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Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Don't forget its on tonight starts a 9 out west.

edit, well this is the first post that came up on the Pocket when I searched., seems like I missed the boat as timmings have been given on another thread. :salute:
Well from what I heard through the phone line sounded good.  Rudy was impressed and said they did a good job?  Can someone tell me how his interview came off??

Just watched it. I thought it was pretty damn good. It's unfortunate that this battle isn't heard about more in Canada or at the very LEAST mentioned by teachers in our schools. The Battle of the Medak Pocket truly shows the courage the Canadian soldiers had when they could have just turned and left.

It's sad to know that it took 9 years for these soldiers to be recognized.
I thought it was funny that the BFA's were on the rifles during all the combat scenes, but at least they painted them black. Otherwise it was fairly interesting.
Pretty dam accurate as to the countryside etc. I was on the tour before the pocket flaired up but it certanly brought back some memories. Not all happy ones to say the least.
I was impressed. Beats the hell out of the King of Karenja or what ever that cheezy CBC documentary was called in the late 90's
Finished watching it and it was quite a good documentary. I recognized a few faces on the documentary, the one that stuck out the most was one of my instructors for my BMQ course. It was true that during my younger years I have never heard of Medak Pocket. Not until my History 12 teacher taught it to us in my Gr.11 year. The fact that so many people, CF and civilians were unaware of the happenings during that time in Medak, was a shock to me even till this day. I still remember the local newspaper coming out with an article which detailed some of the happenings during Medak and those that were locals here in my home town being awarded the GGC.

The actions of those in 2PPCLI should never be forgotten, and the recognition should be ever lasting.

Just a fun fact, some of the interviews were conducted at the Jericho Garrison Mess.

Rudy did a great job, as did the rest of the troops, Rod's "matter of fact no BS" way of speaking makes me laugh !!!

I was really worried that in typical Cdn TV fashion that they wouldn't do it justice.....I am pleased to say that it was great (apart from the helmets and BFA's). Even the weather in Meaford matched!

I have to say that, that hour took me back to being a  20 year old Cpl in C-Coy. I called up Rob D about 30 seconds after it ended and he was quite happy with it as well. I would go so far as to say that it was better than the CBC documentary.

Raising a glass to all the troops from Roto 2  :cdn:

I am in the process of raising a tankard to those in roto 2 from an old sodd from roto 1
    It was very well done , a good blend of first hand stories and reenactments . I think the Medak story has finally been given justice from a first hand perspective this documentry was flawless , good show .
That totally brought me back to Sept 93 and a lot of old memories. I found out about it by fluke too!!!! I made some life long friends during that tour, some were interviewed in the show. Just because there were no physical casualties doesn't mean there weren't any............anyway I thought it was a good job. I loved the old footage, never seen that before.

Cheers 2VP.

5 Pl, B Coy
Rocketryan said:
If it wasnt for this I would've never heard of the Battle of Medak Pocket
+1. I am kind of embarrassed I never heard of it, even a little bit of it before.
Bad news if you're interested in buying the show on DVD, folks....

According to the History.ca web page FAQ:

Q: Are History Television's programs available to purchase on DVD or VHS?

A: At this time, we have discontinued the Shop section on history.ca. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact us at: Webmaster@history.ca.

milnewstbay said:
Bad news if you're interested in buying the show on DVD, folks....

According to the History.ca web page FAQ:

Q: Are History Television's programs available to purchase on DVD or VHS?

A: At this time, we have discontinued the Shop section on history.ca. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact us at: Webmaster@history.ca.

Wow... Glad I PVR'd it.  Now I have to figure out how to get it from PVR to DVD/VHS... I hate technology.
I was on Roto 1 and remember the first bunch arriving at Polom. I thought it was an interesting documentary.
Noneck - on behalf of Rudy, thanks for the comments - he says "hi buds" too.  I listened to most of it through the field phone and definately know what you mean about Rod.  He's out here in the field with me too, can't miss that voice or laugh anywhere in the camp.  I'm hoping it airs again, the producer told us that it wouldn't be aired until 6 Nov...so it was a bit of a surprise.  I wouldn't have known if I hadn't done my nightly log in here - thanks guys!!

RHFC piper - if you're willing to help a fellow fusilier could I get a copy? I'll pay for the disc and postage etc. 

:salute: to all you guys that served with Rudy and Rod and the rest of them.  I'm very honoured that I'm married to a fine soldier and the other is one of my best friends.  You all did an awesome job as soldiers always do and continue to do.  Thanks guys, love you all :-*

Fusilier said:
RHFC piper - if you're willing to help a fellow fusilier could I get a copy? I'll pay for the disc and postage etc. 

I've been PM'd about a method to extract it from my PVR, but I don't know if it would be a good idea, legally, to distribute copies...  But if it makes its way on to the web as a Torrent file, or on YouTube, I'll post a link...  ;D

Also, I'm thinking of just contacting the production company about getting legal copy... I'm really surprised The History Channel isn't selling copies of their documentaries anymore.  :(    I know the CBC still sells copies directly... you just have to ask.  (is it a CBC production?)
I'll see what I can do.  No promises though... I have to get it off of the PVR first.

If anyone else has a copy to upload...  ;) ;D  (limewire, BitTorrent, Ares, Liveleak, YouTube... take your pick.)
RHFC_piper said:
I've been PM'd about a method to extract it from my PVR, but I don't know if it would be a good idea, legally, to distribute copies...  But if it makes its way on to the web as a Torrent file, or on YouTube, I'll post a link...  ;D  Also, I'm thinking of just contacting the production company about getting legal copy... I'm really surprised The History Channel isn't selling copies of their documentaries anymore.   :(    I know the CBC still sells copies directly... you just have to ask.  (is it a CBC production?)

I missed it, so I was hoping for a DVD as well....

As I read the FAQ a bit further, though, I see some hope:
"Please note that at this time, episodes from the Turning Points of History series are unavailable for purchase from History Television. Please send your video request to Barna-Alper barnaalper@bap.ca 416-979-0676"

Here's the producer's page for the series "Turning Points of History", so it appears appears that the production company is the best go-to, either at the address listed above, or info@bap.ca.  I will drop them a line and share whatever I get back.

Barna-Alper Productions Inc.
366 Adelaide St. West, Suite 700,
Toronto Ontario M5V 1R9
Telephone: 416-979-0676
Fax: 416-979-7476
E-mail: info@bap.ca

Thanks for the link for the Turning points in History producers.  I'll try that, I guess we at least have to try to be legal about it  :)
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