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Military Looks for New Home for Commandos


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Military Looks for New Home for Commandos
Josh Pringle
Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Canadian Military is reportedly scouting new locations for its Joint Task Force 2 commando base.

Less than two years after deciding against moving the J-T-F 2's from Dwyer Hill, the military is looking at possible new locations in and around Ottawa.

A spokeswoman for Defence Minister Bill Graham says officials are looking at building a new facility in the city or an expansion of the current base at Dwyer Hill and Franktown roads.

The unit is in the midst of a significant increase in personnel.

I think the CF should find a new base for JTF2 it would resolve the problems they are having with neighbouring homes and farms.  If they expanded the facility, there would just be more bad press along the lines of "JTF 2 Boots Out Farmers".
Why not BC?, where is it written that all Military units need to be in Ontario?
Plenty of Crown Land available out here, as well as a serious lack of Military presence, after the last round of Base closures/cutbacks
mhervey said:
I think the CF should find a new base for JTF2 it would resolve the problems they are having with neighbouring homes and farms. If they expanded the facility, there would just be more bad press along the lines of "JTF 2 Boots Out Farmers".

Didn't they just expropriate a bunch of land recently?

As for moving them to BC, well, how long would it take them to get to Ottawa in case something happened....

Why don't they have multiple detachments located throughout the country?

How long to travel to Vancouver or Halifax?, two more "likely" targets or avenues of attack than Ottawa.
mhervey said:
...there would just be more bad press along the lines of "JTF 2 Boots Out Farmers".

Sounds like the CF (previous incarnation) and Meaford during WWII.
I curious about the pros/cons of each of three solutions that seem the most likely:

1) Expand the base they're currently occupying.
2) Create a new base somewhere else.
3) Move to Petawawa.

You protect the capital first, everything else second

Strange you should say that.  I saw a documentary last month on 9/11 and what was going on in Canada.  Apparently while the attacks were happening, NORAD and the Canadian Air Force were told to watch for any suspicious planes heading towards Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver (3 of Canada's biggest cities and possible targets), but no mention of Ottawa...
Give them a floor or two in NDHQ.
They could even practice all their rapelling and roof top magic stuff there :)

Pet seems like a logical choice doesn't it?
Huge, often unused, training area. 427 (?) squadren is based there.  River,abandoned airfield,  no complaints from locals, thicj woods, open plain. If they ever want to practice with UXOs they just need to step 7 feet into the training area and of course the great canadian warehouse.
Ottawa has an international airport that Pet doesn't have.
Pet doesn't have a runway capable of facilitating a Herc or am I being too simplistic here.
I'm sure IF they were going to Pet and THEY wanted a Herc runway, they'd have it.
Ottawa does have an airport but the JTF has also been insane about secrecy. Ottawa doesn't seem like the best place to stay out of the spotlight.

Petawawa to ottawa is and hour and a half drive? Thats not a very long drive.
I really can't see the JTF having to (Or being able to) deploy at such a short notice that and hour and a half will make or break the mission.

Obviously I have no understanding on their SOPs for deploying but I can only guess that we(Government/Military/JTF) would have atleast some kind of warning order and they would be put on alert. Leave canceled, equipment packed and prepared. I can't really see something being sprung ont hem right out of the blue, and if it were im sure they would spend 3 hours waiting to get out of customs :)

To me it simply seems like being stationed out of petawawa,
-in a military enviroment
-military friendly locals
-training area
-increased privacy

seems worth the hour and a half car ride, WHEN it comes to that being the argument.

Then again who wants to live in petawawa when you can live in ottawa.
Don't forget their original mandate was for hostage-rescue anti-terrorist type missions... remember that bus on parliament hill? or the guy who shot-up the Quebec Legislature? That's why the SERT base was set up at Dwyer Hill, to be close enough to respond to an incident in Ottawa...

With their "evolving" mandate, I don't see why the main body couldn't be in Petawawa, with some CT-types still based in Dwyer hill for quick-reaction... but then again I don't know much about their structure or SOP's...

CFL said:
Pet doesn't have a runway capable of facilitating a Herc or am I being too simplistic here.

Funny....When the Airborne Regiment was in Pet, they had no problems with Hercs.   Do Hercs suddenly need longer runways?   I am sure they could practice some "Dirt Strip" landings out on the Mattawa Plain if they had to.   Pembroke Airport can handle Hercs and the Airborne Dock is still there.

They have been using Petawawa Training Areas since they came into existance.   There were rumours that they were moving to Pet a couple of years back.   They have pumped millions into infrastructure in Pet.   The New "Village" for FIBUA trg and the "JTF Tower" are prime examples of where some of their money is going.  

If Pet is too far away, Arnprior Airport with the Boeing Plant is right on the City of Ottawa boundary.   I am sure that that airfield could be reactivated and used for Herc flights.   If Boeing leaves, then there are hangar facilities.   The oposite side of that airfield would be away from prying eyes and a boost to the local economy, not only close to Ottawa.   Put in a Flight or two of Griffons and they could be downtown in seconds.  The Tim Hortons in Arnprior is already a JTF favorite stop.
