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Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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George Wallace said:
Sorry to break the news to you, but I think it highly unlikely that you, or anyone in the public, media, or government, would have access to any documents listed in the above organizations, that would be CLASSIFIED as SECRET or higher.  Your deductions are totally unfounded.

Now you just contradicted yourself.  You said there was NO SINGLE EVIDENCE, and then said there was "Amog all of these , there is only few  hardly mention the incident...."    Make up your mind.

well first of all, nothing about Medak Pocket is or ever bein SECRET/CLASSIFIED especially after canadians testimoneys solders on National Commitee in Canada. Further more, CANBAT HQ SITREPS are no secret it as well as Final report UN Security Councile on Medak Pocket.
Second, I said there was no evidence on "the battle" as canadians decribed it, only few mentioning minor incident, if you read it carefuly.
further more, as I alredy said to your moderator I have no intention to disclosure my military identity and operations details I participated in, so for you I am just 4. brigade private. And  maybe you dont know but we had number of operations much biger then Medak Pocket over 5 years of war, and we been in more dangerous situations and operations on monthly basis then canadian solder can imagine (no intention to disparage canadian army).
Also, on our forums we gain open minded disccussion even with serb veterans and via verce, hope you will reach that level soon, but I am very suprised by your untolerant reactions on other side point of view on this topic.

hope you will embraced open mind disccusion on this subject if you moderator allows me.
hr1u00 said:
further more, as I alredy said to your moderator I have no intention to disclosure my military identity and operations details I participated in, so for you I am just 4. brigade private. And  maybe you dont know but we had number of operations much biger then Medak Pocket over 5 years of war, and we been in more dangerous situations and operations on monthly basis then canadian solder can imagine (no intention to disparage canadian army).
Also, on our forums we gain open minded disccussion even with serb veterans and via verce, hope you will reach that level soon, but I am very suprised by your untolerant reactions on other side point of view on this topic.

hope you will embraced open mind disccusion on this subject if you moderator allows me.


Can you give us a link to these open files that are not secret?

It would help us to acieve the level of openess that you enjoy on your "Serb Forums".....(is it me or does that seem like an Oxymoron) 

hr1u00 said:
further more, as I alredy said to your moderator I have no intention to disclosure my military identity and operations details I participated in, so for you I am just 4. brigade private. And  maybe you dont know but we had number of operations much biger then Medak Pocket over 5 years of war, and we been in more dangerous situations and operations on monthly basis then canadian solder can imagine (no intention to disparage canadian army).
Also, on our forums we gain open minded disccussion even with serb veterans and via verce, hope you will reach that level soon, but I am very suprised by your untolerant reactions on other side point of view on this topic.

hope you will embraced open mind disccusion on this subject if you moderator allows me.
Shame you can't tell us if you were there at Medak - some of our folks here were there, and it might be interesting to share notes.  Oh well....
hr1u00 said:
but I am very suprised by your untolerant reactions on other side point of view on this topic.

hope you will embraced open mind disccusion on this subject if you moderator allows me.

It seems to me that you are the one who is, as you say, untolerant.

I tend not to tolerate people who attempt to re-write history.
the 48th regulator said:

Can you give us a link to these open files that are not secret?

Yes I can.
Final report on Medak Pocket for UN Security Councile in 1994. http://www.ess.uwe.ac.uk/comexpert/ANX/VII.htm

UNTV 1993 , Canadian Soldiers abot minor firefight with SA, direct and undirect firefight http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/1060016451

UNTV 1993 , Jim Calvin talks about sporadic firefight  and minor , D-Coy officer does not even mention the incident difficulties http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/1060016450,

Jean Cot in final report on action does not saying anything on the incident

John John McGuinnes, Canadian officer.
After question about battle betveen Canada batt. and HV, he said that there was one or two shootouts, but there was no injured.
He also said that decorations were awarded for whole employement in Croatia, not only for participation in Medak pocket activity. (on trial for Medak Pocket in Croatia)

There was no armed conflict between HV and UNPROFOR, although, Croatian side stalled retreat, was been said by ex officer of UNPROFOR Vagn Ove Moebjerg Nielsen during the Rahim Ademi and Mirko Norac trial, for war crimes in Medak pocket 1993.
Despite Canadian claims that their forces fought against Croats in the biggest battle since Korea war, and despite that they decorated whole infantry battalion, there was only one minor incident, said colonel Nielsen, ex military observer. He had taken command of peace corps in ex Krajina in July 1993, and he claims that there was no any fighting.
"When Canadians were positioned in front of Serbian forces, i think it was at 15th september, there was shooting on Canadian by Croat forces before we entered Medak pocket, but during the operation, there was no problem, all went smooth. I think that Croats stopped shooting, when they realised that they were shooting at UN."
Nielsen also said that Canadians were not shooting back, and he remembered that Cro side stalled their retreat, and that they during the first entrance in are did not alow passage, because as they claimed it was too dangerous.

CANBAT SITREP 1993-09-15/ 1600h - 1993-09-16/1600h
„ ..lots of shooting and explosions alogn front line NW to Medak…most of shooting registered as firefights…5 serb arty shells on Croat forces on Debela glava …5 croatian arty shells on Medak (serb HQ is in Medak)…CA shoots heavy machine guns on Medak ….

UNPROFOR daily Report for September 15th :
…both sides, croatian and serb, had SA (small arms) fire on front CANBAT lines. CANBAT returned fire so agressors stoped…no casulaties …

and so on and on...no word about 15 hours of "the battle"

but who were canadians in Medak Pocket. lets see :

Of its 875 soldiers (2PPCLI) , only 375 came from the regular unit: the rest were augmentees, 385 militia citizen soldiers and 165 from other regular force units. In fact, reserve soldiers made up 70% of rifle company strength during the mission due to the requirement for highly skilled and experienced regular soldiers in support and technical trade positions . This includes 7 out of the 12 platoon commanders who came from militia battalions as Reserve Entry Scheme Officers (RESO). Nevertheless the 2 PPCLI Battlegroup in Croatia contained the highest concentration of reserve soldiers on an operational mission to date. There was no time to properly exercise the companies, let alone the whole battalion...No one could know that the 2 PPCLI platoons would be called upon to gel together and go into action as a full battalion.
Alpha and Bravo Companies, arrived in the area (Sector South's Medak Pocket) from Sector West on September 7th 1993. just 48 hours befor Croatian ofensive started.

One Regular Force sergeant from ROTO 2 provided a view from platoon
level: “I had ten personnel in my section, including myself, two of which were Reg Force, seven of which
were reservists. Six of those seven, it was the very first time besides their general military training with the
reserves that they ever encountered any sort of operation with the military. So in actual fact I had civilians in
my section that worked as soldiers with minimal training. And I was only one of many section commanders
with the same responsibility.” Sgt Chris Byrne, testimony to Croatia BOI, 25 November 1999, p.15. ( http://veteranvoice.info/ARCHIVE/...battle" with  9. brigade on their teritory.
can anyone explain me how they could make such tourist photo on top of the row , just 150 meters from enenmy with wich they were engaged in the 15 hours battle ? http://www2.canada.com/vancouversun/photogalleries/template.html?topic=PTSD&g=1
I never saw such thing in my 5 years expirience in war in Croatia and BiH ...
One mor link on my statement there was no "The battle"
book about war in croatia , author is serb general-major from general serb HQ

some one shoul translate it on english, but there is no word abot "the battle" , wich was in front of serb lines according to Jim Calvin
hr1u00 said:
can anyone explain me how they could make such tourist photo on top of the row , just 150 meters from enenmy with wich they were engaged in the 15 hours battle ? http://www2.canada.com/vancouversun/photogalleries/template.html?topic=PTSD&g=1
I never saw such thing in my 5 years expirience in war in Croatia and BiH ...

Yep. They were there. That's how they got a pic. They were there longer than 15 hours too. You sure that pic was taken in the middle of the battle? Or are you flapping your lips again?

You keep telling us you were there. Straight up: were you IN MEDAK during the time period in question? Got a pic to prove it yourself? Because I think you're full of shit. Stop being so evasive and openly answer the specific question that has been put to you more than once now. After all, you're the one claiming that "you" are the one wanting the "open" discussion. Out with it or bugger off and cease the trolling. Please.
one more question,
how is possible that even French Company (CO was Jean Cot son) or French HQ did not report anything similar to incident altough they were in buffer zone too , along with canadians ?
once again picture on trenches was made around 8 o'clock in the morning according to C-Coy . According to Jim Calvin, C-Coy and others battle lasted till 8 o'clock.
How they knew "the battle" is over, and there is no more danger to sit on top of the so called trench, some of them even without helmets with enemy who wants to kill'em all , on 150 meters away ?
hr1u00 said:
one more question,
how is possible that even French Company (CO was Jean Cot son) or French HQ did not report anything similar to incident altough they were in buffer zone too , along with canadians ?
once again picture on trenches was made around 8 o'clock in the morning according to C-Coy . According to Jim Calvin, C-Coy and others battle lasted till 8 o'clock.
How they knew "the battle" is over, and there is no more danger to sit on top of the so called trench, some of them even without helmets with enemy who wants to kill'em all , on 150 meters away ?

No answer eh? That omission confirms that YOU were not in Medak at the time.

That actually answers it; you are a troll and nothing but. Apparently, you can spout insanity off, but only we have to answer questions. Not quite being very open are you?

Piss off.

[set to ignore/]
You've had your chance, hr1u00 - let's see if a bit more silence will help you learn your lesson.

Locked for the moment.

Milnet.ca Staff

Sorry for intruding, and perhaps this is totally out of place, but I promise I will get lost if anyone wants me to.

I am doing a small paper on the Medak Pocket battle, and I was wondering if any Veterans or experts related to this battle exist on this forum. I just wanted to ask a few non-intrusive questions on the Canadian role in this battle, as well as maybe get some interesting facts or details that I might not be able to anywhere else. Trust that I would not use you like Google -- There are tons of other resources out there, but I also know that Wikipedia and a few books can't give you the whole story from the perspective of someone who was actually there.

Thanks!  :cdn:

Some discussions ( in case you have not already read them ) you may find of interest.

The Medak Pocket 

The Ghosts of Medak 

History Television Presents: The Battle of Medak Pocket 


Thank you!

I've looked through the Medak thread already existing on this forum, but I was more specifically looking for key players in the Canadian presence in the battle. I have found a couple names, but not a lot of information of why they are so significant. Specifically, Pvt. Peter LeBlanc, and Sgt. Rod Dearing.

Have you heard of them or any other like them?
Hello, Anna.

That would be Pte Peter LeBlanc. "Pvt" is short for "pervert".

Who are you, and why are you writing this paper? People tend to be a little suspicious of strangers asking questions.
<mod deleted>

A bunch of us from Charlie Coy are heading back this Sept for the 20th anniversary.


Mod note - some people may not want where they work in the open.
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