, access to Air and Sea assets: Yes.
Requirement as a tactical/practical, and political tool: yes.
Regardless of the ample land in the west, if you look at the original post it would seem the decision has been made to keep them in the NCR...

I could seem them just expropriating the land around Dywer Hill, they've already spent the money on that place, it's in a good spot, families are settled in nearby, why move now?

Though there is a lot of land east of the city too, right after Walkley Rd on the 417 it turns rural...
....all good points, now check out a little place called Burritt's Rapids[straight down Dwyer Hill Road] and see why I am thinking the old Rideau Correctional Centre.
I think I know the place you're talking about, didn't the RCMP use it too? But won't they frighten all the boaters on the Rideau if they set up shop there!?
I could seem them just expropriating the land around Dywer Hill, they've already spent the money on that place, it's in a good spot, families are settled in nearby, why move now?

So lots of money has been spent building, everyone is settled and comfortable. Moving doesn't strike me as something the CF would do.....
Hey, you can always tell when the CF is going to shut down a base, the new building gets opened.

Well, after visiting Wales and the WWII Commando trg area in Scotland ... I'm thinkin' about terrain.

I'm kinda thinkin' that with the departure of the RAF ... Goose Bay has a lot to offer in the way of security (in the middle of nowhere), lots of trg area (in the middle of nowhere), and pre-existing infrastructure (in the middle of nowhere).

Similar to the move of SAS HQ to Credenhill ... Dwyer Hill could be like a "fire hall", close to the NCR ... or MountainView could be another Jumping Off Point (across the road from Trenton) ... while Goose Bay would be "Brecon Beacons" for Selection (away from prying eyes and prying neighbours ...).

Heck - if foreign tourists would like to come and visit, they'd enjoy Goose Bay's relative obscurity, too ... and for the sake of argument, maybe Labrador has more to offer in the way of boat trg ... ?

But, of course ... we'll never know where, when or even if they relocate the Trout Farm, will we?
simple reason why The JTF2 are in Ontario is location location location. Why else is CFB Trenton the major air transport base is in Ontario Between Ottawa and Toronto. You can't put them (JTF) in am base with other military units like Petawawa. Think about it people.  :gunner:
I would think its common dog but I guess not!
Cutter2001ca said:
simple reason why The JTF2 are in Ontario is location location location. Why else is CFB Trenton the major air transport base is in Ontario Between Ottawa and Toronto. You can't put them (JTF) in am base with other military units like Petawawa. Think about it people.   :gunner:
I would think its common dog but I guess not!

Once the defence review comes out (this is like waiting for the second coming of Christ!) there will be quite a bit of movement of certain assets. One more than likely use of JTF 2 is in the maritime environment, (terrorist attack on cruise liners, ferries, cargo ships etc.) Due to our sorry lift capability, the ability of JTF to load up, move, and embark a target vessel in a reasonable amount of time is absolutely horrible. There is a strong likelihood that detachments will be stood up in the MARPAC and MARLANT AORs to facilitate more rapid reaction to crisis happening on our coasts.
You can't put them (JTF) in am base with other military units like Petawawa. Think about it people. 
I would think its common dog but I guess not!
Why not?
simple living sand working in Pet is like living in a Fish Bowl everyone knows everyones busyness. That unit will be kept or placed away from other military bases. Like where they are now.  Out of sight out of mind.
For all of you Petawawa does have a airport......actual its Pembroke air fiield.  hercs fly up from Trenton so the boys from 3 RCR can jump or somoe times 3RCR drives down to Trenton so the Fly back to Pet and jump.
For the person who said why not Armprior......Where the Hell do you think the are anyway??????????On second though don't answer that I don't want to hear it
FSTO said:
Once the defence review comes out (this is like waiting for the second coming of Christ!) there will be quite a bit of movement of certain assets. One more than likely use of JTF 2 is in the maritime environment, (terrorist attack on cruise liners, ferries, cargo ships etc.) Due to our sorry lift capability, the ability of JTF to load up, move, and embark a target vessel in a reasonable amount of time is absolutely horrible. There is a strong likelihood that detachments will be stood up in the MARPAC and MARLANT AORs to facilitate more rapid reaction to crisis happening on our coasts.
The JTF's buddget doesn;t really come from the department of national defence....so who cares if the new defence review comes out 
For the person who said why not Armprior......Where the heck do you think the are anyway?

..not there I can assure you. Though going due south.......
I mentioned Arnprior because of the airfield and the space for growth and facilities around it.  Lots of room to site there.

Cutter2001ca said:
simple living sand working in Pet is like living in a Fish Bowl everyone knows everyones busyness. That unit will be kept or placed away from other military bases. Like where they are now.   Out of sight out of mind.
For all of you Petawawa does have a airport......actual its Pembroke air fiield.   hercs fly up from Trenton so the boys from 3 RCR can jump or somoe times 3RCR drives down to Trenton so the Fly back to Pet and jump.
For the person who said why not Armprior......Where the Hell do you think the are anyway??????????On second though don't answer that I don't want to hear itThe JTF's buddget doesn;t really come from the department of national defence....so who cares if the new defence review comes out  

I've read several of your posts.   A couple of them in this thread; this one in particular have me wondering WTF you are and why are you so OTL.

At the beginning of this thread I mentioned Arnprior.   If You think Dwyer Hill is anywhere near Arnprior, you need a geography lesson. (PS - it is a little bit closer to Carlton Place than Arnprior.)   I also corrected someones comment on Pet's lack of Airport facilities and mentioned the Airborne Dock at Pembroke Airport.   You muddy the waters with your 2 cents worth.   Your suppositions that they should not move into Pet are ill founded.   There are facilities in Pet that they already occupy and maintain (If you haven't yet noticed the Desert Cam Humvees and trailers - go look behind the Silver Dart - but don't get too close to the fence unless you are delivering Pizza.).   Many are formerly from Pet.   Pet is not the "Fish Bowl" to the great extent that you allude to.   And so what if it is.   It is a Military Community, and that is what people do there - Soldier!   Does it really matter what Unit they Soldier in?  

Oh!   By the way......now that we have told you this......we will have to kill ya!     ;D
Pembroke Airport is only 5 mins away. Also Petawawa WAS TO BE THE SF base in the 70s. But Petawawa is also an open base. Also the C+C is in Ottawa. If its to far, C+C is lost. If not Petawawa maybe Trenton :evil: :tank: