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Merit boards for D.E.O.

Yes, definitely. I don't know how many spaces are still available, but those who are hoping for a January Basic shouldn't lose all hope yet..

Congrats mate! Another Zipperhead (to be). 

I am being sworn in on December 19th at CFRC Toronto too.  I look forward to seeing you there.

I'll be the one enjoying long hair for a bit longer before being nigh bald for a very, very long time :)
I guess I will be the only one who gets to skip the requisite hair trimming (aka Hazing). Lost the hair when the kids came and the wife likes the military look, which is JUST WHAT I AM GOING TO HAVE FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS.........I FINALLY MADE IT..........IAP HERE I COME....

Swearing in ceremony to be held in 3 weeks.
Oh yes... the BW stand for Bill Westbrook. Has anyone started on their personal biography?

I haven't gotten any information about what I should be doing ahead of time.. It's hard to search when you don't know what you need..
Magravan said:
I haven't gotten any information about what I should be doing ahead of time.. It's hard to search when you don't know what you need..

IAP joining instructions for St. Jean(PDF)

St. Jean Website, I recommend you go through it all, especially the 'are you ready' section. There is also a weekly schedule for the IAP and BOTC. I don't know how up to date it is but it should give you a bit of an idea what you will be learning.

Oh, I remember this from when I was first researching the job... Thank you for the link :)
Is it just me or is there a problem with the St. Jean website (CFRLS)?
Are you using a non-Internet Explorer browser? I tried for days, just assuming that the website was down... Turned out that it was just because I was using Firefox..
spqr said:
Is it just me or is there a problem with the St. Jean website (CFRLS)?

Ya, you have to use IE for some reason. I think it has to do with all the flash that is on that website.
Not entirely sure what it means, but my file states "Job Offer in Progress" so I'm assuming that's a good thing... I plan on calling again Monday or mid-week in order to see if I can get another update.  Who knows, maybe they'll beat me to it and just call me! :D
Always bro, ALWAYS! As for right now though... I'm about to go hit some powder! See y'all on Sunday!

bw said:
Has anyone started on their personal biography?
I have got names, dates, and postal codes for all of my employment and schooling over the past 10 years.  Do you know what other information we will need?

check the CFLRS St-Jean joining instructions.  In there you will find information on what they want you to include in your personal biography.  Someone posted the link to the .pdf file on this thread a little earlier.
IAP joining instructions for St. Jean(PDF)

Here it is again. These are the joining instructions, they will explain everything you need to know. You should also get a hard copy of the most recent joining instructions from your recruiting centre. READ THROUGH IT ALL. Almost all questions you have will be answered in there.
Some of the expectations floored me... I am glad that I was able to get ahold of this in advance.. Getting originals of some of those documents are going to take time...
I didn't see anything about adresses for the last ten years of schools and employers.  It seems familiar but It doesn't seem to be in the joining instructions.

Page 18, and 32.  It doesn't specifically ask for Postal Codes, but they're handy to have just in case.
The instructions are important to read; there are things I saw before that I forgot.